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Ron Van Dyke

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Life itself is animated by inspiration. That which energizes is invisible, yet measurable. The human experience, however, is a conundrum. Confusion is rampant. Polarized forces and ideologies seem to compete for human attention. One can wish for the wisdom to properly discern this mystery. Many do. Some choose sides consciously, while others, perhaps most, try to ignore the dichotomy that exists between polar opposites, often drugging themselves in one way or another: substances, pain or pleasure, and even religion or science.

Throughout history there have been humans who have felt inspired, as if forces or entities beyond the visible are communicating with them, providing messages and information from the other side of reality. This is happening in our world today with ever-increasing regularity. Many are channeling information from unseen sources. Courageously, many choose to publicly reveal their revelations to others, which seem to open them to the ridicule of those rational-minded folk whose only reality is what can be perceived with three-dimensional senses – especially sight. Of course there are always those who have felt the gentle breezes of inspiration themselves and may resonate with the communication that was channeled by another human. Make no mistake about it: all scriptures are channeled information; and with each there are believers and unbelievers.

True believers feel a resonance with the revelations; they simply know that they are true. Unbelievers may fall into two categories (if not more). There are always those who scorn all such nonsense openly, even ridiculing those who believe. Then there are those unbelievers who may see in the channeled information a means to manipulate others by preying upon the natural fears and doubts prevalent in human consciousness. The latter group naturally pretends to be believers, even spouting the clichés that motivate believers in one way or another. These are the dividers; and they have risen to prominence in our world. Many are becoming aware and awakened to the reality of the long-subtle force of the lie that becomes more evident by the day. The lights are being turned on and up.

When I first heard Blossom Goodchild’s message from The Federation of Light, I was greatly moved on an emotional level. My heart felt a burst of joy and tears filled my eyes. To say I resonated with the message would be an understatement. It was as if invisible realities had heard and responded to the cry of my heart for more tangible manifestations of grace. They, the invisible realm that I have long felt, was going to appear in our skies, wiping away all doubt as to their existence. They were not promising to save us, or even to intervene in any tangible way – it was to be an appearance only. The invisible was to become visible for a minimum of 72 hours in our perceived reality.

At first, I began finding as many other messages as possible that collaborated Blossom’s declaration; and there were quite a few. Many expanded and sensationalized the original message; but even these resulted in good feelings. Yes, even the 2,000-mile craft parameter seemed credible, although Blossom’s guides had only stated “a craft of great size” would appear in our skies.

I make it a point to read a lot of channeled information; and I do not limit myself to only those that I agree with in most respects. It has long been my practice to look at opposing viewpoints in order to maintain my objectivity and my self-definition as one who is open-minded. With some of these contrasting and contradictory messages I also experienced strong emotion opposite to the love and joy felt with Blossom, Magenta Pixie, Mike Quinsey, Zingdad and a few others. It would not be an understatement to say that I felt angry with some of the messages that seemed to minimize or undermine the significance of the mass sighting. A couple of these were from channels that I had respected in the past; and now their messages were triggering negative emotions in me.

Please understand that I firmly accept and embrace the negative polarity within myself. It is valuable information to me, even though I have not always known how to correctly interpret it. In any case, I have been able to compare my emotional reactions and provide some analysis. I’m sharing some of that with you now.

The first channeled message that struck an especially negative cord in me was that the sighting(s) would occur; yet only those who believed would be able to observe them. The disbelievers would not see them at all. What good would that do? The appearance would be totally meaningless if it did not impact our consensus reality of the collective consciousness. The most important people to see this, to me, are those who do not believe. It is their consciousness that most needs impacting, if we are to change the paradigm on Earth. Unless there is incontrovertible evidence, the official cover-up and disinformation promulgated by our distrusted government officials and mainstream media would be able to continue. That’s hardly a paradigm-shifting occurrence – even if it might embolden the believers by strengthening their faith and bolstering their hope. Bear in mind, however, that faith and hope are merely wishful thinking without manifestation in the physical world. I’m sure many, like me, are sick and tired of the pie-in-the-sky mentality that has been shoved down our throats all our lives. All spiritual exercise and belief is meaningless, if we cannot ultimately impact and change the world where we exist in three dimensions. After all, what positive contribution is possible if all ascension to higher dimensions means is another escape. I’m tired of running away, or putting my highest aspirations on hold for some future world. If that were my only hope, life on this planet would not be very alluring.

The second message that depressed me stated that the appearance would be spiritual and not physical. Again, this would be ludicrous in a physical world. Why take on physicality at all if the only purpose is frustration? Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Like people of faith throughout the ages, I look for a city that has foundations, whose builder and maker is God. (Yes, those are Biblical references for those who did not already know that – from the eleventh chapter of Hebrews in the New Testament.) Within me are seeds of peace and prosperity, truth and justice, wholeness and well-being. These are essential and inherent markers that reveal my true nature in contradistinction to the world in which I live that is the diametric opposite of those qualities that are approved and admired by my consciousness, as witnessed by the fact these produce in me feelings of great love and joy. When I feel these, when I can envision them as experienced reality, I feel connected and even ecstatic, which, as I said, is how I feel when I read Blossom’s message from The Federation. It lights my fire and stirs the embers of my passion for life.

Each of us must discern the feelings that arise in our own experience through whatever window we choose to view the world. For me, I choose to believe until I know; and I choose to trust that my feelings are indicators of what is real and what is not. When I experience resonance, I interpret that to mean that whatever triggered that in me was telling me: This is your true self. When I experience dissonance, it means that the response mechanism being triggered in me is revealing my false self, or my illusory reality. Illusory realities, therefore, are teachers, guides through a world rife with conflict and lack, sickness and injustices galore. It’s good that they trigger my anger, especially when my monkey mind is trying to sell me that bill of goods that I am separate from … anything. You may choose whatever you want to experience, but I choose love that reminds me and reinforces the fact that I am connected to … everything, visible and invisible.

So then, October 14th will be a day of revelation … for all of us, in one way or another. Those of us who long for the interior world of harmony to manifest in the physical world of the senses will welcome it with open minds, open hearts, and open arms. Those who wish to hang onto the old illusions where one can manipulate to control others will be disillusioned as their paradigm of separateness begins to crumble in ever more visible ways. Love cannot be controlled; and it is that energy that is expanding exponentially on our planet. This may be wishful thinking to some; but it is Spirit-breathed truth (inspiration) to an ever-increasing group of humans who have chosen to ascend to higher dimensions with our planetary Mother and invisible Father. I am, as revealed in a dream of inspiration many years ago, their son – a priest forever after the order of Melchizidek. I am here to serve the image of the incorruptible Divine in me … and everyone else. Together, we are changing the world. Namaste.

© By Ron Van Dyke, October 12, 2008. All rights reserved. May be freely distributed as long as it remains complete and with source information included.'sArticles.htm#OCT14PRED