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Brother Gee

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Imagine that you fall asleep tonight. In the morning, you wake up in a strange bed, strange room, with strange beings peering at you. You're naturally frightened. You may even scream. One of the beings moves toward you and through its peaceful demeanor is able to calm you. The being tells you that it is your Guardian. It promises to take care of you.

So, you go to live with this being. All the while wondering how did you get here? What happened to the place you were before you went to bed? As time goes by, those thoughts begin to fade, as your Guardian makes good on its promise. It feeds you, clothes you and protects you.

Most of all, your Guardian teaches you.

Your Guardian teaches you how to behave, who is who and what is what. It teaches you about the history of the place that you now call home. It teaches you what your responsibilities will be in your adopted society.

You learn well. You follow all the rules and you learn all the history and disciplines. You have now totally forgotten the day you woke up screaming in fear. This is HOME. This is what's real.

You choose a function, a career. You excel. You fall in love. You marry, have little ones. Everything in your Life is perfect. Then, one day after work, you wander over to where a small crowd is gathered. They are listening to a being as he talks. The being is saying crazy things. Things like all of you are not from here. That everything you've ever been taught is a lie. That you are being tricked, used and abused.

All of you laugh uneasily. Why, this being must be crazy. What could possibly make him say such things? Can't he see what is in front of his face? THIS is real. WE are real. Everything we have been taught is the truth. This being who is teling us these things must be mentally disturbed.

As the crowd breaks up, you walk away. You are troubled, by what, you do not know. It's almost as if you're trying to remember something, but you can't. If only you could remember the Life you had before you woke up here.

This story is a metaphor for what has happened to us here on Earth. We are living in an environment where almost everything we have learned about the planet Earth and her history has been twisted, tampered with, embellished, turned upside-down. All this has been done in order to control us. We have "learned" evrything from OUR Guardians, trusting that they would never lie to us. We adhere to the teachings that we receive and reject any that do not fit with them.

God is within me? Blasphemy!

The Earth has Secret Rulers? Nonsense!

I have lived countless previous Lives? Ridiculous!

All History, Religion and most Science is a Lie? Come on, now!

How can you say that this Reality is true and real? All your Life you've taken the word of someone else, simply because in your helpless state, you had to trust them. How do you know they weren't lying? Or misinformed? Or victims of the same brainwashing they were handing to you?

I cannot say this strongly enough...This World-Society is a Sophisticated Lie manufactured for YOU and I to "live" in. The Lie works because most humans are afraid to trust themselves and are most comfortable when following others. I beg you to please not let The Lie consume you.

Think For Yourself. Trust YOUR Instincts.

Consider ALL Arguments.

Do not "Join" for the purpose of "Belonging".

Exalt no Man or Woman above any other Man or Woman.

Reject Religion. It is The Trap that will halt your Seeking.

Wake up. Wake up and see that this is not home, it is a Prison.

Begin to take the Steps necessary for you to go Home.

Above all, Have No Fear. There is literally Nothing to be afraid of. Yes, your Physical Body is Mortal. But you, the REAL YOU inside of that Body is Immortal.

Love to All,

~~ G

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Name: BrotherGee
Location: United States

Humankind, along with Mother Earth, is about to embark on an epic cosmic journey. Some of us will be walking through this Gate with her. Many will be left behind, unless they can sufficiently raise their Vibration to match that of "The New Earth". Now is the time to make The CHOICE. Which will you choose? The Ultimate Decision is yours alone. Here, I attempt only to point the way, so that you may find the tools you will need to make this critical decision. Who am I? I am your brother. I offer you my hand in service. Salu.