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From: Rocky Montana
To: Patrick H. Bellringer
Sent: Saturday, August 22, 2009 1:30 PM




 August 22, 2009 

 Rocky Montana

 There are some 300 modern-day bibles (termed New Testament) being used in the world today, none of which are 100% accurate in their accounts of the birth, life, teachings and death of Jmmanuel (mistakenly labeled, Jesus, Jesus Christ, and Christ, etc.).  This is not to say there are not truths in these bibles.  It is just that the truth has been falsified unwittingly and by design over the centuries.  Mistranslation were created and carried forth by scribes in the translating from one language to another as well as deliberate changes made by so-called scholars in order to fool the masses of Christians for control and personal gain.

For instance, there were originally 28 different gospels. Only four made it into most of our modern-day bibles; Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.  At the Counsel of Jerusalem, convened by the remaining Apostles in approximately the year 50 A.D., Paul, (who was never a disciple of Jmmanuel, but a self-proclaimed apostle; whose actual name was Saul of Tarsus; and who was the first persecutor of Christians and sworn enemy of Jmmanuel) no doubt, pressured the First Church of Jerusalem to accept his "religious" writings (not Jmmanuel's teachings) into the church doctrine.  And at the first Counsel of Nicaea, convened by Roman Emperor Constantine in 325 A.D., political pressures were brought to bear where other false doctrines were voted into Christian Doctrine and disliked facts were voted out.  King James also created his version of the Christian bible to suit his own personal and political ambitions. Although items were changed, added and removed, our modern-day bibles still have valid information and are important reference books, however, they should be read with discernment.

Fast forward now to the 20th century.  The true account of the physical birth, life, teachings and death of Jmmanuel (or Immanuel) over 2000 years ago has been available to the English speaking world since the publication of the first edition of the Phoenix Journal, AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME JMMANUEL (1989).  Our Father God promised that man shall be given the Word of Truth before the ending of the great cycle.  He promised it would go forth unto every corner of the planet and so it has.  Jmmanuel said over 2000 years ago that there is no untruth that shall not be denounced as a lie, and that there is nothing hidden that shall not become evident.

In order to fulfill Father God's and Jmmanuel's prophetic words, the Messengers (Hosts) of God and their ground crew gave humanity Phoenix Journal, AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME JMMANUEL, the true account of the birth, life, teachings and death of Jmmanuel so that mankind may know the truth of how it was, thereby uncovering the untruths created over the centuries, and so that mankind may know its true heritage. This Phoenix Journal was transmitted over high impulse, short-wave from the author, Esu Immanuel Sananda and his disciple, scribe and good friend, Judas Iscariot to the main receiver of the Phoenix Journals, Doris Ekker (Dharma).  The third edition of this Phoenix Journal was published in 1993 by Phoenix Source Publishers, Inc,

Half way around the world, the Aramaic script written by Judas Iscariot, the disciple and good friend of Jmmanuel, was unearthed in 1963 in the burial cave of Jmmanuel by Eduard Albert "Billy" Meier.  It was translated into German by both Isa Raschid and Billy Meier, and later translated into English by Julie H. Ziegler and B. L. Greene. The small paperback book is labeled The Talmud of Jmmanuel, and was published in 1992 by Wild flower Press.

The content of the two books are virtually identical.  There are additional details of the life of Jmmanuel in the Phoenix Journal, AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME JMMANUEL.  Not unlike all truth-bringers of all ages on Earth-Shan, both Doris Ekker and Billy Meier suffered the slings and arrows from the evil ones who always effort to keep the status quo.  I honor and thank these daring truth-bringers in their sacrifices as emissaries of the Great Ones who have forever brought truth and balance to our world.  Both books are available for reading, on-line, at

Jmmanuel said that when he returns to Earth after 2000 years, he will be known by a new name. "Sananda" is Immanuel's new name for his current Earth mission and is an ancient Sanskrit word meaning, "One with God".

Below are a few excerpts from the book, The Talmud of Jmmanuel.

