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"Make" Me

Brother Gee

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I want to touch on something that's very important for all of us. I've alluded to it earlier and now I want to elaborate on it a bit. If Humanity would only grasp the following Truth, half the World's problems of Violence, Rage, Revenge, Feelings of low Self-Worth, etc. would disappear overnight. That Truth is this:

No One Can "Make" You Feel Anything.

"She made me so angry!"

"That makes me feel sad".

"He made me feel bad".

"That made me feel this, or this made me feel that".

We hear or utter these expressions everyday without giving a single thought to what we are hearing or saying. This sort of thinking is one of the main reasons that We tend to believe that we are not in Control of our lives. If HOW WE FEEL is in the hands of another, then we are indeed POWERLESS. However, that is a fallacy based on our Ignorance of the Fact that WE are the only ones who are Responsible For How We Feel.

No one can "make" us feel a certain way. We feel the way we wish to feel, based on our own individual Choices. The important thing to remember is that most of us choose our emotions Subconsciously, while the developed Soul will make these Choices CONSCIOUSLY. Once we learn to CONSCIOUSLY react to negative stimuli, we can eventually regain control over our Emotions and reach a highly-valued state of Balance.

Think about it. Someone says something to us or infers something about us to which we "take offense". If it's not true, we'll get angry. If it hints at truth, we'll get depressive thoughts about ourselves. These are REACTIONS that we subconsciously CHOOSE to feel.

For example, someone is unemployed and living with their Mom. If some random person calls them a "moocher" and a "bum", the unemployed person will tend to react in one of the above two ways (aggressive or depressive), simply because that person recognizes a certain truth behind those statements. There is a truth there that the person is unable to defend, or has struggled to deal with. This "tiny seed" of recognition can cause a person to lash out at the one who had the temerity to remind them of their unemployed status.

The offended person is not really mad at the one who spoke these words, they are simply angry at their own inability to effectively deal with their joblessness. This inability, coupled with difficulty in dealing with negative outside stimuli (i.e. other people's thoughts and words) leads them to react using the most primitive tools Humanity has in its arsenal: Anger and Self-Hatred.


What if the following happened instead? Similar situation, different approach. Some random person or maybe even a someone close to you says or does something that starts to elicit a negative reaction from you. You're ready to go "aggressive" or "depressive", but wait! What if you take a single moment to recognize that regardless of this Stimuli that is being presented to you that YOUARE STILL IN CONTROL! YOU HAVE THIS INSTANT TO CHOOSE HOW YOU ARE GOING TO "FEEL" ABOUT THIS, HOW YOU ARE GOING TO REACT. YOU MUST CHOOSE WISELY.

It is at that point we can give ourselves the Opportunity to navigate Situations in a controlled manner instead of just reacting and lashing out willy-nilly. We take a moment, take a breath and stop to realize that what is being said to us is being said with the express Intent of trying to draw a certain reaction from us. People say these things to us because their intent is to HURT us, to trigger the Emotions inside of us that we can LEAST control. Once we realize that WE are the Custodians of our Emotions and that WE control when, where and how they are brought to the surface, our Lives and the way we treat Others will improve DRAMATICALLY.

No more of this, "I'm an emotional person, that's just how I am". That's a cop-out. That's just us saying that we are too LAZY to assert control over our lives. Even more, it indicates that we may actually enjoy exploding over this or brooding over that every minute of every day.

Which do you want to be? The Captain at the wheel, in control of the Destination of the Ship? Or the Captain of a Ship with a broken rudder, depending on the capricious Winds to take you where you wish to go?

When we automatically react aggressively or depressively, we REWARD those who are trying to hurt us. We also LESSEN our own Vibrational Energies and leave ourselvse open to Physical Illness and Spiritual Weakening. If we can learn to Ignore these assaults upon our Emotions, if we can learn to maintain a Balanced response to negative Stimuli, our Adversaries LOSE their effectiveness and We stand to Reap unimaginable Benefits.

I speak from experience, as I grew up with a hair-trigger temper and am now the calmest, most gentle person you would ever want to meet. Nothing fazes me unless I choose to be fazed. Even in those very rare occasions when that happens, I automatically "catch" myself and consciously return myself to Balance. I am in charge of my Emotions, just as I am in charge of my Body and my Thoughts.

I'm here to tell you that there is nothing like Knowing that We are indeed "The Captain of our Ship and The Master of Our Soul". It's important for us to understand the foregoing because our ultimate aim is to improve the state of our Individual Aura, Vibration, call it what you will in preparation for Ascending to our next State of Being. One of the best ways to raise these Invisible Assets is to learn to consciously control our Physical and Emotional reactions to Physical and Emotional stimuli.

Happy Holidays!

All Love,

~~ G