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 ----- Original Message -----
From: A&CM
Sent: Sunday, November 01, 2009 4:35 AM
Subject: To All Lightworkers: A Note About What We Can Do...
Phoenix Journal #5, page 83,  gives information about what we can do to stop the machinery of the Dark Brotherhood. We have the power, the authority, and the right with sincere intent to command souless entities built for evil purpose to cease to exist.  Hatonn refers to these ones as Gremlins.  This right can be exercised where and when necessary so that Goodness will prevail here upon Earth Shan in the time we have left.

In the Name of Creator God Aton, in the Name of Esu Immanuel Sananda, We command and order that all souless entities built by the Dark Brotherhood for selfish purposes of evil intent  placed upon Earth Shan be made to cease from existence, here and now,  immediately,  especially all of those working to block and stop Truth, and especially all those attempting to stop the delivery of trigger packages, the announcements for reforms, the opening of the suitcases, and the ultimate success of the True NESARA.  In the One Light of Creator Source,  It Is Done!

In Love and Light,


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer

      TO:  A

DATE:  Nov. 1, 2009


Dear A&CM

    We totally agree and support this petition fully through the Power of our Spirit. 

                            In Love and Light,

                            Anne and Patrick Bellringer




So, now some things to look out for.  The DBBs utilize  the creation of robot-like entities at the etheric level, programmed to directly interfere with reality.  For example, if the DB wishes to delay the publication of a book, they could send such entities to the location where the actual printing is to take place, after programming them to cause break-downs and mistakes during the printing process.  Mostly they will utilize thought pattern input to cause ones performing tasks to cause disruption or breakdowns.  You may run into that very thing with these publications for the press prints some pretty low vibration material.


In order to create robots of the kind mentioned, the DBBs must actually donate a part of their own essence.  When the job is completed, the essences are re-absorbed back into those who donated them.  However, if the material going to create the robots should be destroyed by means known to certain seekers, before reabsorption can take place, then the re-combining cannot occur and the contributing DBB’s permanently lose the respective parts that sustained the destroyed etheric robots.  I trust you understand that etheric means invisible to the human consciousness.



The technique for destroying such etheric entities is to com­mand them, in the name of Jesus Christ, to disap­pear and to cease to exist.  In the name of Immanuel Christ, or Sananda, or Creator, or, or, or is quite as sufficient.  It is that for so long now, the term Jesus has been accepted that the name is most distasteful to the DBB’s.  It is, further, not sufficient to or­der them simply to depart as that does not entail disinte­gration of the entity, only departure.


This is where you get the saying, “There are gremlins in the ma­chinery,” if a machine keeps breaking down.


There are also good little fairies so I do not wish to be lopsided.  However, grem­lins serve a very definite purpose and, brothers, those particu­lar entities are originated on the dark side.


The DBBs can also manipulate many of the currents and elemen­tary forces which are most attuned to them in vi­bration.  For exam­ple, although the el­ement “fire” is a great purifying power on the Earth plane, it is also attuned to the notion of karma, the trial by fire, and the destruction of that which is con­sumed.  Especially when the fire is burning coal (coming from the dark­ness beneath the surface of the Earth) the DBB’s are en­abled to manipulate it to their own ends.  We should empha­size that such use of fire cannot be allowed to be kept outside of that called for in a karmic aspect, but the karmic burden of the race as a whole is still so great that the DB has great latitude in terms of how they may wish to use this elemental force.


Another process at work in relation to fire is the man­ner in which human beings provide the energies which manifest in many of the fires which destroy property.  Fire is the phe­nomenon which most closely corresponds to rage and anger.


These connections of fire with anger are no accident.  When any two persons indulge in a fierce argument, with much shouting and anger, but without giv­ing full vent to the anger in a phys­ical way, there is created at the etheric level a seething cloud of fire-like energy which seeks expression on the Earth plane.  If it can­not find expression in violence between the two persons who created it, then it will, given the right cir­cumstances, re­lease it­self in a de­structive fire.  Of course, some spark must be present to allow the fire to be­gin, but once it is initiated its full fury will man­ifest.  If that type of energy is stored within, make sure you cleanse it with spiri­tual water, brothers.