"In 1963 the text presented in this book was discovered by Eduard Albert (Billy) Meier in the form of scrolls encased in preservative resin, after a Greek Catholic priest by the name of Isa Rashid discovered the actual burial cave of Jmmanuel. Written in the literary language of Old Aramaic, the document was buried under a flat rock in the tomb.

"The author of the scrolls was a contemporary and disciple of Jmmanuel who was known by the name of Judas Iscarioth.  For over 2000 years, Judas has been wrongly denounced as the traitor of Jmmanuel although he had nothing to do with the betrayal.  The deed was actually carried out by Juda Iharioth, the son of a Pharisee.  This and other lies were added to the books Henock and Jezihra, among others, and removed from the Bible because they had been too close to the truth.

"Jmmanuel was the son of Joseph of Jacob, the distant descendant of David, who was a descendant of Abraham, whose lineage traces back to Adam, the father of the Earth's human races.  Adam was begotten by Semjasa, the leader of the celestial sons who were the guardian angels of god, the great ruler of the distant travelers.

"Semjasa, together with a terrestrial woman, begot Adam, the father of the white human race.  Adam took himself an earth wife and begot Seth." Some commonly known and important names from this lineage are Enoch, Daniel, Noah, Sem, Abraham, Jacob, David, Solomon, Jacob and Joseph.

"Joseph was the husband of Mary, the mother of Jmmanuel, who became pregnant by a distant descendant of the celestial son, Rasiel, who was the guardian angel of the secret.

"When Joseph heard of Mary's secret impregnation by a descendant of the celestial sons, from the lineage of Rasiel, behold, he was filled with wrath and thought of leaving Mary, before he would be married to her in front of the people.

"While Joseph was thinking in this manner, behold, a guardian angel, sent by the celestial son, Gabriel, who had impregnated Mary, appeared and said,

"Joseph, Mary is betrothed to you and you are her consort; do not leave her, because the fruit of her womb is chosen for a great purpose. Marry her in all candor, so that you may be husband and wife before the people.

"Behold, the impregnation of Mary occurred eleven thousand years after the procreation of Adam through the celestial son, Semjasa, to fulfill the word of god, the ruler of those who traveled from afar, who said through the prophet Isaiah.

"Behold, a virgin will be impregnated by a celestial son before she is married to a man before the people.

"They will name the fruit of her womb, Jmmanuel, which translated means 'the one with godly knowledge, ' as a symbol of honor to god, whose power and providential care the earth was made to bear intelligent human life, through the pairing of the women of earth with the celestial sons, the distant travelers of the universe.'

"Behold, god and his followers came from the depths of space, delivering themselves from a strong bondage and creating a new race and home with the early women of this earth.

"God deserves the honor of people of earth, for behold: He is the true originator of the white and the colored human races of Earth, and to him honor should be given"....


Below are a few excerpts from AND THEY CALLED HIS NAME JMMANUEL.


"As Jmmanuel finished this discourse to the ones gathered with him, a man named Saul came to him and said, "You are preaching heresy and it appears strange to me.  It appears most stupid and your spirit seems greatly confused."

"Jmmanuel responded with irritation, "How can you tell me that I am confused in spirit whereas it is you who are completely confused in spirit?

"Verily I say to you, Saul, you are persecuting me as well as my disciples because of my teaching, but you will change your mind, my friend.

"From now on you shall be named Paul and travel in all different directions, and you shall have to suffer greatly for having called my teaching heresy and my spirit confused.  You will heap upon your back a great, great burden, for in your lack of understanding and foolishness, you will misunderstand my teachings and therefore, teach falsely. Your speech will be confused; and the people all over the world will be in bondage to your false word and slaves unto it, and will worship the doctrine of lies which you will put forth unto them.  You will not even be in the knowledge of that which you do, but in the ending ye shall be required to rectify that which you shall perpetrate in this time.

"You will place the entire land of the Greek in bondage to an evil cult with your false teachings, thus you will call me in their language "the anointed".  It will be the fault of your ignorance that they will call me JESUS CHRIST, which means "the anointed".

My name is Jmmanuel, "God among us" and ye shall be responsible for thousands of generations to be in false knowledge.

