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From: Steve Sherman
Sent: Monday, February 16, 2009 4:24 PM
Subject: Golden Shield
Just wondering If I sent this before. I have been reading this site for about two years and find it pretty informative and entertaining.
Here is a story and a personal experience of a light worker who is just an ordinary person living and making mistakes like everyone else but I keep on learning and trying harder.

            I sometimes try to imagine a shield around the whole earth that only allows positive energy to pass through it and negative energy bounce’s off. And this shield will only allow a soul (baby) to be born in a body if it does so for a positive and constructive reason or influence. In addition this imaginary shield makes the soul wait for birth where it can help channel any negative energy already here in a good constructive way.

One early early morning or maybe late late nightwhile it was still dark I had a nice dream. In the dream I was walking outside in the yard visible from the kitchen window. I could see that someone was in the kitchen busy cooking or cleaning and this made me feel very comfortable. I then turned my attention to the night’s sky. And amazingly enough I saw something. It was a very poorly made large rectangular flying craft and it was sitting still in the sky barely moving at all. I could not help but think it was going to fall from the sky under its own unsteadiness. However this was not the case as it slowly turned on end to reveal a window or portal and gently began to rise out of the sky into the beyond, but before it did, a ball of light escaped from the portal and approached me and the house until this light was only a few meters away then stopped.  

This light was brightly shining under its own luminescence and composed entirely of crystal spikes of differing lengths some more than half a meter from the center of the light to the extreme edges. Then this light emitted another smaller version of itself only about the size of a woman’s fist and it was moving straight to me!  When this smaller light was within one half a meter I fell unconscious. Mind you I am still dreaming. When in the dream I awoke from passing out it was not yet morning and the stars were still bright and vibrant yet the constellations positions had changed enough I guessed it had been over an hour. As I looked down I caught a glimpse of the house and it was surrounded by these same smaller crystal lights like the one that had put me to sleep. Each light, hovering just ever so slightly off the ground, seemed to be immovable. At this same time I began to have a memory or feeling of someone saying that everything would be ok and that this household would be taken care of.

            I woke up the next morning very refreshed and have not forgotten a detail of that dream. For some reason I think it was inspired by the simple thought about a shield that would help souls enter this world in a more precise manner allowing each to benefit most from such a brief time that we all have here. This way every person contributes even if only in a tiny way to making this a better place to be.

Even saying this I cannot prove we have souls or that we came from anywhere or are going anywhere afterward either but this dream did leave me feeling good. If you would like to try thinking about this shield as a test I hope it brings a good feeling for you too.