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Peace Becomes Us Before WW III

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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Peace becomes us before WW3.

I know in my heart people all over the planet are turning away from their addictions and distractions to face reality.

The reality is that we are a hair away from planetary death, and I expect the people of the world would rather take ACTION than to watch their children die at the governments, corporations and medias bloody claws.

So many in the west are drunk, depressed and dying, but the flame within their hearts, is strong and true.

There is a pink horizon just over tommorrow, and within that horizon, our Star Family is offering us as much Light as we can absorb.

Each human will need to detoxify from the heavy metals in their bodies....obviously the chemtrails sprayed from airplanes are now in the air we breathe.

Each of us here was hand-picked for our special abilities....these special abilities become active instead of dormant, when the resistance within is lessened.

Listen to me closely, if you have exteme attachments to money, that money will be yanked out of your hand gently and in Creator's love....or fiercely by the bankers.

Do you really want to be left holding a fist full of cash, while your neighbours are dragged off into concentration camps?

The battle of Light and dark is in it's final days.....which is it for you...."dramas"......or  "solutions"........"greed" or "generosity"?

The olympics is a fake farce, and yet the masses are entrenched while ww3 sneeks in the back door into under their beds.

China men who enslave women and children are ignorant and unwise enough to think that the world thinks that bejing is a clean city, just because they shut off their child sweatshop factories for a few weeks to clear up the smog.

Is China so fake, so artificial, so deceitful that they would fake the fireworks during the opening olympic ceremonies?

People wake the f**k up......the olympics rings represent a pentagram, the opening ceremonies is a death ceremony masquerading as something that unites people in peace.

China, us, russia and iran cannot be trusted with weapons, therefore I request that all their weapons be disarmed permanently and Now.

It's come to this......either you choose Love, or you will slowly and painfully die a bit everyday.....choices choices.

Your actions will either cause you become bitter, or you will become more Light receptive.

Your thoughts will either cause you to dominate others for your own personal gain, or your thoughts will work in tandom with your desire, to create heaven on earth.

Yes you can stay within your distractions, however the last seconds of the last 8 million years are ticking....ticking....ticking....

If you are looking for assistance on your challenging path,  I will recommend the Phoenix Journals as a source of Truth.

Yes you can ignore God, but God has analyzed every second of every moment you have ever lived.....there's no denying Him and there is no denying our opportunities to participate in the creation of the Golden Age or to be lifted off this planet for the welfare and safety of all who remain.

Thank you for resolving all anger issues at this time, your peace is a powerful gift to humanity.




Indian in the machine

Canadian indian man who writes about ascension, 2012, sylphs, nwo, universe, personal empowerment, spiritual nutrition etc.