"Further, it will rest on thy back, in thy ignorance, that the name of JESUS will be used falsely and in that name, human blood will be shed--so much will be shed that it cannot be contained in all the now existing containers.  So be it, Paul, for it shall come to pass..."

"Jmmanuel was furious, seized a stick and chased him away.

But then Saul joined with Juda Iharioth, the son of the Pharisee, and counseled about how best they could seize Jmmanuel so that they could turn him over to the persecutors, for his thoughts were filled with revenge and hostility."


"My traitor will be Juda Iharioth, the son of the Pharisee, for his mind is interested only in gold, silver, material goods and chattels.

"He shall betray me for thirty pieces of silver, for he is misled, for he has been so taught by his father, in avarice and greed.

"His joy in the pieces of silver, however, will be most short lived, for he is most fickle and unsteady, and will soon be filled with overwhelming remorse for his actions."


Upon the cross..."Jmmanuel fell into a deep coma from which there appeared no breath for I breathed for him, nor was there motion of any sign from his physicalness.  The cruel mockers thought him dead.  A soldier took a lance and pierced his loins to see whether or not Jmmanuel was dead.  From the wound came blood mixed with water as is the case in a person who is dead or half dead from blood stagnation in a hanging stance.  Since the soldier was sure Jmmanuel was dead, he informed the other thereof.  They were all astonished, for it was most unusual that one crucified would die so quickly.

"However, among them was one man, Joseph of Arimathea, who was a follower of Jmmanuel.  He watched Jmmanuel closely and knew Jmmanuel was only deeply comatose for I spoke unto him.  He told no one.  He went quickly into the city and to Pilate and asked for the body of Jmmanuel so that he could bury him.  Pilate ordered that Jmmanuel's body was to be turned over to Joseph for he wanted the entire circumstance quieted.

"Many then came with Joseph and they took Jmmanuel off the cross, and Joseph wrapped the body into a pure flaxen shroud which he had prepared prior and which would ultimately reflect the image of Jmmanuel.  Then Joseph, and those with him, carried the body the long way to Jerusalem and placed him outside of the city into his own tomb, which he had cut into a rock for his own burial place.

"Joseph of Arimathea searched, and found, Jmmanuel's friends for India and went back with them to the tomb; they went back to Jmmanuel through a second entrance, which was a secret passage, and nursed him for three days and three nights, so that he was soon somewhat recovered that he would have strength restored.

"On the third day Jmmanuel was strong enough to stand and walk.


"Those things that happened in India in those ancient days of two thousand years ago are not the level of importance as is that which we have just given unto you.

"He publicly married and had several children.  I traveled with him into our old, old age.  I passed from your plane in about my ninetieth year, the Master Jmmanuel in well above his one hundredth year.  After leaving the area around Judea and traveling into India, we continued to travel the width and breadth of those countries in that geographic location.  He spent much of his time in North India with myself, his mother, Mary, and his brother, Thomas. We were caused to be in flight most of the time for Jmmanuel was considered to be a revolutionary.

"It was in the north near the last of the mountains of the Himalayan Mountains in the western area known as West Pakistan, that Mary became severely ill and passed from this plane.  Jmmanuel was in his last years of his third decade at that time.

" After the death of Mary we moved on and passed into Kashmir and we traveled long in what you now refer to as Afghanistan and West Pakistan.  About a dozen Israeli tribes had migrated from Israel and settled in that location.

"Jmmanuel put his family roots in Srinagar, in Kasmir, India and all his travels since that time were to and from that place.  Jmmanuel was buried in Srinagar when his life human journey ended.  I too was laid to death near that place.

"Jmmanuel's first born son, Joseph, continued to write Jmmanuel's story after my passing and left India only after Jmmanuel's passing.  He, too, traveled about the lands for several years but then returned to his father's land and settled in Jerusalem for his remaining life span.  Joseph tended the scrolls after my death and added his portions.  As he grew elderly he sought a safe place for their keeping and subsequently buried them within Jmmanuel's tomb where he originally was lain. These artifacts were discovered at the direct instructions of ones from these realms.

[End quoting]