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Recent Experiences (Updated Nov. 17, 2008)

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From: ST
Sent: Sunday, November 16, 2008 8:51 PM
Subject: Recent Experiences:
 Hi Patrick,
                I frequent your site alot, and I figure I ought to share some recent experiences that have assisted me in my Spiritual growth for the last six months.  One morning when I woke up, I had this "inner vision" experience, that involved seeing this White Metal Pillar in my minds eye, and somehow, "knew" that it was/is an Ancient monument, placed for Man on Earth, as a wayshower, or direction pointer, for those who are True Truthseekers.  This Pillar, had vertical Heiroglyphs, running from the bottom to the top.  I remember wondering whether I could read it, and discovered I could.  The first section of words came with the initial experience, and then the rest came later:
"Thus it it is written, thus it is decreed as long as Man shall live, as long as Man shall breath... The Law of God is the riddle, the Law of God is the key, within Man, that shall unlock the gates of Eternity. Thus it is written, thus it is decreed, the body of Man is the riddle, the body of Man is the key, ONE with OBEDIENCE to the Law of God decreed, NOW and FOREVER, shall be the only way and means, to receive his Eternal inheritance and to become Eternally free!"
7-17-2008 "I will not leave you comfortless"

"The Love of God is the riddle, the love of God is the Law, the key of which there are three, one in purpose, one in decree from everlasting to everlasting Eternity, unalterable by Man in his simplicity".


"The love of God is the rule of law, binding all in one, and one in all, the key to all knowledge, light, and all Law. The rule of law governs all that is, all that was, and is to come. Be the law, and the law will be you, one in all, and all in one".

associated with a white metal pillar with heiroglyphics on it.

In Love and Aloha, Sincerely, ST


----- Original Message -----
From: ST
Sent: Monday, November 17, 2008 12:03 AM
Subject: Another Experience:
Hi Patrick,
               I have just felt strongly that I need to share another experience tonight, that I had awhile ago as well, in assisting all interested in their own Spiritual growth.  This experience was simple and to the point.  Basically, I felt like someone, sent me a quick message compacted with massive amounts of information in a short phrase.  It was during the day, while I was working doing normal things.  The phrase was:  "That which you allow to DEFINE you, you also allow to CONFINE you".  Then later, information seemed to "download", and still does about that phrase.  As a matter of fact, I have felt tonight, to post this e-mail to you because more has been coming :). 
So!.... This is coming to me right now... especially addressing all those who read this, who desire World Peace, and to Empower themselves in the ways of light:
"World Peace, must begin with each of us individually, in the Definitions, of who we are and who we allow to Define us.  Who do you allow to Define you?  Your Church? Your Wife, or Husband?  Howabout your kids?  When those definitions are exposed in the light of Love, and Truth... Do they establish you as an Unlimited & Eternal Being?, or do they relegate you to mental, spiritual, or physical slavery?  What about what YOU have bought into, as to Who you are?  WE must ask ourselves... Are these things true?
Well intentioned Church Leaders & World Leaders and maybe some not so well intentioned, would be more than willing to serve each of us up a whole, wonderful platter of Definitions of Who we are, individually, collectively in communities, States, a Nation, and Globally.   ... For the most part, that has already been done.  The results for Centuries, up until the present, speak for themselves!  Is it not time to move forward with NEW Definitions, grounded in Eternal Loving Principles? YOU Define YOU!!!  I say NO MORE Definitions, are acceptable by anyone else but each of us individually, as far as our own lives, and then working from there.
Let all the Doom & Gloom Prophecies, of which we are aware be run by each of us individually! :)  Are those the kinds of things YOU want to Define who you are, or who we are and what "must" happen?  Are those the things Each of us would have our Posterity have as an inheritance?  Howabout what YOU/each of us visualize what we want, happening with all the World around us?"
May the Light of Love, Wisdom, and Power of the Divine within us, Magnify the Dreams of Hope, Inner Peace, and World Peace now and Forever upon this Planet,
Sincerely, ST