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Temptation. Failure. Determination. Victory.

Brother G

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All of us have Habits, Thoughts or Behaviors that harm ourselves and/or others. All of us want to get rid of these Habits, Thoughts or Behaviors. We try, we fail, we try, we fail. We give up and give in to living under the Bondage of these Habits, Thoughs and Behaviors.

If there is one thing that I would like you to take away from viewing this blog is the forgotten and suppressed FACT that WE WILL DO ANYTHING WE DESIRE TO DO. The key words in that sentence are Will and Desire. You can Desire something, but without the Will to accompany that Desire, whatever it is that you wish to bring to life will simply remain a "want". On the other hand, you can have the Will to do something, but if you don't truly Desire that Object, you will be driven to obtain Something you never really wanted and cannot benefit from.

When Will and Desire are united towards one focused Goal, you will then have the ingredients necessary to accomplish whatever it is you wish. Simplistic nonsense, you say? Well...simple? Yes. Nonsense? No. We have to stop selling ourselves short. We have to stop thinking that we are weak and helpless failures. We are not. WE stop ourselves! WE fail to believe in ourselves! WE give up on ourselves! WE have to overcome these self-imposed Limitiations.


Every day we are tempted to do things that, in our Deepest Heart, we know that we should not do. Everyday we are confronted with that Moment of Choice, and more often than not, we choose the Habit, Thought or Behavior that is most familiar and comforting to us. For example:

A man is an alcoholic. He knows that this Behavior is not good for him. He knows it because he can Feel his Body telling him this. Every day, he drinks, falls asleep and wakes up feeling lousy. In the throes of his lousiness, he then vows that he will never drink again. Hours pass, night falls, and our friend finds himself once again in front of a bottle. Why? Why?


Each of us have built-in weaknesses. These weaknesses were designed by us to protect us from certain aspects of this physical "Reality". Unfortunately, these weaknesses can reult in harm to ourselves and others. Until we learn to HONESTLY confront our Weaknesses and the Habits, Thoughts and Behaviors they spawn, we will go through this Physical Illusion being led by the Illusions of Wrong Thinking.


So, our alcoholic brother fails. And fails. And fails again. He drinks even though he knows that he doesn't want to. All the while, deep within him, he KNOWS that he wants to Stop. He has a DESIRE that is not being matched with a corresponding WILL. This mix can lead to repeated failure, which can lead to Frustration and Surrender, unless our friend holds tightly to the following:


Don't Give Up. He, you and I must NEVER give up. There's an old auto racing phrase, something to the effect of "If you're about to crash, and you see a wall ahead, keep driving. Keep driving until you hit the wall.". What this means is that we shouldn't quit. That until it's over, it's not over. We may find our way out of situations even if it takes us up to the very last minute. But if we quit, we'll never succeed.


I'm here to tell you that I've had my share of Negative Habits, Thoughts and Behaviors. I''ve gotten rid of most of them, I'm still working on a couple. Do you know how I did it?


When I failed, I didn't give up on myself. Our Habits, Thoughts and Behaviors took many years to Build. Depending on our level of Determination, it may take us as long to get rid of them. "Failure" is part of that process. Whether we Succeed or not depends on how we View our Failures.

So, whether it's Liquor, or Sex, or Food, or Drugs, or Violence, or Domination, or Self-Hate, or Animosity towards others, remember that THESE ARE NOT THINGS OF THE SPIRIT/SOUL. THESE ARE HUMAN BEHAVIORS THAT WE ADOPTED FOR OUR LEARNING EXPERIENCE. When the Time comes that you are ready to End these Behaviors, it is a Sign that your Spirit/Soul has learned all that it can from these Behaviors and is ready to Release them.

That Message must be transmitted from our SPIRITUAL MIND to our PHYSICAL BRAIN. This is where we have the problem of following through on our Desires. Therefore, listen closely to your Spiritual Self. Hear the Voice of the Silence. Listen to "the real you" and continue to Try.



All Love,

~~ G