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judgement day is now !

Xavier Hermes

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As the global transformational processes continue to accelerate, we are each up to be judged. No, not by that mythical and angry God-figure with the long white beard, but by someone all together more familiar to us.

Day by day our consciousness moves a great deal depending on the state of our beingness at any moment. We may have healing skills, or the ability to receive guidance for others, or any of a range of higher gifts and faculties. These bring us into a high connection, lifting our consciousness so that it can soar to the heights.

The next time-period may then find us doing retribution for some imagined slight by another, or getting into deep fear over the finances, or some other negative reaction with a low-level of vibration – and our consciousness comes crashing down, maybe staying that way for a considerable time.

Now, we are being asked to choose who we are, and the question is not external, but one we ask of ourselves, activated by our higher self manifesting the circumstances to really challenge us at our personal point of greatest vulnerability. The fact is that we cannot continue to bridge this freqency divide by 'soaring and crashing', for it will soon start to become wider. We are therefore required to choose between the new high-frequency existance, and the old low-level one.

It is at this point that many people experience their ‘dark night of the soul’, as the challenge to our 3-D selves to let go of the old paradigm ways we have lived for many lives and move on upward seems like a mortal threat, especially to our egos. We are actually choosing between the low-level of the old (and dying) 3-D reality, and the much higher consciousness of the New Reality, now building nicely thank you, and ready to be occupied by those who are both willing, and able, to make the jump. The New Reality itself is starting to move upward, and will move out of reach to those still deeply embedded in low-frequency beingness.

So.......THE SEPARATION is now in play!

It is like having one foot on the land, and one on a small boat, as someone slips the moorings. You must quickly choose, and then act - or sink!

Whatever you do, don't make the mistake of blaming the external trigger, be it events of people, for this challenge - the call is about who you are, and its essence is internal in nature.

If you find a way to duck the question, or you deal with it in an old-paradigm way, you can be sure that it will return. The first time you are challenged is perhaps merely a whisper. The second will be a shout. The third may well be driven by a sledge hammer! So, best to deal with it first time around, and not hang about for the next time - for you can be sure it will only be all the more confronting and difficult.

You make your choice for the higher path by adopting high-frequency solutions at every challenge, and by not being dragged down by the temptation to return to the old way of doing things. Whatever it is that triggers this dark night, embrace it warmly, give thanks for the opportunity to shift upwards - and firmly seize the higher path! The associated angst will be gone just as soon as you act with clarity and appropriateness.

So, has it happened to you yet? Has your dark night come and gone? And what is your choice - are YOU going UP or going DOWN? And are you prepared to work at the challenges in a way that ensures the choice you want?

It really is TIME TO CHOOSE!

Xavier Hermes