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Brother G

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I would like to talk about a Cosmic Principle that can be helpful to many, once it is understood. The Principle is that of "Giving For Re-Giving".

We Spirits-Experiencing-As-Humans live our Lives in a backwards fashion. We "Give" with the expectation of "Return". Even if we do not expect a Material return, most people expect at least an Emotional return, such as a "thank you", for instance. Many of us expect an acknowledgement of our Giving. This is not what Giving is truly about. In order to understand what Giving entails and how to reap the greatest benefits from Giving we have to look at the natural World and the Universe around us.

The Cosmic Principle of Giving For Re-Giving holds that whatever it is we Give will be Returned to us many-fold.

The Mineral, Plant and Animal Kingdoms all have a Consciousness. It may not be a Consciousness similar to Human Consciousness, but there is a Consciousness and a Cosmic Connection to Source. In fact, these so-called "lower" Kingdoms are closer to Source, or "God" than we are. The Mineral, Plant and Animal INSTINCTIVELY know that All are One and that everything is connected to one another and to Source.

Because of their innate, Natural Knowledge of how the Universe really is, the members of these Kingdoms are not afraid to "Give". They Give freely because they know that they will be Re-Given. For example, Trees and Plants release Oxygen into the atmosphere. This Oxygen is a Gift to their Brothers in the Human Kingdom, who require Oxygen to live. In doing this, the Plant Kingdom does not look for accolades or acknowledgement. They don't ask for a parade in their honor. They GIVE because they know their Giving benefits Humanity. Humanity reciprocates by RE-Giving Carbon Dioxide, which benefits the Plant Kingdom by providing them the Carbon they need. We do this even though we are not Consciously aware of this Principle.

Applying this Cosmic Law

Once we become aware of this Principle, we have yet another Opportunity to change the way we navigate our Lives. We can learn to GIVE WITHOUT EXPECTATION OF RETURN, knowing that we will be Re-Given. We can't wait for it, we can't negotiate The Return. We simply GIVE, while knowing in our Hearts that our UNSELFISH GIVING will be returned to us Somehow, Some way, Someday.

This "Giving" does not just apply to material things. It applies to things of the Heart, the Soul and the Mind. "Giving" can manifest in myriad forms, from lending someone Money or a Shoulder to lean on, to helping those who are Discouraged and Downtrodden, right up to Thinking Thoughts of Love, Strength and Positive Action. This is one of those Experiments that has to be Tried before we can attempt to De-bunk it. Remember the following: Because we are One with Source, whatever we give to Others, WE GIVE TO OURSELVES. The kicker is that what is returned to us will be returned in Multiple measure. In other words, we will get back MORE than we gave! This Abundant Return should be Re-Given once again in order to continue the Cycle of Giving and Re-Giving.


It is important that whatever our Return is, we continue to Give again, and again, and again. It's not about benefitting ourselves. It's about properly utilizing a Cosmic Principle that can enrich Our Spiritual selves and the Spirits of the entire World. "Me-ness" and Selfishness is a part of our Nature. These atributes were programmed into us long ago because it was known that we would have to someday conquer this programming. Don't be afraid to Give without Expectation of Return. This is what our Spirits really want us to do: to suppress our Egos and live our Lives taking Direction from our Spirit. We are afraid to do so because the Way we live now is the only Way we Know (or Remember) how to Live.

Stop being afraid to be who you really are! Step outside of what you "know". Begin to think that there is, and always has been, Another Way.

All Love,

~~ G