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The Envy Monster

Larken Rose

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Most Americans who call themselves Christians not only constantly violate one of the Ten Commandments, but, with the help of the government, the media and the "education" (indoctrination) system, constantly train their kids to violate it, too. Even worse, they don't just violate it and feel a little bad about it; they feel superior and righteous when they violate it, and teach that that violation is a virtue.

The Bible calls it "coveting." Today the word is "envy." It is horribly destructive and evil, and is the life-blood of the beast called "collectivism."

Now, wanting something is not, by itself, evil. Being overly materialistic is silly, and doesn't usually make people happy, but envy is something fundamentally different. Envy is not based on desire, but upon HATRED. Envy (or coveting) is not just about you wanting some thing; it's about you being unhappy that someone ELSE has something that YOU want. If you wish you had a new car, that's one thing. If you see someone else's car, and think, "I wish I had one of those," that's fine too. But if you feel bitterness, resentment, even hatred because someone else DOES have a new car, and you don't, then you're a despicable human being.

Unfortunately, most Americans fit into that category.

I was recently sickened — though not surprised — to hear the results of a poll of Americans, which was basically an "envyometer." One question posed was this: Would you rather

a) make $50,000 a year, and have everyone else making half of what you make, or

b) make $100,000 a year, but have everyone else making double what you make?

Most Americans choose the former. That's not just stupid; it's evil.

(There are actually laws of economics which mess up the question, since doubling everyone's income would actually devalue the currency so much that nothing would really change, but I highly doubt that the askers or answerers understood that, so it doesn't matter for purposes of this discussion.)

As a "socialist lunatic" litmus test, I used to ask people, when they were whining about "the rich," would they want to heavily tax "the rich," even if the money were just thrown away and not used for anything or given to anyone? In other words, would they want to make the "rich" poorer, even if it didn't make anyone richer?

Nearly half the Democrats I asked said yes. The other half didn't really want to answer. That is the essence of coveting: the focus is not even the needs of someone else, but the hatred of those who are successful or well-off.

And collectivists like Clinton and Obama are constantly feeding that anger and hatred, stirring up envy and resentment, while pretending there's something NOBLE about it. "The rich" are who you're SUPPOSED to hate, according to the leftists, in government and in the media. You're supposed to feel GOOD about advocating that "the rich" be robbed, and dragged down to your level. It's the new American virtue.

And the hatred is called "fairness." Schoolchildren are taught that if Bobby has two of something, and Suzy has none, one should be taken from Bobby and given to Suzy; it's only "fair," they say. Mind you, if Bobby CHOOSES to give one to Suzy, that's fine. But if he is forced into doing it, or shamed into doing it (which is the usual method of control of kids by "authority" figures), that is really dang bad. That teaches everyone that there's no such thing as rightful ownership, and that the world should be governed by the rule, "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need." (As a scary demonstration of the effectiveness of the indoctrination, many American college students believe that phrase is from the U.S. Constitution, when it's the definition of communism.)

Want to see the results of the envy mentality? Watch the welfare recipients angrily shouting, and demanding more free goodies. Do you see any humility? Any thankfulness? No, you see anger and hatred, because they believe they are ENTITLED to something just because someone ELSE has it. Obama was elected because people believed he was going to steal from the rich and give to them. (Actually, as a puppet of the system, he will do the opposite, as he is already doing.)

I often tell my kid to watch out for the "envy monster." It's eager to eat anyone, of any age, and any income level, at any time. If you ever feel BAD — sad, angry, whatever — because someone else has something you want, the envy monster has you, and you better kick the beast off if you want to be a good human being.

Ironically, the good and often useful kind of wanting — the attempt to acquire wealth via labor and trade--is often termed "greed" and condemned by the collectivists, who then tout the EVIL kind of wanting (envy) as some noble virtue. It's as backwards a viewpoint as there can be, and it now dominates this country. And we're just starting to pay the price for it. And the more damage it does, the stronger the envy monster will become. The logical end of the attitude illustrated by the poll mentioned above is very simple, and very evil:

"I'd rather destroy the world than let someone have more than I."

And so they will.

Larken Rose

P.S. In my own trial, the prosecutors knew they couldn't prove guilt, and knew they didn't have to. Merely feeding the envy monsters living inside all the jurors was all it took (though they had to lie quite a bit to accomplish that, by trying to make my wife and me look like "the rich"). For the whole gruesome tale, you can order my book, "Kicking the Dragon," at the link shown above.