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SAVING EARTH’S ENDANGERED SPECIES Everything From A Blade Of Grass To A Rhinoceros

Cloverleaf Connection

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            Ariana:  We are receptive to whatever guidance or messages may wish to come through for the entire world. I am experiencing a lot of tingling in my cheeks and I don’t know who it is.  We’ll work with this energy and see what happens.


            New Being:  I am a being of great love and Light here with you this day.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to come forth with a few words from the Pleiades.  Earth is very connected to this energy from a very, very long time ago and now people are beginning to see our craft in the skies occasionally.  I am one who operates such a craft.  Very often I come into the atmosphere of Earth.  Of course there are others upon our ship and it is quite different from anything you could realize – a group energy of sorts.  We enjoy bringing our ships close and having them appear and then disappear, then appear and disappear.  That’s our fun.  (Laughter)


            Evelyn:  It’s ours too, to watch you!  Do you do maneuvers?


            Pleiadian:  Oh yes.  The maneuvers that occur when we are traveling do not go in straight lines as with your linear way of thinking but rather they go more along the lines of energy.  Energy does not travel in a straight line.  It is more circular and therefore our ways with the craft seem quite erratic to your way of thinking but for we, who are inside the craft, we are in the Fifth or Sixth Dimension.  Our bodies are not material as yours are in our normal atmosphere and it is very easy for our bodies.  We don’t even notice the motion that you would consider would almost tear a human being apart.  Of course when we step down into your dimension and materialize, our experience is quite different.


            Evelyn:  That would affect you.


            Pleiadian:  Oh yes.  That is why we do not choose to do it very often.  To do this is very heavy and uncomfortable and my particular reason for coming to the density of your Earth atmosphere is to collect samples and to take them back to the circulating orb which houses them for safe-keeping.  It could be anything from a blade of grass to a rhinoceros. 


            Evelyn:  Oh, it must be like Star Trek! 


            Pleiadian:  Well you see, the people who make up science fiction scenarios often do not realize that their impressions are coming from beings like us. 


When we collect our samples, we do not need to land our ships and go out and scoop a little bit of dirt into a pail and take it into our ship.  We do not need to do this.  We simply visualize what it is that we need and teleport it into our craft.  If it is an animal with a mate, we always take the pair; in fact we prefer to take the pair.  We are, as you may think it, a Noah’s Arc of the air!  (Laughter) 


            Evelyn:  Is your ship large?


            Pleiadian:  My personal craft is not overly large.  It is a hundred yards in diameter perhaps.  With my craft, we transport samples to the orb, which would be comparable in size to your moon.  It was created just for experimental reasons.  I could offer you some insights upon your endangered species.  You can be sure that every single life form on your planet that is endangered, prior to its extinction is looked after.  We take enough of them to the circulating orb so the species will continue.   Someday perhaps some of them will be returned to the Earth but also they would be distributed to other planets.  This has been done since before you can imagine.  This is a universal idea and when we are talking about this particular orb, there is one around the Earth now, so far away you could not see it but there are others in other solar systems and galaxies that perform the same service.  It is actually a giant network of the various life forms that do not have thinking awareness as the human being does but they do have life.  It is a third dimensional idea, of course, because manifestation is different when you get into the Fifth.  You simply imagine and it’s there but the Third is the schoolhouse where you learn from a physical viewpoint. There are many planets out there that are still in the Third Dimension.


The Lion and the Lamb Will Lie Down Together


            Question:  Are the dinosaurs on one of the orbs that came from Earth?


            Pleiadian:  There are many places where these creatures are housed and one of them is this orb, which is around the Earth, this beautiful, beautiful star-ship with all of the life.  There is everything from the teeniest little microbe all the way to the largest whale.  It is all there in total harmony.  When we take them out of the Earth’s atmosphere they do not need third dimensional food.  Therefore, the lion does not have to eat the lamb to survive.  We provide the model for your saying that the lion and the lamb will lay together.  We never take human beings, no never.  This is not anything that we ever do but any other life forms we do take.


Sonya:  What a wonderful mission!  Do you have an area of specialty where you work with the specimens that you gather?


Pleiadian:  That is my service and that is the chosen service of those who are with me.  It is meticulously detailed.  I believe I heard you would like to do that! 


Sonya:  Oooohhhhhhh, yes.


Pleiadian:  Then you can.  Simply affirm that you would like to work with me and you will begin this service on a subconscious level.  In other words, it will occur during your sleep time or when you are in deep meditation.  Your physical body will not go but your subtle bodies will and perhaps through your meditation you will bring some of your adventures back into your memory.  You may wish to send your subtle bodies off in the evening and ask your mental body to go with them so that recall is possible.  How’s that for an invitation?


(Several comments of enthusiasm)  The best I’ve ever received!  Wonderful.  In a spacecraft too!  Great excitement.  I’d love to help in that realm!


