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Dieter Braun 'Indian in the Machine'

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Did you know that you and I agreed to come to planet earth.  We  applied with God and he chose us after checking trillions upon  trillions of applications.  It seems that we were chosen because we  are the most qualified, we are God´s dream team for planet earth.

Basically it goes like this....we agreed to accept a veil of  ignorance, so that we wouldn´t remember that we come from the stars,  and that we have a family of star beings who are monitoring our  progress and cheering us on....assisting us along with God, beaming us  with as much Light as we can handle.

Did you know that we trained for several lifetimes to handle planet takes special and strong souls to handle earthly life at  this time, you see you and I agreed to reincarnate on planet  earth...we chose our parents, we chose our circumstances which would  help us to grow....we have chosen everything, we chose to live  together with those who have forgotten practically everything about  God....everything but never all.

We agreed before we were born, to be born on a hell planet. Earth has  been satan´s planet, and we need not look any further than our own  mirrors to see reminants of his handywork. Our human species has been  skillfully guided down over several thousand years, to create a slave  race....we can see the proof in our scientific studies of humans....we  know that we use only a small portion of our brains.....but no longer  is this true....

Did you know that the photon belt that our solar system is going  through, is changing everything?  Our brains are becoming active.   That so called ¨junk DNA¨ that science says has no use, is in fact  coming alive after a period of dormancy.  Even our sun has been going  through changes, and this has been monitored by science and  governments for a long´s way governments are so  controlling these days....

Did you know that we each have the power of our own hands and minds,  to control our health? Governments and corporations are throwing  everything at us, they are brainwashing us, they are poisoning us,  they are manipulating us with unseen forces like electromagnetic  frequency warfare.  They are doing everything to try to make us a  slave race, but this cannot be...God will NOT agree to it...we are on  the trail to freedom of slavery, freedom of thought, freedom to travel  the stars.

Did you know that in order to be powerful, we only need to accept God  as our ultimate collaborator?  We take a few quiet moments just God  and one´s self....we tell God that we are willing to surrender to His  will....we are willing to become beacons of God energy, as we are  designed.  We are simply not designed to be dark...we challenge all  those energies all around us that want us to believe that darkness is  all powerful.  We challenge the AntiChrist in Love.  We challenge  ourselves to believe in the miracles of Light. We challenge ourselves  to believe in the miracle of our beingness.  God asks us to see Him in  each other´s eyes, God sent us to be Angels to one another.

God is asking us to amplify his energies at this time.  Simple,  meaningful acts of God Love, is what is asked of us.  We requested to  be here to amplify God´s Love...we do so much more easily, as we clean  out the resistance within us.  We can now see that the processed food  industry has been creating resistance within us via the mass poisoning 

of our species and our planet....since our reality is first created in  the spiritual world, before it´s created in the physical world, the  same is true for the energies which transmute all negativity on our  planet.  Create your reality in the spiritual world with your ultimate  collaborator first, God.  God is all around us, and within us, and he  waits for us with open arms for all eternity, to wake up. We wake up  i this lifetime, or if we don´t.... we have all eternity to  experience as many lifetimes as necessary, however remember that we  are God´s ultimate dream team for planet earth, all we need is to  reflect God into each other´s eyes....let´s bring each other paradise  as a gift to ourselves. Let´s wake up in this lifetime.



New Indian in the machine page, ¨Power, Love and Wisdom¨.....