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25 Great Truths To Live By

Allen L Roland

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William Blake wrote ' we are put on earth a little space to bear the beams of love'  but  very few have the courage to follow the path of the heart. Here are 25 great truths to help guide you: Allen L Roland    

Here are 2great truths to live by but the greatest of them all is this one ~ the most powerful force in life is love. 

And the path of the heart is the only path that leads to your authentic self and your part in the loving plan ~ and relationship is the vehicle. 

The most destructive habit..........................Worry

The greatest Joy....................................Giving

The greatest loss...................................Loss of self-respect

The most satisfying work............................Helping others

The ugliest personality trait.......................Selfishness

The most endangered species.........................Dedicated leaders

Our greatest natural resource.......................Our youth

The greatest "shot in the arm"......................Encouragement

The greatest problem to overcome....................Fear

The most effective sleeping pill....................Peace of mind

The most crippling failure disease..................Excuses

The most powerful force in life.....................Love

The most dangerous pariah...........................A gossiper

The world's most incredible computer................The brain

The worst thing to be without.......................Hope

The deadliest weapon................................The tongue

The two most power-filled words....................."I Can"

The greatest asset..................................Faith

The most worthless emotion..........................Self-pity

The most beautiful attire...........................SMILE!

The most prized possession..........................Integrity

The most powerful channel of communication..........Prayer

The most contagious spirit..........................Enthusiasm          

The greatest test ................................ Relationship             

The greatest gift .........................Your authentic self  

Allen L Roland 

Authors Website:

Authors Bio: Allen L Roland is a practicing psychotherapist, author and lecturer who also shares a daily political and social commentary on his weblog and website He also guest hosts a monthly national radio show TRUTHTALK on Conscious talk radio