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We Clean up the Planet Now…with God

Dieter Braun - Indian in the Machine

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Dear world,

I hope this note finds you deeply rooted on your path to balance and health.  By now we can see that the world continues to be a toxic place and the current path is unsustainable.  As we realize this, for the sake of all that is and all that is to come, it is our responsibility to take this planet and steer it on another course.  In effect, our collective consciousness is the “captain” that steers the “ship”.  If we are all to steer this ship into more harmonious waters, then it is our responsibility to consciously direct our consciousness towards a frequencies that are more in harmony, peace, love, wisdom…rooted in the power of each soul that walks the planet.


Take responsibility for your consciousness (or lack of)

A world continues to toxify us, and it is our responsibility to take full and immediate responsibility for our own consciousness.  Parents and other family members…we live by example rather than yelling at each other what the other needs to do.  Therefore the best way to take responsibility for your family’s consciousness in the energies of love, respect and respecting the Universal Law of Non-Interference, is to live as an example of higher-consciousness…as opposed to interfering with your “authority” in the lives of other people, andd having people of other “authority” interfere in your life.  .

Governments must live as examples of God

Yes Satanism might be the fastest growing religion in the corrupt corporation known as the usa, however that energy is old, useless, violent, murderous, ego-based, greedy, outdated, dusty, dark and it just stinks!...What is your response to this?  Did you join satan’s team, or did you further solidify your relationship with God? Do you deny the Truth of your own actions?  Do you knowingly and deliberately hide the Truth from others, so that you can personally benefit?  ....Governments, corporations and other authorities who are appointed by the people and by self-appointing themselves, are not exempt from the Universal Law of Non-Interference….in fact they openly do so all the time, believing that they are above God’s Law…what if they are wrong….and they are!  There are several issues that must be immediately addressed:

God is the authority, not government….The People must immediately stop putting human authorities over the authority of God. God is our authority and His Laws are our Laws….let’s be conscious of this fact, and reassert the energy of God as the authority of our lives. 

It is YOUR responsibility to see that God is the authority in your lives.

It is YOUR responsibility to see that you devote more consciousness to God, than to human authorities.

It is YOUR responsibility to raise your voice, when someone is interfering with your life in the presence of God.


We clean up the planet Now, with God

This planet is currently too dirty for us to clean it up alone…in fact, we never have to, nor should we ever be doing anything without consciously collaborating with God.  Therefore we as a species consciously collaborate with God, therefore we openly and in the energy of love, collaborate with everything all around us, including unseen higher refined beings that live in the ethereal plane…we do this as equal individuals, this is a path that is direct and this is a path that involves meditation, knowing and monitoring one’s thoughts, and being able to consciously direct one’s focus towards that which brings joy instead of pain…ask yourself right now…how much time did you spend in joy this day thus far?...Compare the time you have devoted to God today and compare it to the time you have devoted to your human authorities….

We set our intentions to live on a clean planet.  We set our intentions to use in abundance, not polluting and harmful technologies.  In fact, it’s within the realm of possibilities…in fact it would probably bring you joy if you would focus and meditate on all that is within our realm of possibilities, rather than to focus on what “is”.  Let’s spiritually organize ourselves as a species so that we can live on a clean planet today, and gift a clean planet to our generations to follow us.

 Meditate with God, so that you can become Him

As we devote a portion of our time to God, we in effect become more powerful creators than if we choose to run about our lives so busy, but without the right foundation.  As we meditate it’s natural for the experience to tame the ego, and this certainly would be a gift for all of Creation.  Time yourself…how much time can YOU sit alone with God, before you direct your attention to somewhere else “more important”….

 World Detoxification Program

This planet is dirty and thus so are the bodies of billions of humans living today…it would not be acceptable to let this continue any longer than we desire.  Let us immediately begin a World Detoxification Program, which has it’s foundation in EACH of our personal relationships with God.  Let’s use our spiritual abilities to create a desired reality in our physical world! Let’s use our spiritual ability to meditate, to attract EACH of our most profound desires! 

Love and support,


Indian in the machine