Sonya:  Who are you?  Do you have a name?

Pleiadian:  We will give you a name for identification.  We will all meditate so I can push this name through to you.  Any one of you may receive it.


Group:  I get that this is a male energy.  Megasus, Pleiadian Starship Command, something like Pulsar.


Pleiadian:  For your identification, dear ones, it really doesn’t matter what name we use.  I would suggest we go by “Megasus” if that is agreeable to all of you.  It is agreeable to me.  It is not my real name.  We don’t have your language.  That is why I say anything you agree upon would be fine with me so we are simply giving you a tool to work with.  We are not physical so we do not emit a tone and we do not need to call a person by a name.  We go by energy and thought.  The mind.  It is quite a different concept, I realize. 


I do thank you, Sonya, for offering to work with me and while I am speaking to you on a person-to-person basis and with your agreement I would ask which division of our unit you would wish to work under.  We have the large animals, we have the smaller animals, we have birds large and small and there are also insects.  We have the trees, the bushes, the plants and all the life in the waters of your planet.  You can choose your expertise at this time and we will set the wheels in motion, as you may say, to have you in this service. 


Sonya:  Plants – trees…


Megasus:  Thank you.  Very well.  We will work with the vegetation when it comes to your service.  Do I hear anybody else that would love to work with me? 


Evelyn:  That’s a lovely gift.


            Comment:  I’d love to work with the small animals.  They all get along together, even the skunks.  That’s wonderful!


Megasus:  All right, you will also work with me during your nighttime experiences.  Very well.  It will be the small animals for you.  Thank you very much.


Bill:  Is this a recruiting mission?  (Laughter!)


Megasus:  It is actually a mind expansion.  (Various comments of delighted interest in the background.)  Thank you dear ones.  It has been a real pleasure to speak with you this way.  Do you have any other comments or questions as we hold the energy within this channel?


Subconscious Night Time Service


            Question: Is it my energy that goes to the spacecraft to do this service during sleep time?  Will my energy leave the body and join the Megasus energy?


            Megasus:  It is a part of your energy that releases whenever you are in a deep meditation or a sleep.  It is not a part of you that you are aware of normally.  That is why I suggested that you train yourself to take your mental body with you so you can bring back some recall.  Your recall will be as a dream.  With your intention you can remember your dreams. 


            Comment:  I’m looking forward to working with you and the small animals.  Do I need to put protection around me before I go to sleep?


Megasus:  Just as you would normally.  That is enough.


            Megasus:  It is a joyful service.  Now may I expand your minds a little further?  While you are working with me on the starship with the vegetation and the small animals, other parts of you are off learning other things in the universe while you sleep.  Do you understand that beings in the higher dimensions can duplicate themselves?  You are beginning to understand that you on Earth, even though you are in a physical body, are also duplicating yourselves because as you sleep other parts of you are out in other areas doing your good works.  You actually have your seven-body system that you know of, if you think in linear ways.  With your intention, you can duplicate yourselves even more than that.  Without your intention or knowing anything at all about metaphysics, your bodies are out doing their good works.  Even if it is the meanest criminal he is still on his pathway to the Light and his subtle bodies are out doing service.  He is simply on Earth taking lessons for a time.  Little does he know what is really happening with him on subtle levels!


            Question: Is that why we have sleep on Earth so we can still keep working in other parts of the Universe?


            Megasus:  It is definitely one of the reasons, as well as to rejuvenate the body.


            Evelyn:  If one is doing something that doesn’t need a lot of attention, I have a feeling that part of me is not there.


            Megasus:  This is so because you are in the alpha state and it is from the alpha state that your bodies can go into finer dimensions.  Yes.  That is the reason why, for example, when you are doing dishes and you have a lot to do, your mind can wander.  If you are receptive, you can receive information at that time from your guidance.  The highway opens up for your subtle bodies to leave or for information to come through.  Remember, if you ask you will receive.


            I am at your service at this time, through this channel and will be happy to respond to your queries.  My love is with you.


            Evelyn:  Is this a one-time invitation? 


            Sonya:  From your perspective, can you give us any input on how the photon belt is impacting our solar system?


            Megasus:  It is impacting the entire galaxy and therefore it also impacts our activities, yet because it is energy more of the Third Dimension, it will not be any significant problem for us with our starships and service.  Our craft will be just fine and they will continue their mission.  (Laughter)  The small animal of the house just came up and sat on my knee!

Evelyn:  Do you work with all species from Earth?


Megasus:  Yes, all species and there are so many life forms that you do not have on your planet that we work with as well.  Just as I mentioned, you can duplicate yourselves, I can also duplicate myself many times and so in this duplication, which we call “projections”, I work in very many areas of the solar system, galaxy and Universe.  (A collective WOW!)


