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Ariana Sheran

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Ashtar Provides a Spiritual Explanation

Ashtar:  Now I believe we have some fun ideas in the room.  Is there anybody who would like us to speak about crop circles?

Anne:  I'd appreciate anything you want to tell us.  I have open ears!  For instance, how are they made?

Ashtar:  So dear ones, back to the question about how to influence a colony of ants on their ant hill when you are a human being.  How do you tell them that they really need to move half a mile down the meadow because you're going to flood the area where they're living?  How do you tell the ants that?

            I realize that is not a very good simile; however, it does become a bit of a problem for those in Spirit as to how to tell all of the people on the Earth that a big change is happening.  They need to be told that they have to do something, maybe they have to move or they have to prepare.  Crop circles are a very big way.  Channeling is a very big way.  More guides coming to people are a very big way.

            With the crop circles though, we can get into the minds of many more people on the planet because those who are into channeling are thought to be perhaps a little off the ideas of religion and mainstream thoughts about what is real but the crop circles, what is that?


Crop Circle History

            When they started to appear and be noticed in the seventies, they were simply round.  It was thought that people had gone in and stomped around the grain fields and they had created this themselves.  Some people even did that.  They made some circles.  No matter what they did though, if those crop circles were examined in a very intricate way, it was determined that the crop circle grain was flattened in a way differently in a true crop circle than when people stomped around the field.  As time went on, these circles became a little bit more elaborate with a few extra circles.  Then they would add a few ideas such as when the 11:11 occurred there was a crop circle formation with those numbers added.

            All along the years, every single year they have become more elaborate until now I don't think anybody on the planet could conceive of that beautiful design with the fourteen tiers ever being done by a human being, especially because it wasn’t there yesterday!


Ashtar's Spiritual Explanation

            There has been much speculation and no real answers to how this occurs but many of you are making very good guesses and I will give you our ideas on the subject here.  These ideas are not Ariana's ideas.  These crop circles are brought to you courtesy of higher and finer dimensional activity, in cooperation with Mother Earth.  Specifically, it is an aspect of Fourth Dimensional activity and yet I have to say there are energy boosts for the project from finer dimensions and a lot of that.  What is interesting for you to know I believe is that there is also an aspect to the crop circle phenomenon that involves people from the Spirit World and this could include your grandmother or any of your friends who have crossed over. 

Those who cross over into Spirit do so as a transition.  First they look after themselves and figure out what they learned during their lifetime, deal with their karma and so on.  When they are settled in the Fourth Dimension, they look for something to do.  That's pretty normal.  They look for a service.  One service might be populating a tree with devas.  Another service might be producing devas for whales.  Another service might be working with people on Earth or children on Earth or perhaps working with people who cross over into Spirit and are emotionally upset.  There are many, many ways of service in the Spirit World, even many more ways than there are professions on your planet.

One of those ways is to provide energy for the crop circle project.  That is very easy to do.  Say your grandmother in Spirit wants to help with this.  She would say, yes, I intend to do this service.  When she puts out the intent that she wants to learn something, then a teacher appears and the teacher will show her how to duplicate her energy.  With the energy duplicated and with her mind, she sends it to the crop circle project.  This energy is all funneled through an elaborate spiritual system that I cannot even begin to explain to you and is directed through the minds of those who work in Spirit.  You might call them Ascended Masters of the crop circles if you wish because they are, indeed, masters of what they do.  The energy is funneled through the minds of these dear ones and with their minds they think what they would like to have on Mother Earth in the crop.  Mother Earth becomes ready to accept this and in a moment the form comes into being.  It is “as above, so below” the mind that is assisting.

Remember how we have taught you to hold the vision?  Hold the vision of your perfection.  For example, if you are trying to lose weight, put your picture when you were slender on the refrigerator.  The picture will remind you to hold the vision of how you can look.  From the aspect of the Ascended Master of the crop circles, this one holds the vision in the mind of the form of the crop circle and the place where it would go and then with the energy right there it would simply manifest with Mother Earth's assistance. 


Crop Circles are a Tool of Awakening


These are puzzles that have manifested and have caused people to question.  That is the whole idea.  Get people talking about it and they will become amazed.  Get people wondering about it so that they will put some energy into solving it.  Get people aware that something is happening and they'll be thinking:


·        My goodness, this can't be manmade! 

·        Who made it? 

·        How did God do this? 

·        Did a UFO come down and draw this picture? 


At first some people thought that a UFO came down and sat on that place in the crop and created the pattern.  That did not happen.  It was not a UFO that did that.  They have gradually, gradually increased in patterns and variety. 


Paul Rose:  (From England, the land of crop circles) Ashtar, these patterns that we now have are beautiful and we give thanks for them to all those in Spirit and Mother Earth for their efforts in producing them.  Would you say then that this would make a mass consciousness change in our thinking?  Now we have mathematical things that are happening and we are starting to realize there is a higher power behind all of this.


