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Ron Van Dyke

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Performed by Tears For Fears and others, songwriters Chris Hughes, Roland Orzabal and Ian Stanley wrote the following lyrics to this anthem of the ego...

Everybody Wants to Rule The World


Welcome to your life.

There’s no turning back.

Even while we sleep

We will find you.

Acting on your best behavior;

Turn your back on Mother Nature.

Everybody wants to rule the world!


It’s my own design.

It’s my own remorse.

Help me to decide.

Help me make the most

Of freedom and of pleasure.

Nothing ever lasts forever.

Everybody wants to rule the world!

There's a room where the light won't find you.

Holding hands while the walls come tumbling down;

When they do, I'll be right behind you.

So glad we've almost made it.

So sad they had to fade it.

Everybody wants to rule the world!


I can't stand this indecision;

Married with a lack of vision.

Everybody wants to rule the world!


Say that you'll never, never, never, never need it.

One headline: why believe it?

Everybody wants to rule the world!


All for freedom and for pleasure.

Nothing ever lasts forever.

Everybody wants to rule the world!

Believe it or not, there really are many ego-driven people who want to rule the world; and some of them are rich and powerful enough to conspire together, creating a plan to actually do so. George Orwell’s famous, visionary novel 1984 gave a glimpse of what that might look like; and (from the novel) If you want a picture of the future, imagine a boot stamping on a human face—forever." Right now, 2008, we live in a time when knowledge of this hidden-in-plain-view conspiracy is being revealed all over the World-Wide Web for those who wish to see and even understand it. Briton’s David Icke, one of the foremost teachers revealing the conspiracy, said at London’s Brixton Academy in his 6-hour, 2004 seminar: Secrets of the Matrix, “Knowledge is never negative - only ignorance is negative!”

To ignore conspiracies is the preferred reaction conspirators want from the public; however, this is very dangerous, both for the human race and for Planet Earth. To ignore their documented plan to rule the world is to allow the possibility of success. To gain knowledge of the plan shines more and more light on the agenda they’d like to keep hidden from as many as possible. However, with knowledge, we have the opportunity to manifest a different vision, but only when we come together from that place of knowledge, never from a place of ignorance. George Santayana (1863-1952), a principal figure in Classical American Philosophy, said, "Those who ignore history are doomed to repeat it." Cicero said, "History is indeed the witness of the times, the light of truth." The most important history in any given generation is the one happening now, for indeed, that is the only one where we can actually make changes; and the changes we make now will lay the foundation for the future of all succeeding generations.

Sometimes, as I keep on learning about what is happening in our world of so-called illusion, I feel frustration that so many not only do not know, they do not want to know what’s going on here, now. Oblivious to current events they label: “politics” – many turn a blind eye and a deaf ear towards world-shattering and paradigm-shifting events that, in all likelihood, from a higher perspective, we created to be our teachers – indeed, our wake-up call, if you will. With so many, this seems to be a conscious choice justified by the teaching: What you focus on, expands. To me, this is a dangerously distorted view of what is meant by that teaching; and those who only want to focus on what they label positive unapologetically embrace it. They ignore what they judge and label negative. Let me repeat: “KNOWLEDGE IS NEVER NEGATIVE - ONLY IGNORANCE IS NEGATIVE!” Certainly we can choose to react positively or negatively to any form of knowledge; but we have absolutely no choice in how to act or react to knowledge we evade. Avoidance is the greatest of all ignorance!

We live in a time of quantum change. What is happening on Planet Earth is revolutionary in the political sense, and an evolutionary leap in the spiritual sense. As governments, financial institutions, long-standing legal structures, multi-national corporations, religious dogmas and organizations, historical beliefs, and virtually everything we have been told is real…yes, as all these come crashing down in the Light of Higher Consciousness, those who have chosen to be unaware will be clueless – including Lightworkers. While it is true that even with heads in the sand one can feel the energy-shift taking place; yet because of unwillingness to pay attention, many will be blindsided, and the changes experienced can be painful rather than joyful. This creates more fear, which actually makes it worse than it would be if we had an idea of what is coming our way. That’s why so many of us try our best to get the message out to everyone who will listen. We would like this process to be as uplifting and fulfilling for as many as possible. We would like to minimize the fear and grief probable as the very old foundations of human society crumble.

