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Kirpal Sagar – A Living Project for Humanity

Christian Korn

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Kirpal Sagar – a living project for humanity

Dear Patrick Bellringer,

more than one year back I informed you about the World Conference on Unity of Man, which was held at 10th December 2007.

In view of all, what is going on behind the scenes and is done by many good people to improve the situation in the world, today I want to introduce the Kirpal-Sagar-Project, which was built up in the last more than 26 years in a very unique way and which is actually dedicated to all those people, who really learnt to work together and now are going to bring a big change.

Kirpal Sagar was commissioned by Sant Kirpal Singh (Biography: before he left his physical body in August 1974.

It was the wish of Sant Kirpal Singh, to establish an open platform for all mankind, to come together as children of God under the guidance of the one Godpower, who already resides in each one of us. And with the inner awakening the big change to a new age would come.

In his own words:

My mission is:

To fill the human heart with compassion, mercy and universal love, which should radiate to all countries, nations and people of the world.

To make a true religion of the heart as the ruling factor in one's life.

To enable each one to love God, love all, serve all and have respect for all, as God is immanent in all forms.

My goal is that of Oneness. I spread the Message of Oneness in life and living. This is the way to peace on earth.

This is the mission of my life, and I pray that it may be fulfilled.

Kirpal Singh

In his physical lifetime Kirpal Singh met many political, religious and spiritual leaders, but only few were able or willing, to work on the level of unity. Most of their power already resulted from disunity - so it was really hard for them, even to understand the very simple facts. Being the chairman of the "World fellowship of religions" for many years finally he stopped his engagement there knowing, that on this level it was hardly possible to bring the change and he initiated the first World Conference on Unity of Man in Delhi, which was a very big success.

Actually the coming work was now little bit taken away from those leaders, who mainly work for themselves and was given to the people – each one of us ... to take it and to do it.

What to do?

First to start with ourselves, in our families, leading a spiritual life, to bring harmony and peace in our own life and then to cooperate with all others, who also work on it. Then to help others, who are disturbed by any circumstances to settle their lives and to understand, how to get the real life even beyond the boundages of this world.

Nobody must wait for anything, what may happen in future and to be dishearted, if it doesn’t come, or something else happens. Our life is in our hand and in the hand of God and nobody can take it away from us (not even the death).

Some details about the Teachings of the Masters you can find here:

Short time after that Unity of Man Conference Sant Kirpal Singh informed his desciple and medical doctor Dr. Harbhajan Singh and his wife Biji Surinder Kaur about his further work in detail and gave the instructions for the Kirpal Sagar-Project to them.

Sant Kirpal Singh left his physical Body at 21th August 1974 and Dr. Harbhajan Singh conveyed these instructions to everybody from the very beginning. He told very clearly , that this chair (of Sant Kirpal Singh) will remain empty ... nobody will be able to take His place, but all should work together as brothers and sisters to complete his mission. Sant Kirpal Singh will remain responsible for the inner spiritual work and can come as Gurudev to anybody, who needs the inner help and guidance. Outer work we will have to do with our hands and with all our efforts in the name of God, but the inner work will remain with Him. No Master will be able to replace Him, because His access is beyond those Masters, what to say of all those so-called masters, who claimed to be the "spiritual successors" afterwards.

Today there are many people, who don’t feel the need, to join a master, because they already where put on the path in previous lifestreams and their inner contact was not lost. If they would go to somebody, who is not real, they would only loose something and this they know very well. Silently they are doing their work for humanity and fight for truth. They cannot bear any lie and are sourrounded by the liars. They suffer from the circumstances around them and even then they are the light for others. They are working in hospitals, as doctors, nurses or in any other professions with the intention, to serve others and they have to go beyond their limits in those days. Some might be even well known as artists or scientists.

They all should know: Kirpal Sagar was made for you!

Kirpal Sagar was prepared, to bring those unique souls together, who are sent in this world to bring this spiritual awakening in the new age on all levels of society.

Kirpal Sagar contains a Charitable Hosptal, a Public School with Academy, a Library for comporative study of religions, a Sarovar as the spiritual center of the whole project with the symbols of four World-Religions, to show, that basically all religions are one, a Hall for Lectures and Conferences for thousands of people, a Guesthouse for guests from all over the world, a Father’s Home for old people , a Langar with common kitchen and a Farm with 80 hectares of land.

Kirpal Sagar is now shining like a lighthouse from inside and from outside and it is open for all, who want to live a real human life. A very big example in this world, which shows, that it is possible, to live a spiritual life and to create a new world with the help of God.

It is a place for all good people in this world to come together, to coordinate their activities and to get inner peace in spite of all the troubles they sometimes have to face, if they work for the light in those days.

Since December 2007 Kirpal Sagar is now like a permanent Unity of Man Conference and everybody is welcomed, who want to do his service for humanity in the best possible way.

Many more things are to be told about Kirpal Sagar, but for today I want to refer to our websites for more detailed Information.

If then somebody has questions, he will also find contact-addresses there:

Kirpal Sagar-Project:,en

World Conference on Unity of Man:

Sant Kirpal Singh:,en/

Dr. Harbahjan Singh and his wife Biji Surinder Kaur:,en/

Unity of Man:,en/


Books and Scriptures:


Sant Kirpal Singh Biography:

Other Scriptures: