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The Temptation to Hate

Don HYnes

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The armies of death march upon the Earth, their weapons of destruction turned in this hour upon women and children and whoever dares to expose the gift of life. Rationales for their cruelty are as rampant as their violence, extending from base desires for land and natural resource to election advantage for Likud to the insane suggestion that those murdered are themselves to blame.

Behind this limited logic there is a more subtle and deliberate purpose – to stoke the fires of hate and promote the cult of death. Many intelligent voices declare the possibility that the craven attacks on Gaza will breed more enmity and vengeance yet that is not a threat to those who guide and control the perpetrators, rather a confirmation that their purposes will be fulfilled.

The multiple veils of worldwide propaganda are near impenetrable in obscuring true motivation. Over the last sixty years the United States government has financed the assassination and subversion of tens of foreign governments that promoted justice, stood in the way of corporate empire or opposed the international drug trade that our Central Intelligence Agency subsidizes and thrives upon.

The horror of rampant drug addiction in our poor communities nationwide was initiated by a US President and Vice President, their cabinet and the shadow government at their disposal.

Our corporations have sanctioned and supported human trafficking of women and children and the wanton rape of the Earth for profit and most abhorrent of all we’ve turned our abundant manufacturing resources into the production of prisons and the implements of war which we supply to every wrong minded government and group throughout the world.

The latest atrocities in Gaza which are armed and financed by the United States and overwhelmingly approved by our Congress are only one in a series of horrific and violent acts, yet for their grotesque and abhorrent arrogance, nearly nonpareil.

These depraved actions should and must be opposed by every conscionable citizen, but in that opposition our greater duty, our more difficult responsibility, is to be certain that in opposition we don’t succumb to the primary aim of the merchants of death, which is to lure those of good faith and fellowship into the abyss of hate.

This aim is not I suggest a byproduct of the war, but its very purpose, and in overcoming this oldest and cruelest of deceptions the forces of light and reason will be victorious.