Some may ask, Ron, how can you say that the collapse of everything we have known could be uplifting, and even fulfilling? Those who may ask that question might not have answered an even more important question for themselves. Who are we…really?

As far back as we can go in what we call history, we have been sold a bill of goods that includes pseudo limitations of all types: moral, intellectual, emotional, spiritual, FINANCIAL, and other false paradigms. I purposely put financial in all caps. Why? Because the way in which money has been used throughout time has been the primary means of human enslavement without discernible bars or visible chains; and the collapse of our debt-based, fractional reserve financial system is the domino that will cause all the others to fall, for indeed it is the money system coupled with unabashed human greed and lust for power that has spawned every form of injustice, inequity, and disinformation. And the truth is: most humans, including (some would say, especially) Americans, have no clue how this done. The true nature of the financial house of cards is never taught in institutions of education – not even so-called higher education. Why would they teach it? That would only make people aware of the scam that it really is; and make no mistake: the education system, including the media, is designed on purpose, not to enlighten the populace, but to dumb us down. To those who would rule the world, limitation thinking is not only good; it is essential to the continuation of the scam. To quote Orwell again, In the long run, a hierarchical society [is] only possible on a basis of poverty and ignorance.”  

It is this scam, and the extraordinary attempts of those who created it, that has led to the creation of all of the systems in our world that hide us from the truth, which is the illusory reality created by the extremes of separation consciousness (ego) to hide from real Reality. For those who do not know, real Reality is simple: all Life is interconnected, and everything within The ALL is alive with energetic consciousness at varied levels. Stated even more simply: we are ONE with All That Is. In scientific terms, we live in a Holographic Universe where each apparently minute part contains and interacts with the whole. What is done by and to any component, of necessity, affects the whole. Because we are co-Creators, each human is both victimizer and victim of all that occurs, perhaps alternating in those roles. Nothing ever happens in isolation. Nothing!

Which makes me wonder how anyone claiming even a small degree of enlightenment can ignore any part of anything that is happening in the world around us. (Of course, it is fear!) We are collectively creating and experiencing the entire drama…and most haven’t a clue that this is the real Reality of human existence. Yet, I see it all the time – even among my friends and people I rub elbows with on a regular basis. Some actually think they can be and are separate from the ego, the drama, and the politics of life. Sometimes I even see these symptoms in myself, though I know it is merely a delusion of my ego-mind creating the experience of separation. It is ego showing me, yet again, what I am not, so that I might see who I am: a co-Creator of Reality and, thus, a Grantor of Desires, i.e., a GoD of FREE WILL.

This brings me to the point at hand, the challenge to all of my brothers and sisters on this prodigal journey away from HOME, away from our true nature, which is LOVE … and TRUTH … and GRACE. A phase of our journey – for many of us who choose it to be so – that is nearing an ending, completing a cycle. We are coming HOME! Nevertheless, this is true ONLY for those who choose it to be so.

I can only hope what I believe to be true, is: that many, once they realize the score in this game we have generated by allowing polarities to conflict rather than dance with each other, will chose to stop running away from that which they fear. Yes, I know some teach that duality will end. This has never made sense to me, since I perceive duality and polarity as pretty much identical. Energy, itself, is dual in nature. Positive and negative are two expressions of physical manifestation; and without either, there is no energy, no electricity and no magnetism. To me, there is no life either. Polarities are designed to be complementary. So then, it is polarization, not polarity that is the issue here. It is not us against them; or even light against dark. There is only ONE; and that ONE only appears to be separated from the finite and limited viewpoint specially created for the game we play. When the TWO in ONE are comprehended and merged from a higher perspective, we can see the dance of life. All warfare ends. Conflict ceases. The masculine and feminine energies conjoin to co-create new life, new expressions. This is the point of view that can and must transform everything. First, however, we have to learn the lesson we set up for ourselves in the game.

