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How To Recognize a Lightworker

Devora Sage

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From: T
To: Patrick Bellringer
Sent: Saturday, November 15, 2008 9:34 PM
Subject: How to recognize a Lightworker.

How to Recognize a Lightworker
by Devora Sage, Nov 30, 2007
Lightworkers look like everyone else, so how do you know when you've met one?

The term "Lightworker" is generally used to refer to a person who is called to heal people, animals, or the entire planet. While Lightworkers have been with us since the beginning of time, they have been called by many different names throughout the centuries - teacher, guru, Wise one, and any number of other descriptive titles. Since the publication of Doreen Virtue's book, The Lightworker's Way, was published in 1997, the word Lightworker has come into popular use. Younger generations of Lightworkers are often referred to as Indigo Children, Starseed, or Starchildren.

Lightworkers are found in all spiritual and cultural traditions, but they share common characteristics with each other. While each Lightworker may follow his or her individual path to accomplish a mission, they all have a special sensitivity to life energy and are compelled to act in ways that keep them and the earth properly aligned with that energy.

Is it possible to tell who among us is a Lightworker? Not always, no. Many Lightworkers don't realize that there is anything special about them, and those who do know will never admit it in so many words. So how can you spot a Lightworker in a crowded world? Here are a few of the characteristics to look for.

Lightworkers are usually viewed as eccentric
They don't try to be unconventional, but their broader understanding of life and their burning desire to know more pushes them to explore and experience different philosophies, cultures, and religious values.
Lightworkers understand the value of conscious awareness.
They work constantly to increase their understanding of and compassion for all living things, and to generate positive energy.
Lightworkers are exceptionally healthy ,
and seldom use either prescription or OTC medications. With an innate ability to sense energy fields, the Lightworker naturally gravitates toward nutritious food, natural healing methods, and a beneficial lifestyle. Artificial ingredients alter the body's chemistry in a way that causes Lightworkers to feel foggy, out of tune with themselves, and may even make them physically ill.
Lightworkers are most comfortable when surrounded by nature.
Many live in rural areas and on farms, but city-dwelling Lightworkers will fill their homes with live plants and will spend as much time as possible in nearby parks or other natural settings.
Lightworkers translate their beliefs into action
 Some Lightworkers have careers in the helping professions, but whatever the job, you can spot the Lightworker - s/he's the extra helpful store clerk or the always-genial delivery person. In addition, Lightworkers are all actively involved with organizations that promote peace, healing, environmental sustainability, and human rights.
Lightworkers avoid the limelight.
The mission is of utmost importance to Lightworkers, and they are not comfortable with the notion that a single person (especially themselves) should be singled out for praise. These are the people who work long hours to complete a project, then insist that the success of that project was a team effort - whether or not the �team� participated.
Lightworkers instinctively incorporate their soul work into all aspects of their lives.
They live their beliefs. For example, Lightworkers extend kindness and compassion to beings that others shun, and avoid involvement in any endeavor that may be harmful or hurtful to others.
Lightworkers live simply.
Material possessions have little value to them. They are affected by the energy that emanates from everything, including seemingly inanimate objects. An excess of possessions means an excess of conflicting energies, which causes Lightworkers to feel overwhelmed and spiritually smothered. Consequently, their homes often appear Spartan and they struggle to keep their lives free of complications.
Lightworkers are averse to conflict.
Instinctively able to recognize that every opinion is valid within the experience of the holder, Lightworkers know that opinions are never changed through argument, coercion, or violence. Rather than expend energy on pointless debate, Lightworkers will walk away and allow the other person space and time in which to grow in understanding.
Lightworkers adhere to the practice of non-harming.
They are attuned to universal energy; they sense the connection of animals, plants, elements, and the Earth to themselves. Lightworkers know that inflicting injury on another being harms the Lightworker, as well.