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The Vision I Tried To Forget and Avoid Suddenly Stands Right Next To Me and Laughs

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The vision I tried to forget and avoid suddenly stands right next to me and laughs.

I saw a certain vision when I was younger... a loving, kind, powerful and highly sensual being showed me what was to come if we didn't change our ways... it was not a revengeful god to do this or anything like that, it was merely our own fault, our own creation, coming back to bite us all in the face and shred us to bits.  I asked how we could avoid such a disaster within my lifetime.  She said "Not likely, but those like yourself, if you show us that you care enough to turn this around, we'll be here for you when we all return.  Perhaps you WILL turn this all around in time, perhaps not, but there IS HOPE, and we are all watching your efforts.  Be reborn, re-awakened, and open your eyes to the deeper inner truth you have always known within you - we are family - we are one people, you and I.  Go forth and share what MUST BE DONE to awaken everyone to the truth and save each other from yourselves.  Show us... show me who you KNOW you really are inside, dear one.  Do it for me, my love.  I'll guide you whenever possible... but do not stop - the greater good that is to come after this rebirthing is SO WONDERFUL!"  She said so much more to me then, and I saw so many things as she spoke to me - I cried in so many ways for so many reasons.  It all made so much sense back then in that moment.  I was forever changed.  I saw the GOOD in everything and was filled with so much hope and optimism.  I knew we all had a fighting chance to turn the terrible horrors, some I knew about and many others I had just learned of, completely around.  Now all has come to pass except a few final steps.  It is time.  I am prepared... I don't like what is to come, and I remain hopeful (when I have the strength)... but what I see is the very thing that she warned me to warn others about as a teenager LONG ago.  Now I am 40 years old - far from being a vocal teenager talking pubicly about my reptilian contact encounters and mass UFO contact event of Sept 5th 1987 where all doubt was shattered before 30-40 other witnesses who stood before me.  No, that was not a Sci-Fi story.  I WAS THERE!  I called out and SHE replied.  She is real... my family... my heart.   ...and she was RIGHT!  I really HOPE we can get through this... I really do.



From: Someone I know

I had an interesting discussion with my son who is an Army Chief Warrant Officer 4 and Commander of Criminal Investigations unit and has 31 years service.
October 1st, 2008 begins fiscal year 2009.   The government is BROKE !   No money !   Therefore, no food stamps, section 8 housing, SSI payments medicare payments and etc. & etc.  There is much concern there will be RIOTS IN THE INNER CITIES.  National Guard and Army Reserve units are now being "prepped" for these possibilities.

Best regards,.

(Someone I know)


This is one clear vision SHE showed me - the worst one I ever saw - worse than global disasters... because no one could even THINK for themselves anymore and the sobbing never stopped - day or night... for years.  So sad... so very very sad.  Few people even knew where their friends or family were as all were dislocated and dispersed to assorted camps and or "places of employment" (work detail).  I have kept much of this vision so very quiet most of my life, instead focusing on the positive whenever possible to HELP OTHERS, to INSPIRE ACTION... and here we are, right on the verge of collapse... just like that ONE DAY in the 30's all over again.  It all happens so fast... just like the news about the WTC (that I also knew about 4 days before and left town just in case it was HERE it was to happen).  I hate that this terrible vision is closer than ever today.  Is this humanitys true nature?  Do we really have to start over again and again due to the same old global crisis regarding greed, fear, jealousy and hate of each other?  I just wish I was not a part of this global illusion any longer.  If She returned and told me we could just quietly slip away together and forget all about this place, it'd be so very hard because I love so many of you, and all I could do is silently beg for your forgiveness as I save myself from such horribleness... but yes, I would do so.  I feel I've worked so hard to enlighten EVERYONE for DECADES now!  I've sacrificed my own life for everyone for TWENTY YEARS now... the BEST years of my life... no bank account, no savings, no family, no home, NOTHING!  No safety net what so ever other than my guide/contact and some loving friends I've made here in the process.  It would be hard to leave, but I would have to follow her while I'm still alive and enjoy my remaining years as I age in peace with her by my side.  The alternative is... well, more than likely... read the above passage again and remind me just how close November really is.

I just hope October 14th 2008 finally ends the "mystery" regarding my people and other distant cousins we share.  Perhaps then we can finally get past the BS lower level emotions and rise above all this crap once and for all.  I'm sick of fighting them all and prefer my little cave to hide away in, as always.  I was not born a hermit, but being human in this time-line has made me one against my will.  There is no one to blame - it is just a circumstance of current society.  I am more homesick than ever.  Please, do what you can to help each other while you still can.  Change the vision I was shown around NOW!!!  I don;t have time for another 20 years of "warnings" while attempting to earn your "trust" through more mass landings or witnessing events by my side.  Please, JUST DO IT NOW.  Thank-you.

