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-From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Tuesday, March 31, 2009 10:43 AM
Subject: 999...
In one of the Tuella books, it says that 999 is the number of the Masters. That's why the Illuminati/bad guys wanted to scare people away from it. Being a Master means that you have mastered yourself, that you have learned how to love and serve others. That in turn means that your bodily vibration is high enough to be lifted up in the last days. That you have love in your aura.

When Jesus said; "Love others as you love yourself." It was his most important commandment, to learn how to love. When you can love, without strings, boundaries, exceptions, then you have done the best thing you can do for yourself. Because by loving and serving others unselfishly, you have raised your bodily vibration and saved yourself. It is pure Science. You simply cannot love others without loving yourself at the same time!

LOVE is the most powerful force in the Universe. Love is the positive side to the Universe and all the love based emotions are involved; compassion, understanding, generosity, sharing, caring, honesty, giving, happiness, serving, etc.

Whatever you do to others will come back to you threefold, so make sure you always do good to others! That's just common sense! It's also a Universal Law.

Think about it!! Everything you do, think and say comes back to you 3fold. So make sure everything is love and you are loving yourself.