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A MATTER OF BLACK & WHITE ! - There should be no shades of grey only right and wrong.

Linda Hunnitcutt

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Our country has become a wimpering simpering mass of people who never see what is right or wrong only what they want to see or have been brainwashed into seeing. There is always a excuse for wrong doing, always a reason, always a group that will stand up for wrong doers. Perhaps the person was abused as a child which makes him exempt from right and wrong? Perhaps this person was under the influence of drugs or alcohol? Perhaps they were a minority and being oppressed by the majority?

What happened to personal responsibility for actions? What happened to personal self respect? What happened to integrity? What happened to our Pride?

I think I will just go out and rob, steal, lie and cheat to gain personal possessions and when caught just say I am old, I am senile, I didn't realize what I was doing, go to court, make the right impression of a old lady addled and helpless against my desires to be satisfied and fullfilled with everything I want and deserve. I will of course have a court supplied attorney that is liberally orientated to plead my case and insure the jury knows how pitiful my life has been and I am not responsible for my actions. The jury 9 times out of 10 will give me a slap on the wrist and off I will go with all my stolen property with a clean slate. Perhaps the court will see to it that I am put on some sort of pension to supply my needs so I won't have to steal any longer? Maybe even put me into a rehabilitation program ( paid for by you of course) Let the tax payers pay to keep me honest? Let the tax payers pay to supply my needs because I am too lazy to work?

Yes that sounds fair to me. Isn't that what we are supposed to be doing, helping the poor wretches who are just too dibilitated by the unjustice of life to function as a adult with morals and respect for their fellow humans?

This method of thinking has pervaded our whole system and now not only provides excuses for the poor and uneducated and down trodden but also applies to the extremely rich and greedy that rule our country now.

As a proud person I was taught never to beg, never to steal and if I wanted something work for it. I was taught that people walk upright and have respect for themselves, never groveling at the feet of any one. What happened to Self Esteem? There is none. Even the children are taught that they must be fair, every one is equal, they aren't allowed to play the everyday games we used to play because some will win and some will lose and there can never be a loser, it lowers the loser's self esteem? How in the hell can you build self esteem if you are guaranteed a win with no chance of loss? Isn't that what makes strong people with a sense of self esteem? If you never lose how can you know the joy of winning every now and then? Even Dodge Ball is banned from the play ground now because some kids will be targeted ? I was usually the one that was targeted in this game and often got hit with the ball but I learned to duck, dodge and sometimes even won. What a powerful feeling that was. How do our kids today learn when they can't even be left behind for not learning their lessons? Doesn't that make them lazy and knowing they don't have to learn as they will be promoted along with everyone else anyway?

What is wrong with us ?

When my son was young he was a handful, slamming doors, running in the house, loud, always into something, but being a dumb parent I thought that was what little boys did? I didn't run to the doctor and put him on a drug to inhibit his natural energy, he didn't sit for hours in front of a tv in a stupor either, he was out side building forts, playing ball, fighting with his friends, getting skinned knees and getting a bloody nose on more than one occasion. He rode his bike without all the safety gear, yes he got bumps, bruises and learned quickly not to do some things or else he would be hurt. He slept with his nasty dog, ate with dirty hands, wiped his nose on his sleeve and kept on going. He ran barefooted in the yard, ate fruit off the trees and never washed it, pulled onions from the garden and ate them then ran to the house and wanted to give me a kiss so I could smell his nasty breath.. it was all part of having a little boy. He is now a grown man 53 yrs old with grandchildren who are encouraged to do much as he did as a kid.

People worry about gun control, and so do I but we are being robbed without the use of a gun. Right under our noses every day we are being bled like a butchered hog. Hanging and bleeding out our wealth, our hard earned possessions our common sense, our self esteem to those who connive, lie, sneak around like snakes in the grass and smile at our face with such a look of innocence and caring for our country. We keep on electing them year after year. When will we open our eyes? When will we refuse to be politically correct and demand punishment for the criminals with no more excuses?

Every single Senator, Congressman/woman should have to face a board of inquiry made up of citizens and answer for every single vote they have cast, every bill they sponsored and be punished for any that are treasonous, un Constitutional, do not benefit the people but benefit the corporations and politicians themselves. They should be stripped of their wealth and have it returned to the people who gave them the chance to so openly steal, plunder and rape the country, people who trusted them, put their faith in them. NO EXCUSES... No explanations like "I DIDN'T HAVE TIME TO READ THE BILL" etc. Just a quick judgement of what was right and what was wrong according to our Laws set forth by the Constitution. No appeals just swift punishment and complete stripping of their bank accounts and personal holdings. Let them start from the bottom again and earn their keep as in work for it like the rest of us do. The only retirement they should be receiving is the same as the masses, Social Security, no publicly paid pension fund to keep them in luxury for the rest of their lives, a reward for stealing, lying and being a tick gorging itself on the backs of the people. We are paying dearly to make sure these people are rewarded for being the scum of the world, lechers, leaches and low life thieves of the public trust.

There are so many new laws being set forth that will allow even more control over "We The People" that we may lose the very few freedoms we still have left. With corporations having a monopoly on most items that we use daily how can we survive as a nation of free men and women? We can't. We will bow in submission to the giant corporations and our elected officials are guaranteeing this will happen while being paid royally by the Lobbists representing these giants.

If people let government decide what foods they eat and what medicines they take, their bodies will soon be in as sorry a state as are the souls of those who live under tyranny. (Jefferson)

This is exactly what is happening with the legislation that is being presented now. HR875 ! Michael Taylor ( a Monsanto employee) will be named Food Safety Tsar in the proposed Food Safety Administration. ( Does the word Tsar ring any bells with you? Is that a American title?)

This bill will make it a crime to have seed banks other than Monsanto's. It would make it mandatory that 24 hour GPS tracking of farm animals and impose industrial standards on small private farmers. Don't for a moment think this will exclude you the back yard farmer. Every chicken, every rabbit, goose, goat etc will be chipped and your premise have a governmental Premisis ID. You will report every time you kill a chicken for Sunday dinner, every time your child takes the family pony on a ride off of your property, you will report and pay for doing so each time. You will buy a program from the government to have the opportunity of doing this. You will also be able to pay outrageous fines for not reporting every time a animal dies, escapes, is taken to a vet, goes for a ride etc etc. You will also be paying for the thousands of Federal Employees that will be needed to monitor these reports.

Monsanto already is modifying seeds so they will not reproduce making seed saving a thing of the past. With this bill it will become a crime to grow your own garden if it does not meet the standards imposed on the farmer by some government appointed know nothing air headed bureaucrat. Read the bill. Our elected officials have not read it or are openly committing treason and beheading the populace openly and blatantly. Killing our small farmers, killing all of the road side fruit and vegetable stands, killing the farmers markets where many people buy their produce and many small producers make their livings.

It goes back to Black and White.. What is right and what is wrong.. How hard is that to understand? The people in office don't care, don't think about anything but what will put even more power and money in their hands.

Does anyone remember what tar and feathers are for?

Isn't it time to start using them again?

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Granny Warriors are on the War Path Again !