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Late Night Visitor...

Edgar J. Steele

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From up on the roof, there came such a clatter,

I wondered straight away:  What can be the matter?

Turned out, it was just Mr. Mental, stopping in to remind us how insignificant we mere mortals are in the greater scheme of things.  Seriously.

But, when all is said and done, all that we have is each other.  Think about it.

I tend to get all caught up in the injustice of so many things, particularly the way in which our government mistreats everybody these days, it seems.  This is a good time to stop for a moment and realize how many good things have come our way.  A good time to consider how much we have in common and upon just how many things all of us actually do agree.

Family is the most important.  The worst thing about family is the best thing, too:  no matter what, they still are family and they still will be there.  At the end of the line, often they will be the only ones there, regardless of how we passed our time enroute, just as they were the only ones there at the beginning. 

Knowing that family is forever, we sometimes take family members for granted, silently pledging to make things up to them, yet somehow never really getting around to it.  Fortunately, we know we don't have to get around to it.

Regardless of one's religious persuasion, Christmas is a time for family and friends.  Cherish them.  Nourish them.  Be there for them.

Insignificant on a cosmic scale we may be, Mr. Mental.  But never will we be insignificant to each other.

Merry Christmas, my friends, and may the New Year bless you with real prosperity - that of a close-knit family.  Already, I am blessed with both you and family.  Also, already you have my friendship.