Evelyn:  Are you aware of what you are up to at all times with the mission of each one of your projections?


Megasus:  Indeed so, for all of our projections are under the control of our central soul energy, which could be likened to a highly sophisticated computer, except that it is more powerful than any electronic device that has been invented to date in physical form.


Thinking Beyond our Physical Existence


We will return to your question, “Is this a one-time invitation?”  (Giggles from the peanut gallery.)  This is definitely not a one-time invitation.  Now that we have brought this information through to your Third Dimension, know that this invitation can go to anybody who listens to this tape or reads these words.  This is a wondrous need in the Universe that is perpetual and the person who wishes to join us needs only to give their intention.  Many of you are already working with us and don’t know it, including this channel.


Question: How many workers in service are there on your craft at one time?


Megasus:  This varies greatly because beings of service teleport back and forth so there is a constant reshuffling as to the need.  Then of course human beings are teleporting to our craft during your night experiences as well.  Here again, we do not count as you do and you could put seventeen of our beings into a small vehicle whereas in your way of thinking there would only be space for two or three. Space uses a different law of physics here. We are working more with energy and love than with people.  It is quite different.


More Details about the Pleiadian Rescue Mission


Comment: While we are awake on our side of the planet, some other areas must have people teleporting in their sleeping hours, so I am supposing that you would always have people from Earth there helping you in their subtle bodies.


Megasus: Yes, always.  We use more of our own Pleiadian beings than we use the assistance of human beings. 


Comment: I accept the invitation.  It’s an honor to be asked to join this craft on this loving, caring mission of helping all life but particularly, in my case, the small animals.  They are so filled with unconditional love and forgiveness.  They give us great lessons on planet Earth. It would be good if more people would heed what the animals have to share.


Megasus:  Indeed so.  Our mission also includes the ocean life, the lakes and the vegetation within water.


Evelyn:  So where you take them must be a replica of Earth yet it includes something from all the other planets.


Question: How far away do you have to be from the animal at the time that they are taken from planet Earth?  Can you teleport them from a long distance?  (Megasus:  Yes!)


Question: And do you take their spiritual aspects and can they still reproduce?


Megasus:  Yes you may call it this and they can still reproduce.


Question: That’s quite interesting.  Do we reproduce on the other side after death?


Megasus:  It is a different process.


Evelyn:  Oh, another question.  If you took a large tree, would it also be large there?


Megasus:   (Giggling) I would say the answer is in the question. 


I will give you some idea of how you would work with us.  Because our ship is out of your sight when we do this work – it is far away in your linear time – we work with you through your mind and your interests.  It is this way.  If we were working with Sonya on vegetation and there was a very beautiful pansy in your yard and you were tending it with very tender loving care, putting a lot of attention on it, then that impression would still be in your mind when you go to sleep, although it is subconscious.  We tune in to your subconscious and we can receive the exact impression of the pansy plant and teleport it into our ships.  The human being is kind of like a conduit.  Therefore, we can only work with people who really appreciate nature, who would put a lot of love into a varied selection of plants or animals.  This could also be done through pictures.  If you were looking at a geographical magazine that had a lot of animal pictures and these get put into your subconscious, we can use them when you are asleep in the evening.  It could be a picture or it could be real life but it is your feeling of love and appreciation of the life within that form that we work with. As I said, it isn’t as though we go and pick a blade of grass.  You, of the Earth are the conduits that assist us with this mission.


Question:  Do I send that to you or do you just pick it up when I meditate or sleep?


Megasus:  This is your work, to love and enjoy nature and from this we do our work.  They are all of love that work with me.  This, I believe, is new information for your planet and I am pleased to be able to bring it forth.


Evelyn:  This is exciting.  We are learning how other realms do their service.  You must be very busy.


Megasus:  Busyness is a third dimensional concept.


Evelyn:  Yes, I can understand that.  When you love something you don’t seem busy, as we call it.  You just enjoy.  Thank you for that!


Bill:  Is there a place from where we’re doing this projecting? 


Megasus:  From your bed!  (Hilarious laughter!) 


Bill:  In your case, you don’t have a bed. 


Megasus:  I have enjoyed being with you very much.  Our sharing has been joyful.  I hope you will remember my energy and my love when you think of me.  I will see you all some evening – all of you who wish to work with me through the love of Mother Nature.


Various Comments of Gratitude:  Thank you, thank you.  Wasn’t that beautiful! 


Megasus:  So be it and thank you.  I am Megasus.  Thank you for my Earth name. 


Megasus was channeled by Ariana Sheran

                                                                                Retreat of the Roses

                                                            July 2, 1995

                                                            Tape #446


Cloverleaf Connection

            138 Sturgeon Drive

            Saskatoon, SK Canada S7K 4B3

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PRESENT:  Ariana, Bill, Carol, Evelyn, Jim, Sonya








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