Ashtar:  Crop circles are assisting with a spiritual awakening.  It will not be the end-all and the be-all of this but it is definitely assisting, especially with skeptics.  It is absolutely wonderful that people who appreciate them are making charts, calendars and books so more and more people can see what is happening, which means more questioning and more talk about it. 


Connection with Crop Circles and Large Stones


Anne:  I recently read where they're making crop circles now in our northern states in ponds of ice.  How prevalent will this be in the coming scheme of things?


Ashtar:  You will find that there are crop circles in Canada and in various mediums but it will not be as prevalent as the crop circles in England because of the energy among those three areas of the stones, Stonehenge, Avebury and Glastonbury.  In that area, there's a tremendous energy.  It is because of that energy that the circles are focused there.  Just to tease people, you're going to find word of it in your local newspaper now and then. 


Anne:  Ashtar, you are insinuating that the crop circles are manifested by thought and have nothing to do with UFO's.


Ashtar:  This is so.  However, there are higher dimensional beings that could be involved from other galactic systems, other dimensions and the Ashtar Command who are giving energy to this but not in the way of a physical Third Dimensional UFO that you might see on your planet.   It is all spiritual.


At this point, Archangel Lord Michael overlighted Ashtar and came with a message on a different topic.


                                                                        Spoken through Ariana Sheran

                                                                        June 24, 2001

                                                                        Tape 89A


Excerpt from Ashtar's New Year's Message for 2001

Crop Circles are Pointing a Direction!


            Question:  What is the status of the crop circles now?  Where are they coming from?  Are they coming from a celestial body or is there some terrestrial service there as well?   What is their focus for our times?


Ashtar:  Yes, thank you.  Crop circles have been occurring for a number of years.  They are a demonstration to the people who live on Earth that something out of the ordinary is occurring.  It is a demonstration that many people do not understand and promotes many questions.  This is exactly what it is meant to do, to promote questions and conversation among those who live on the planet.  They started out very simply, with a perfectly round area in a crop where the grain was flattened in certain ways.  They have continued to a point where the crop circles sometimes aren't even circles.  They can be very, very intricate, very beautifully patterned and perfect in every way. 


Now, one would wonder how they got there, what happened to create them and who was out in the field in the middle of the night.  This is the kind of questions that are wanted!  Those who are in the media have grown a bit tired of crop circles and therefore you don't see that much happened but believe me, this is occurring on a large basis.  There have even been crop circles that encompass the entire planetary system with all the planets and the sun in the center.  There has been a crop circle in the shape of a trumpet! 


This is definitely an awakening tool but how does it occur?  Let me explain.  Do you remember in the higher dimensions, even in your Spirit World, everything you manifest comes from the mind?  The mind is the center of it all.  When you are in Spirit, you might duplicate yourself many times but the mind is the basis and control of it all.  Now, there is a mind in the finer dimensions that is making the crop circles.  What that mind does is to simply create the pattern with the idea of where to put it and it is there instantly.  This is a metaphysical manifestation from a messenger of God.  It isn't God alone doing this but it is God's energy, done through an angelic being, which is a messenger of God.  It is according to the Earth Mission's plan of awakening humanity.  There is no way that any human being could do that which has been done with all the crop circles.  It remains a metaphysical mystery.


Dalphiaana:  Could you give us the main meanings of the configurations?


Ashtar:   Very often they are prophetic.  For example, when the 11:11 was about to happen on Earth, there was a crop circle that encompassed those numbers.  Now that you have a trumpet, it is a reminder that the call is happening and its time to wake up!  For thinking people, they can begin to realize how important the crop circles are.  More will come and they will be even more intricate and more prophetic.  They will occur with your times and they will continue to be a great mystery.


Ariana:  Very interesting! Ashtar, you are a herald angel who is assisting Earth's people to awaken to the important times we are living in.  Is this angelic being, whose mind is creating the crop circles, in your soul family?  Can we say this is a herald angel?

Ashtar:  Yes, and we do enjoy your questions.


It has been wonderful for me, Ashtar, to be in your presence.  This has been absolutely a beautiful heart to heart situation for me. Thank you for the questions that have come and I do hope the answers will help you in the future. 


I am Ashtar with Athena.  I give you my love, my joy and my support.


Audience:  Thank you, Ashtar!


Ashtar's Year 2001 New Year's Message

                                                                        Spoken through Ariana Sheran

November 18, 2000, Tape 586


Cloverleaf Connection

138 Sturgeon Drive

Saskatoon, SK S7K 4B3

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PRESENT:  June 24, 2001

Anne                                                                Karen K.

Ariana                                                              Karen W. on a conference call

Dalphiaana on a conference call                        Kris

Darryl                                                               Lynn

DeAnna                                                            Mary

Donna                                                              Zilanthra



PRESENT:  November 18, 2000


Dalphiaana on a conference call




"Skeptics want to see so they can believe but that isn't the way the Universe works.

Instead, if you believe… then you will see!"


"There is oneness in the Universe and a connection to all that is."  


"Remember the power of thought that rides on the wings of love."


~ Quotations by Ashtar from various channelings