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The New Message from GOD - Parts 1-5 (Updated 71508)

Marshall Van Summers

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Sent: 7/13/2008 1:59:11 P.M. Pacific Daylight Time

Subj: Specail Broadcast - New Message from GOD?


Tonight, Sunday July 13th starting at 9PM Eastern time Captain Jack will be live to talk with a special guest Marshall Vian Summers. He has a message from God that he says all should hear. Tune in tonight for this special broadcast!

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He was prepared over a very long time to become its Messenger. His life gave him opportunities to gain a fundamental education about the world, to learn about relationships and self-expression and to develop his awareness of the human condition.

He was ignited spiritually at an early age, especially through his experiences in nature. As a young man, his journeys through the wilderness of North America continued his mysterious education. After graduating from the university, he became a teacher for blind children. During this time he began to experience and rely upon an Inner Voice to guide him in his work. Acknowledged for his talents in the field of special education, he was offered the opportunity to make this his life’s work. Yet the Inner Voice compelled him to decline and to re-enter the wilderness for many months. Following this time of reckoning and relinquishment, he returned to the world of people and culture and began to teach the principles of Self Knowledge, which he did for seven years.

In 1982, at the age of 33, he had a direct encounter with the Unseen Ones, the Angelic Presence who had been guiding and preparing him all along. This encounter forever altered the course of his life and initiated him into a deeper relationship with them, requiring that he surrender his life to God.

Soon after this encounter, Marshall knew he had to leave his students and his teaching, his relationships and his home in the city to wander again. This was a difficult, inexplicable and solitary period for him. His wandering led him to retreat in the desert of the American Southwest where the Angelic Presence came to him again. And so began the long mysterious process of receiving God’s New Message for humanity.

During the years that followed, Marshall’s role as a teacher had to evolve so that he, as the one destined to become the receiver of the New Message and its Messenger, would be ready. He had to have enough worldly wisdom and enough skill and integrity as a communicator, as a teacher and as one who is visionary and who has insight, to be able to receive a Message of this magnitude given over a very long period of time. He had to learn about the reality and spirituality of intelligent life in the Universe, which in the New Message is called the Greater Community. In addition, he had to be able to endure thousands of hours of direct contact with the Angelic Presence, receiving and recording the New Message from God. This put a great strain upon him, both mentally and physically. It is a process that few in the world today understand.

Even though Marshall Vian Summers was sent into the world destined to be the Messenger, he would not know this for many years. It would only be revealed to him much later, in the latter stages of receiving the New Message itself. For there is always the risk of the Messenger failing—by tampering with the Message, denying the Message or being unable to make the ongoing sacrifices required to receive and present the Message. Therefore, it was necessary that Marshall reach a level of individual maturity and wisdom in order to receive the greater mission and calling which were his to claim.

Though he has carried the weight and responsibility of this new Revelation for many years, Marshall Vian Summers has maintained his humility and humanity throughout his long and inexplicable journey of bringing a new message from God into the world. No messenger has ever been able to do this alone. Thus, a mysterious sequence of events led people to him. The first to find and join him was his wife, who has supported him since 1983 and has made her own sacrifices to ensure that the New Message could be delivered. Over the years, a small group of individuals, one by one, followed a calling which ultimately led them to take up their position to support this great work. He also has been blessed with a son, who has now chosen to join him in his mission.

Now, after years of working quietly without worldly recognition, the time has come for him and those called to help him to bring the gift of the New Message to humanity at this time of great change and uncertainty.



 There is a New Message from God in the World.

It has come from the Creator of all life.

It has been translated into human language and understanding through the Angelic Presence that oversees this world.

It continues the great series of transmissions from the Creator that have occurred over centuries and millennia.

It is a New Message for this time and the times to come.

It fulfills the former great Messages that have been given to humanity, and yet it reveals things that have never been shown to humanity before, for humanity is now facing a grave and perilous set of challenges, both within the world and from beyond the world.

The New Message from God is here to alert, to empower and to prepare the human family—people from all nations and religious traditions, people from all tribes, groups and orientations.

It has come at a time of great need, a time of great consequence.

It is preparing people for things that have not even been recognized.

It is prophetic in alerting people both to the Great Waves of Change that are coming to the world and to humanity’s position in the Universe, especially regarding its contact with other races.

The New Message calls upon the spiritual presence within each person—the great endowment of Knowledge that has been given to the entire human family which must now be cultivated, strengthened and brought forth.

It speaks of the great spiritual need of the individual—the need for purpose, meaning and direction.

It speaks to the great relationships that people can establish with one another, relationships representing their higher purpose in life.

It speaks to the needs of the world and the needs of the future. In so doing, it brings purpose and recognition, unity and cooperation, wisdom and strength to all who can receive it, learn it, follow its steps, contribute it to others and share its wisdom in service to other individuals, to families, to communities, to nations and to the whole world.

Receive this blessing.

Learn of the New Message from God.

Realize it will affirm all that is true within your current traditions and it will speak to the deeper wisdom that you already possess.

It will speak to your heart, even beyond your thoughts and beliefs and the thoughts and beliefs of your culture and your nation.

Receive this gift and learn of it patiently, taking the steps to Knowledge, learning wisdom from the Greater Community and recognizing the power of the One Spirituality of humanity to unite, strengthen and prepare humanity to recognize and to navigate the difficult times ahead.

Receive the New Message in its calling for the preservation and the strengthening of human freedom, cooperation and responsibility, for without this New Message, humanity is facing a grave and precipitous decline.

