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How To Spiritually Collaborate with the World You Attract

Dieter Braun - Indian in the Machine

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----- Original Message -----
From: "Dieter Braun" <>
Sent: Monday, March 02, 2009 4:26 PM
Subject: How to spiritually collaborate with the world you attract

 How to spiritually collaborate with the world you attract

 by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)


 In my many spiritual collaborations as musician, artist, writer, friend, co-worker, brother, teacher, lover, shaman, community member, I've come to realize that certain guidelines are very useful to me to ensure that I create what I truly desire.


 1.  Understand the energetic foundation of the moment.

 Is the expression or activity rooted in God energy or ego energy? To get the most of your energy, know the answer before you proceed.


 2.  Know "when".

 When you have something to it, when you have nothing to express...enjoy the moment for what it can offer you and be grateful for the continued flow of energy to you as God's abundant Universe.


> 3.  Proceed in full confidence.

> Know in confidence that God is at your side in all times (even if you don't acknowledge Him), the Angels many other beings ready to help and assist...ask them for their assistance.


 4.  Follow the heart, not the ego.

 The heart is the true connector with the Universe, if someone's ego is dominating the situation, all it to pass through the moment, then bring the moment back into the Light, graciously of course!


 5. Know your intentions.

 Understand what everybody is wanting to accomplish, this way you can proceed in full knowing of what it is you are creating.


 6.  If you believe it...

 There is no time like the present...if you believe it...believe it Now.


 7. Feel the moment first, interpret the moment...second.

 Words are a tool of the mind, not the heart...therefore it's possible they can limit us, therefore we must move beyond them...into "feeling"...then if you desire words, you have your heart to guide you.


 8. Make room for something to grow.

 Each thought or creation is like a new born baby...know when to feed it, take care of it...nurture nurture yourself in the process.


 9. Be open to the unexplored vast potential.

 The Universe is ever expanding, therefore to potentially accept more open to your own reality to expand, let in something new...everything help you to further refine what it is you do desire to's a refining process.


 10. Let the messages of your teachers, be received by you.

 Often the Universe sends us our most suitable guide us back into heart we recognize and integrate their lessons, it saves us untold amounts of expended energy and effort.


 11.  Love those who covet your energy.

 When you put something "out there" that's attractive, people will want it for themselves.  Know how to graciously move beyond those moments, let your emotions be your guide.



 Indian in the machine

 > Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine) is an independent free spirit living in Costa Rica.  He is interested in detoxification and cellular crystallization, spiritual music, travel, sunshine, oceans, fresh food, Galactic Federation of Light, Archangel Michael, Snoedelling, new ways to see/experience being, and collaborations with creative beings from several dimensions.  Dieter is currently getting ready to record a new CD of original spirit music, "Spiritlight 2009-2012", and is open to traveling the planet to collaborate with other artists and to share his music and beliefs on 2012... but is also open to hanging around his little cabina on the ocean, dreaming up new ways to attract the Golden Age.