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US Administration Openly Loots the World

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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US administration openly loots the world - by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)

The US administration is openly looting the simply reading this entire message you will receive guidance from higher frequencies.

The US administration wants the world to ignore it's corruption.

The US administration wants the world to ignore the worthlessness of US dollars.

The US adminstration wants us to believe that they can print their worthless dollars forever because their demise is upon them.

The US adminstration wants to US citizens to pay billions.....the world pays too, as we are all related.

The US adminstration wants the world to believe that it should base it's world economy on worthless promises backed by criminals....can we attract something better? We sure can!

The US adminstration wants the world to ignore it's genocide and murder against it's own people and the planet.

The US adminstration wants humanity to ignore the evidence that many world leaders may be cloned replicas from underground military bases, however looking at the photos tells us otherwise.

The US administration wants the world to ignore the fact that many US presidents develop subtle facial diffferences evidenced in photos throughout the years which could easily be publically available evidence of human cloning.

The US adminstration wants themselves to never be accountible for their evil intent.

The US adminstration wants the world to be poor and poisoned, while they bask in their billions, naked at bohemian grove playing "The Most Dangerous Game" with mind controlled sex slaves.

The US adminstration wants the world to believe that the United States hasn't been taken over by satan's henchmen.

The US adminstration wants the world to believe that God isn't witnessing everything we do and are.

Our star family wants us to believe in ourselves.

Our star family wants us to assert our true power.

Our star family wants the planet to come together in Universal Oneness.

Our star family wants us to collaborate our personal experiences with God.

Our star family wants us to welcome them to our planet, so that we can collaborate on creating balanced in our lives and mother earth.

Our star family want us to read their messages, if we are drawn to do so.

Our star family say that we will recognize them by their Higher frequencies.

Our star family believe in Love communicated through the frequenices of Light.

Our star family are communicating on the internet because it's the chosen way to reach humanity (those of us with computers can act as messengers from Higher vibrations.....isn't that why God created photocopiers and computer printers?)

Our star family want humanity to attract the Golden Age to us, so that we can live in permanent peace.  The US adminstration want the world to be permanent slaves....can you feel the difference in your heart?

Our star family wants humanity to know the Truth, and it wants us to seek the Truth out.

Can you feel your way to the Golden Age using your heart as your spotlight?

Can you feel your way to the Golden Age using your mind and ego as helpers and not leaders?

Can you "bring the energy up" from your lower chakras as you learn the Truths of the illusionary world around you?

Can you forgive, release, let go, surrender, allow and be willing to create paradise instead of slavery?

Can you accept that each of us is responsible for allowing the US administration to loot the world....can you accept that voice within that says so with passion and power, "No more!"?

Can you clear your subconscious of your values, attitudes and beliefs, so that you can replace old programming with a new much needed upgrade?

Can you accept your responsibility to purify the world around you with your loving intention because you told God you would do so?

Who is our "star family"?

Our star family are beings from off world from other dimensions.  They are preparing to meet humanity en mass to offer their assistance to mother earth and us.  Spend a few moments thinking about love.  The Universe is filled with love....teeming......ever overflowing with love.....tap into it now, the radiance and glory is upon us.

Send this message to several people to attract the Golden Age Now (a whole new way of living based on the energies of Truth, Light, Peace, Abundance and  Love).



Indian in the machine

Medicine man finding comfort in the Truth.

A Netherlands website dedicated to Love and Truth (say "hai" to Gea and Andre).