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Time For a New Approach

Mark Kimmel

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Now, as we experience Earth's transition in our everyday lives, some thoughts for you. Please keep in mind that these are my opinions, my personal view of reality. I offer them to spark discussion, and so that you might choose. May my words motivate you to find your path, and hold fast to it during the coming transition.
We are each incarnated on this planet because our individuated souls desired this 3rd dimension experience. We are each here at this time and place, in this dense reality, for a reason. We are each playing the roles determined before birth. There is great value in experiencing this denseness for it assists one to discern what one wishes.
We vote with each dollar we spend on food, gasoline, internet, etc. It is impossible to ignore this 3rd dimension; we are immersed in it each day. I believe it is important to see it for what it is, for the enslavement it has imposed on us. Why?
1) Because the darkness of our enslavement is extreme, probably well beyond what most imagine.
2) Because until we truly see it (so much of it is ambiguous), we cannot know if we are living beyond it, or buying into it.
3) Because there are many who are caught in it and we can help them see it for what it is.
4) The better we understand our situation, the more power we give ourselves to move away from it, and the more powerful and lasting is our decision. (At one time I thought war could be justified. Now I see that war serves only to continue karma.)
We ignore the current paradigm at our own peril, better to recognize it for what it is, then make a choice as to how we wish to participate in it. "Be in this world, but not of this world," is an appropriate saying. I see several approaches to living in this world:
1) Try to ignore our current reality, and live above it all.
2) See our current reality for what it is and consciously turn our backs on it.
3) Decide to cling to this familiar reality and let the chips fall where they may. Which is your choice?
IT IS TIME FOR A NEW APPROACH; TRADITIONAL SOLUTIONS WILL ONLY SERVE TO ENSNARE US ONCE AGAIN. I am addressing here most solutions to restructuring government, revamping the economy, redoing healthcare, reforming religion, reducing poverty and starvation and cleaning up the environment. I am also pointing at those who wish to hide from the truth in new age mantras. (I believe Mark is referring to 'New Age Robots'.) Until we can admit to the depth of our enslavement, we cannot climb out of it. We need not wallow in this understanding, but hiding from it is not a realistic option.
At the same time that I see the reality of our 3rd dimensional existence, I know that all is energy and that God created our reality as a stage upon which a great drama is being played out. It is incorrect to say "we create our own reality;" rather the statement should be that "we choose our own reality" or that "we influence our reality." I have recently had the opportunity to use subtle energies to produce demonstrable effects on other people, influencing their reality. The solution to our enslavement is to look at new ways to see and experience, for the way from our enslavement is a new way of being.
I hold the vision of a better world, one that we can create. To hold that vision, I remind myself that this current paradigm is based on a lack of love. If I do not see it in this way, how am I to address that which I want for not only myself, but for all of my brothers and sisters? For my decision is not just what is right for me, it is what is the highest good for all.
It requires courage to look the beast of enslavement in the eye and tell it that you no longer wish to play its game. Ignoring the beast, hoping that it does not exist, or that it will go away, gives it power over one's life, and in turn power over the lives of others who may not even recognize the beast. For one to be truly enlightened requires discernment as to what the world is about, and making a free will choice to embrace it, or not. It is a choice between the red pill and the blue pill; there is no opportunity to refuse a pill.
A bifurcation of humanity is underway. Many who are clinging to the current paradigm; only a few are separating from it. The chasm between the 3rd and the next step for mankind is both wide and deep. Just how much time and discomfort mankind will experience is up to us collectively. Just who will choose to leave this realm is an individual choice. Who will stay to rebuild it, is an even more difficult choice. It would be nice if things would change overnight so that we might all ascend to a lighter dimension, however there are not enough of us to make that transition for the human race on Earth. So we will have an enlightened Earth for those who wish to rebuild, and we will have 3rd dimension experience for those who wish to relive that.
Why choose to survive this transition and remain with a transformed Earth? Why not decide to transition and reincarnate in another time and place; why not postpone facing the beast? For me the only acceptable reason is to help reconstruct a new civilization of light. I know that is the reason that I am here at this time and place, the reason I write these words to you.
I am learning to walk in the 3rd dimension. I am also learning to walk in a higher dimension, the first because it is where my body resides, the second because it is a lighter way of being, a place where I can be non-judgmental, gentle, centered, and loving. At any moment I can discern in which my consciousness resides.
Some may see their path differently than that which I have shown, that is fine. Each journey is individual. I do not criticize those who would stay in this 3rd dimension; I love them. I see that their souls have agreed to this lifetime, perhaps for karma, perhaps to enable them to choose. Nor do I criticize those who flee this density; for some it is too hard. I do not attack someone for their beliefs, for the way in which they see reality; I only offer my opinions. I do welcome association with those who have decided to assist.
So where do our brothers and sisters from other star systems fit into all of this? They have been here in great numbers since Earth sent out her distress call some seventy years ago, when they responded with their great starships and uplifting energy. Many of them walk this planet, many resembling humans, some not. Most of them are here to assist us during this time of transition. I believe they will make themselves more apparent in the near future.
Squirrels stores up nuts for the winter. Bear eat to hibernate. Bees make honey. To prepare oneself for this time of transition is only prudent. Prepare, not out of fear, but by being practical. An important piece of this preparation is community.
Community is needed for those of us who would offer our services to restart a civilization. Community is about supporting each other on our individual paths. Community is not about dictating beliefs; it is about sharing beliefs. I am aware of communities forming all around our planet. Some communities are forming around the path of the cosmic paradigm, some in other ways. I encourage any community that fosters a civilization of light. I encourage everyone to find a community upon which they can rely, in which they can find comfort and support.