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As the Pillars of the Old REality Come Crashing Down

Xavier Herm

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At this moment things are building to a crescendo. The energies of the light that represent the very first major steps toward a new reality are now beginning to overwhelm the old, rigid energies of the now largely defunct old reality. All the latter has to go on is the remains of momentum, built over thousands of years, but now diminishing rapidly. The new energies, though, are being vigorously refreshed, in contrast to the old that have no new source to empower them.
        This is the underlying axis of change to the scenario you witness in the physical realm. The old realm is indeed doomed, its time at an end. It may still totter forward a few weak steps, but soon it must fall in its tracks, utterly unable to go further.
        We understand that, for you living in the physical realm, these developments seem to take for ever. Yet, in cosmic time, they move with lightning speed. So, be patient just a little longer, and the changes that have, indeed, already happened at the causal level will manifest in the physical realm.
        An element of this manifesting is that your realm itself is evolving rapidly. This is largely being activated by human consciousness, as it rapidly expands and begins the process of reconnecting you with who you always were. Your journey has taken you a long way from the fully connected being that set out in search of great soul growth by being chosen to enter the third dimension and all the experiences that came with it. Now, that journey is at an end, and a return to full connectedness is appropriate. Indeed, it is in process.
        Your biblical ‘Revelations’ tells us that, in the end times, all that has gone rigid will collapse. That is what you are witnessing now. It is appropriate, for the old must be cleared away before the new can fully manifest – and that is what is playing out in front of us!
        ‘And the meek shall inherit the Earth’: think what this means in today’s terms. How about turning it around to say ‘And the arrogant shall NOT inherit the Earth’. Who do you think it might refer to?
        The meek, in this context, are those who are willing to go quietly with the flow, to take guidance. To use their intuition and think with their hearts. They will be enabled to take right action, and move forward, even as the pillars of the old reality and its institutions come crashing down.
        Welcome to the early manifestations of the New Reality.
Xavier Herm