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Sharing Something.....

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From: EM
Sent: Friday, August 22, 2008 3:15 PM
Subject: Sharing something...

A vivid dream I had 8/20/08 - I most always forget my dreams entirely within a few minutes after I wake up but this one stayed with me all day into last night - I was standing outside a meeting room where a large group of men were gathered - I don‘t know what the meeting was about but I knew it was very important and I was waiting for one of the men to come out when the meeting broke up.
When it did, the man [I feel strongly that it was my father, Haiton] came to me, telling me all attendees received a “gift” - he showed me his which was a cut crystal (heavily faceted) cream pitcher with deep, rich, heavy gold trim around the rim. Another man came out carrying the matching crystal sugar bowl with no lid but with the gold trim around the rim.
The rest of the men were carrying crystal goblets that matched the creamer and sugar bowl - I could not see if they had gold trim.
I asked if I could hold the cream pitcher and he said I could but to be very careful - it was worth 41,000. He did not say dollars! He said other “gifts” were worth 30,000 to 50,000.
I took it in my right hand - the side the handle was on - and held it up to my eyes to examine the details of the facets around the outside of the creamer. Some were sharp pointed - some were vertical, rounded, raised “bars” standing on end.
As I held it close to my eyes, suddenly I saw vividly a 3D hologram of a carousel and people standing around it but not close. The carousel had no horses, cars or seats on it - just a platform with very tall, dark brown poles that held the roof up - the poles extended up through or past the top of the carousel - it seemed to be moving very slowly but no one was on it. There were no decorations or paint at all - just bare wood. And I heard nothing from the vision even though I hear very clearly in my dreams.
[I seem to remember being told I would get my sight before I would hear when my 3rd eye opened.]
I pulled out of the vision to examine the other sides of the creamer but saw nothing more. It surprised me that the inside of the creamer was empty but the side I was looking at had that 3D hologram embedded in it! I handed it back to him.
[As I was telling the dream to my Pleiadian son, Jerry, he grinned and told me my 3rd eye was opening - I was making great progress and we would be “bye bye” soon. That totally surprised me as he never talks to me about metaphysical stuff! I asked him what he meant but he just smiled and walked away. I suspect those words were told to me by my mate, Planinitar, through Jerry as that was not something Jerry would say!]
Then the dream switched to waiting for my “first love” to come to me for a reunion. I was slender, felt great, put a little makeup on, giddy with excitement and anticipation of seeing him after so long a time. I wondered if he would look the same as the last time I saw him - would he be pleased with my appearance, etc. The dream ended before he appeared.
About the dream I had Wednesday night - I was thinking - theorizing I guess you might say - that the cream pitcher represented "Cream of the Crop" - which could be 41,000 beings overseeing the mission of landing/contact/pick-up, whatever.
41,000 was the number given but the word "dollars" was not mentioned at all - just worth - so it is a number and an important number as the "information" contained in the crystal was to be protected (not broken) - I was to handle it carefully.
The Sugar Bowl would be meant for the second most important group or beings - between the "Cream of the Crop" and the crystal goblets which were many. And we know crystal is used for communication as well as energy.
I am not positive the goblets had gold trim around the rim but I had supposed they would since they were a part of the set (group). I did not actually see a goblet close up - just being carried out of the conference room. So they may have been "lesser in command" so would not have gold trim representing the High Command.
Just thoughts...

Blessings, Love, Light and hugs,