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Before We Were Born, This is What We Told God

Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)

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1. We told God we would live in joy and that it would come naturally as we remembered more about who we are.
2. We told God that we would work in collaboration with Him in the Now, in order to bring Goodness to all of Creation.
3.  We told God that we would serve to expand His Universe as opposed to serve to collapse it.
4.  We told God that we would Love our fellow humans, and that there would be No favoritism, as we are all equal in His eyes.
5.  We told God that we would learn how to consciously create His Universe along with Him, and would we use our thoughts and emotions to bring our desires into being.
6.  We told God that we would celebrate our desires rather than to resist them, so that we could understand how desire is an essential component of our manifested co-creations.
7.  We told God that we would attempt to save the world with our advise, but instead remember who we are, and to inspire those around us to find the God within them by our example.
8.  We told God that we would learn how to create in our Universe by learning about Universal Laws.
9.  We told God that we would not become so attached to the physical world, that we would lose touch with our both our existing spiritual powers and potential, and rememberance of our spiritual origin.
10.  We told God that we would create Love out of darkness, because we would use our experiences in physicality to allow God to work through us by allowing instead of resisting the new higher refined vibrations as we allowed and attracted them to come flooding into our lives..
11. We told God that if we desired to create something, that we would match the vibrational frequency of our desire, so that we can attract it to us in the physical world.
12. We told God that we are capable of emitting Love in all circumstances no matter how trying.
13. We told God that we would remember that He responds to our every thought and emotion, and therefore nothing that we experience is not invited in some way (by pre-birth agreements or unconscious manifestation or misappropriation of God´s energies).
What would you like to tell God today?
Indian in the machine
Canadian born spiritual guy living creating personal moments of joy in Costa Rica.  Helping the world to detox two feet at a time with conscious use of ionic foot bath plates international delivery.
Dieter is performing his spirit music at Arte Ya with local dancers, musicians and poets December 14 2008, Abriendo las Puertas a la Cultura, Montezuma Costa Rica.