We are all role players in this time and space drama. Our egos are the masks we wear. Some masks are villains. Other masks are victims. Behind the masks, there is innocence … although some seem to have become so caught up in the delusional benefits of the victimizer role that they seem oblivious to the obvious disorientation and unsustainability behind it. Of course it is also true that if they could see behind their persona, they would not play the role effectively. In any case, it is my conviction that this is what we are here to see: THAT (victim) is NOT who I am; and neither is THAT (victimizer) who they are. Seeing this allows us to love truly; however, we do not see this without perceiving the primary segments (opposite forces) of the game. To ignore either is to continue the diversion. To know both is the only place of power for everyone. This is the mystery of wholeness, and the solitary way to free ourselves of the polarization that has continued to create all of the apparent ills in our world. We must rise above the wounded ego and learn to resonate with the Higher Self, which heals the ego.

Unlike what some teach, adopting an attitude of neutrality is not the way out of our tutorial dilemma either. That is a delusional fiction in this game. Neutrality is not love! It is apathetic ignorance. We must come to recognize the masks…and then choose. Both are ok for learning purposes; but only one is truthful. We are either love or not love. If we choose the latter, there are consequences, not as punishment, but as guidance indicating an incorrect choice that does not reflect real Reality. When we choose the former – I am Love – the reward is immediate. We begin to heal inside. The blinders fall off of our eyes. Comprehension of the game becomes clearer. “Of course,” we say, “those who conspire to rule the world and everyone in it are projections (masks) of my own ego in the macrocosm of my perceived reality. They are demonstrating what I am not – even what they are not. The tragedy of the performance is that I so often missed the meaning by turning away from the very thing sent to awaken me from my self-imposed amnesia? Over and over, lifetime after lifetime I failed to see it. Now, today, I choose to look and really see. In seeing with new eyes, eyes of the heart, I realize I can change my life and even the world.”

This is the reason so many of us try our best to get people to look around. Listen to those who have been crying in the wilderness for so long. Pay attention. Our message is clear to those who open their hearts and minds. When you KNOW the truth, the TRUTH sets you free. Without knowledge, there can be no freedom. Please stop ignoring the negative gifts we have given ourselves. The more who look and really see, the faster we can release the lessons provided for the awakening of humanity and the birthing of a new race of Lighted Beings destined to shine throughout the Cosmos. Please pay attention and commit yourself to learning what is happening in our world that is teetering, as it were, over a precipice of disaster for those who are not prepared – especially for those who choose ignorance as a method of dealing with difficult news. I invite and encourage you to make another choice: become better informed. We have the power to change the world for good; and that power, again, stems from knowledge of the truth, both positive and negative, now coming to light.

At the start, I quoted Wells’ 1984 vision of a totalitarian world. Let me close with my own vision of where we are headed as we wake up. We return to our Loving Creator who greets us with open arms and heart. “These, my children, were blind, but now they see again; they were dead, but now they live.” Then the party begins: dancing in the streets, children smiling, parents beaming, cosmic families reunited, creativity unleashed, all resources freely shared, leaders serve others rather than themselves, the entire Earth and all that inhabit her break forth with singing the new song of the ages: FREEDOM REIGNS! And no one need rule this world, for an awakened humanity WILL create Peace on Earth where men and women of good will dwell together in the knowledge taught by the illusion of separation. That knowledge is the foundation from which Love transforms hell into heaven as the illusion of separation disappears. Namaste.

© By Ron Van Dyke, October 2008. All rights reserved. May be freely distributed as long as it remains complete and with source information included.'sArticles.htm#KNOWLEDGE