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This is My Last Message

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From: Sage Garland
To: Bellringer
Sent: Monday, November 10, 2008 12:14 AM
Subject: This is my last message.


My Last Message


To My Dearly Beloved Fellow-Planetarians,


After eons and eons of incarnations here upon this Most Blessed of Places, we have all finally arrived at the proverbial fork-in-the-road on our journey to ascension.  It has become increasingly more obvious that this is the time of the biblical separation.  Can you not see it?  Can you not hear it?  Can you not FEEL it?


We are at the very precipice of the shift and our Mother shall rise to stardom whether we go or not.  She is about to shake off and wash away all the fluff that prevents her from shining.  We do not gain entrance by virtue of the color we bear nor the philosophy we espouse.  The ticket we must carry in our hearts in order to be invited aboard is called love.


Each and every one of us is being monitored by the All-That-Is and the condition of our hearts is being weighed by what we think, what we say and what we do.


Let us all be swept along by the tide of change to a better world where the bells of freedom shall ring again and the feelings of peace and joy shall be abundant throughout the land.


Your sister Sage who loves you