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Christine Core

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I have just read with great appreciation Tom Kenyon's latest channeling from the Hathors.  For me it is brilliant and in English jargon "bang on." A thousand thank yous' to Tom Kenyon again!  I would like to share with you the insights that I had been given by my Angelic guides after reading Tom's channeling:


“We would like to give you a little more human psychology. The lower human mind can be as fickle and cunning as those who would try to control and manipulate.  In fact, the lower human mind operates in a very similar way.  The important thing is not to take "IT" too seriously AND to recognize it's wily ways.  Blame is usually an easy one to spot, but "justification" can sneak in, oh so convincingly!  To spot its cunning ways look for thoughts like "It's reasonable for me to..........", "I would, but I can't because.............".  The tricky thing is that these statements present themselves in a very convincing guise, and in most cases everybody that you know would agree with you too.  These thoughts thicken the mist of illusion and make it more difficult to cut a slit in the black canvas of "fear, hostility, paranoia, constraint, lies, and manipulation."


Please, can we give you an example?  Imagine a very sensitive, open and loving person who has always had a rapport with nature; delighting in the scent of flowers, reverently hugging trees and living a vegetarian lifestyle.  Isn't it reasonable for this person to feel hostility towards those greedy people chopping down the rainforests?  Isn't it reasonable for them to feel fear that more species might leave the planet because of the way that humans are treating it?


This is how subtle the trap of justification can be.  The easy way out of the trap is to look for how totally reasonable it is for you to act, or think, in the opposite way.  It is true, the mind is so clever that it will be able to find an absolutely, perfectly reasonable, justification for not feeling hostility towards the people who are chopping down the rainforests and not feel fear that the species are leaving the planet.  Because you may not be used to looking at things in this way, it may take some time to find the answer, but we can guarantee that it will be there.

Please, can we remind you of one of your most amazing poets, William Shakespeare who said "Nothing is Good, nor Bad, but Thinking Makes It So".


We will not say everything, but what we will say is that the vast majority of actions are felt to be totally justified and reasonable by the perpetrator.


We invite you now to justify nothing, drop reasonable as an excuse, they are cunning daemons of the lower mind.


A word that is conspicuous by its absence in the channeling from the Hathors is "when."  There are no conditions laid upon opening the doors in the higher consciousness and freedom.  Appreciation and gratitude NOW does not depend on healing a past life, or trauma, in your childhood.  It is a door already there to be opened.


What Joy! You have all the keys NOW to FREEDOM.


Christine Core, with her husband Kevin are international teachers and cofounder of Angelic Reiki and New Shamballa. Please see the Angelic Reiki site and New Shamballa.