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Daughters and Sons --Tell your Parents About the Human Aura

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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Daughters and sons...tell your parents about the human aura - Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)
Dearest daughters and sons...tell your parents about the aura. The aura is one of the more misunderstood and unknown aspects of the human existance. All around us is pain and suffering because people are turning away from God.  As we face God, we face ourselves, and as we face ourselves, we reclaim our powers and as we reclaim our powers, we do not create pain and suffering.
People are dying of cancer, illness and disease
Basically it goes like this...cancer, illness and disease and thoughts about being separate and mortal, lessen the amplification of the aura, which is the energy signature like a broadcast reception that we emit out to the Universe.  The aura is our energy signature. Simply put, there´s way too much ego happening on planet earth, and as a result, people seperate from God either knowingly and unknowingly. This separation results in clouding the aura, making the signal weaker...essentially if one forgets to choose God or knowingly chooses to serve their ego instead of God, then they become less powerful....disease, ignorance, illness, bitterness and more...seeps into experience.
How can we avoid cancer, ignorance, illness, bitterness, disease and other lower frequencies?
Often we experience pain and suffering over and over and over because we refuse our teachers...we do not listen and integrate their teachings into our lives, we ignore God´s messengers.  We can consciously work with God and the Universe in harmony. First of all, we need to affirm who are we actually serving....God or ourselves, or some other entity.  As we choose God, we meditate and envision our energy as a triangle in the we attract God to become one with us, God merges as an upside down triangle in the heart, and a crystal is formed between God and us.  This composite of two triangles becomes a crystal merkaba that forms the seed of our aura.  One of the best ways to gain health, vitality and harmony is to first of all, have this foundation of God energy running through us, amplified in the aura as a broadcast of one´s relationship with God.  As we merge with God, this becomes the essence of our health and vitality.
How Can The Aura Be Purified?
The aura can be cleansed and purified with our intent to do so....our desire to become students of Light...our willingness to live clean lives.  Being pure of intent can do much to clear the aura and this involves working directly with God to clear up any misconceptions, to understand carnal thoughts, and to use our mind, body spirit emotion to serve the cosmos instead of our egos.  Ego is the antithesis to Mastering working in collaboration with the Universe because it separates us....separates us from tapping into the flow of God energy that runs through us unperceived and unused, because we look away from God. 
We affirm that we are choosing to serve God instead of our egos.....this is our core we work from, and then.....
As we purify ourselves our mind, we consciously monitor and learn from our thoughts. We learn about our thoughts, and give up anything that no longer serves us to God.  God is the great recycler of All energy in the Universe.
As we master our emotions, we use our emotions to bring issues to the surface that need cleansing.  We use our positive emotions to colour our aura with broadcast harmony and love.
As we master spirit, by listening to the God within called the Higher Self, who guides us to the next suitable joyous adventure.
As we master our body´s we learn to cleanse out any impurities using clay eating and wearing, herbs eating and wearing, fasting, ionic foot bath, charcoal eating, blessed pure water.
We develop a spiritual relationship with water
Similar to if you were doing a home renovation, you would clean up the sawdust, wash the floor if it is dirty...perhaps air out the room if you painted etc.  As we cleanse ourselves, and our merging with is necessary that we work with the energy of water.  Water has been proven to store energy....if this is so, then it is important to do two things:
1.  All water that flows through us through diet, by drinking or bathing etc., must be cleared. This is a simply process of simply desiring it to be so....¨Let all the water flowing through me, around me and near me, be cleansed and clear in the energies of Light and Love¨.
2. We can clear the water with magnets.  Imagine buying a bottle of water at a store.  That water has absorbed the emotions of the person selling you the water, the fluorescent lights, the radiation coming from the refrigeration.  Using magnets will help us to work with the crystal energy of water.  As we work with crystallize our water, we crystallize ourselves, and this means that we will broadcast our energy further and stronger and more truthfully across all dimensions...this happens best with cleared crystal water.
How do we prevent negative energies from affecting us?
Humans are open systems, and we are affected by one another. However this negative effect that the world has on us can be shielded by the Violet Flame of Transmutation.  Simply envision a violet flame surrounding you master this ability your power to transmute negative energies becomes stronger. 
We are in a new era of health
Humanity is moving into a new era of health. Most modes of public health don´t even consider God and as a result, many methods are expensive, they don´t work well, they are painful and in fact, in cases such as chemotherapy, they even will bring on an earlier death.  Instead of thinking about ourselves as getting older and dying, we realize that we can work with God to alter how and why we experience anything and everything including aging. We can regenerate ourselves...remember God is the great recycler of energy...we work with God to recycle ourselves.  Remember that ego brings us an early death....and that God brings us immortality.  As we consciously choose what we are experiencing on planet earth, we can use our time on planet earth to affirm that therre is no way to be healthy on a planet this polluted, this dirty...without a true heartfelt collaboration with God.
As we become balanced...our aura shines
As we live truthfully from the heart and reclaim our desire to live wise, powerful and to be loving, this provides our crystal core which is radiated out as our auras.  As we become balanced and work in collaboration with God and the Universe mastering our egos, we can easily and with grace clear up any imperfections of our charka and aura.  As we surrender to understand that the true power in the Universe comes from God and not our egos, then we allow ourselves to atune to the flow of energy that God wants us to discover within.  God and the rest of Universe receive great joy in watching humanity rediscover the power of who we are.  We are designed to work in collaboration with God and as we do we are graced with the gift of finding ourselves, discovering our joy, maintaining health, creating suitable adventures, manifesting peace and all of this happens in the energy of Love....Love is God´s energy, work with God´s energy today, and receive your rightful gifts.  The offer is always on the table to do so, to see, recognize and work in the energies of Light and Love.. We are all merging into Oneness.
Daughers and sons...we chose be born into a world of illusion, so let´s not blame the world for undesirable experiences.  We are born into families who have believed and integrated the illusions...we are born into a world where few know what´s really going on...where many unknowingly and knowingly are rewarded for serving their egos....rewarded for give their power away to serve something outside themselves.  There´s a purpose in everything, so therefore there´s nothing wrong with being ego focused. God gives us all eternity to choose when and how we will surrender to his will instead of our ego´s will. Within all drama, financial turmoil, wars, disease, hurt, pain, suffering, greed etc.....lies the potential that more and more of us are tapping into....the reward for serving can surrender in this lifetime or the next one or the next...why not simply reevaluate yourself today and see if perhaps we are willing, willing to examine ourselves, our current state of affairs, and our existing you want to be more powerful, do you want to shine like star, do you want to broadcast God´s frequencies? If so, create that crystal star inside your heart...learn how to consciously alter the energy of your heart through meditation and intent to serve....for to do so is a promise that will be fulfilled, a promise of a whole new Golden way to experience the cosmos, each of us is a crystal child of the Universe. As brothers and daughters, we help our parents and our communities to understand how to work with crystal energy, which is the foundation of a whole new way of´s called the Golden Age....we are the architects of the Golden Age on planet earth. As we design the Golden Age by remembering ourselves, this is our gift that we return back to mother earth and the Universe.
Indian in the machine
Native Canadian living in Costa Rica
Aura purification, Indian in the machine music, Peace and love activist, Worldwide distribution of Ionic Foot Bath Plates, Ascension, Sky spirit photography.
Hundreds of articles written by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine) can be found by visiting his website and clicking ¨Tribe¨..... or at Snoedel....
Aura imaging presentation video