Humanity is facing the loss of its freedom and sovereignty in this world to intervening forces from the Universe.

Without this New Message, the human spirit will remain dormant, and people will live lives of desperation, competition and conflict.

It is the Creator’s will that humanity emerge into the Greater Community of intelligent life in the Universe as a free and sovereign race—as a strong race, as a united race, as a race that is capable of maintaining its cultural diversity while honoring the deeper strength and purpose that will keep the human family strong, that will keep the human family vital, active and creative.

The New Message from God presents a new opportunity for advancement in the future, but to advance you must survive. You must survive the difficult times ahead, and you must survive competition from beyond the world regarding who will control this world and its destiny.

Each individual must recognize that they have a great opportunity to discover the deeper Knowledge that God has given them—the Knowledge which contains their purpose, meaning and direction and the criteria for all their meaningful relationships.

There is a New Message from God for the individual, and there is a New Message from God for the entire world.

It is here now.

It has taken a long time for the Messenger to receive it, for the Message is very great.

Honor then the one who has come to bring the New Message into the world.

He is a humble man.

He has developed the wisdom necessary to undertake such a great role, and he has been sent into the world for this purpose.

Receive him.

Understand him.

Yet do not exalt him.

He is not a god. He is a Messenger bringing the New Message from God into the world.

This is the time now.

This is the great opportunity.

This is the answer to people’s prayers all around the world—prayers through every religion, through every nation and culture, prayers for wisdom, strength, unity, freedom and deliverance.

Receive this New Message now.

It is come, and it is come at just the right time.



As revealed to

Marshall Vian Summers

on April 20, 2007

in Istanbul, Turkey

The Blessing is upon humanity, for this is a time of Revelation. This is the time when humanity is given a great gift, a great gift to give it purpose and direction facing the difficult and uncertain times ahead. This is the time in which humanity receives a greater understanding of its spirituality, a call for its unity and cooperation and a revelation of its destiny—both within this world and beyond this world within a Greater Community of intelligent life in the Universe.

For humanity has reached a great threshold, a threshold from which there is no turning back. It is a threshold unlike any threshold that humanity as a whole has ever reached before. Now you must become a people of the world—not just people of one nation or tribe or group. For you are emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life, where all whom you may encounter and all who watch you even now will consider you people of the world.

Here you are entering a greater panorama of life, and you are entering a competitive environment in the Universe unlike anything you could even imagine. How you conduct yourself here, how you conduct your relations with each other, how you regard your position in the Universe—all have tremendous weight in determining your future and how your destiny within this Greater Community will be fulfilled and even if it can be fulfilled.

You have reached the great threshold where you have the power to destroy the life-sustaining resources of this world and to set humanity into a permanent state of decline. You have the power to compete with each other as you have always competed to drive humanity into this great state of decline. And yet you have the power to choose another way, a way out of a dilemma that will only become more difficult and intractable as time goes on.

What you as an individual will do, what you as part of a larger group and a larger nation will do, will determine which two of these great choices you will make. If you continue to conduct yourself as you have in the past, as is your habit, then your future is predictable and extremely grave. Yet if you choose another way, then you can establish a new beginning, and you can express a greater promise that resides in the hearts of all who dwell here.

The Blessing here is to call forth this greater promise. It begins within the individual and extends to the human family. This has called a New Message from God into the world, for only a New Message from God can contain such a Blessing. Only it has the power to call forth the greater wisdom and the greater compassion that the Creator of all life has placed within each person. There is no individual, there is no philosophy, there is no school of thought that can generate such a calling. It must come from the Creator of all life. It must come from the God of the entire Greater Community—the One God, the One Source, whose Angels watch over the world, but whose power extends beyond what humanity can even imagine.

God has placed within each person the seed of Knowledge so that this calling may be responded to. This Knowledge is a greater intelligence within each person waiting to be discovered, but its whole existence is in relationship to the Creator of all life. It is not a resource that you can use to enrich yourself or to gain advantage over others, for Knowledge will not do these things. Its purpose and its reality is to respond to the Creator of all life and to respond to the great calling that is going out as humanity continues to approach this great threshold in its existence.

For it is at this great turning point that humanity will choose success or failure in the face of immense difficulty in the world and in the face of opposing and competing forces from the Greater Community who seek to take advantage of a struggling and divided humanity.

Many people around the world are feeling a great discomfort, a great uneasiness about the condition of the world, and have grave concern for the future of the world and for the future of humanity. They sense and feel and know that they are living at a time of great power, a time that will determine the fate and the outcome for humanity. This is not an intellectual understanding as much as it is a visceral experience, a powerful recognition, an innate sense of awareness—all of which come from Knowledge within people.

There is no escaping this great time, this great turning point. There is no more losing yourself in your fantasies and your individual passions. For if you enter this great time—this great threshold, this time of Revelation—blind and self-obsessed, you will not be able to see, to know and to prepare. You may pray to God for deliverance. You may pray to God for the Blessing. But the Blessing and the deliverance have already been placed within you—within Knowledge within you, awaiting the time when you would have the maturity and the understanding that such a power within you must be called upon, must be followed and must be honored above all else. For this is your relationship with God, and the urgency you feel within yourself is the calling of God—the calling to awaken, to become aware and to respond.

Do not think that without your participation your life will have a greater possibility. Do not think that you can sleep through the greatest event in human history and expect to benefit from the changing circumstances around you. And do not think that you can find peace and equanimity by trying to overlook the great times in which you live because there will be no peace and equanimity there. There will be no comfort and consolation there. You are living in a time of Revelation. You are living in a time when humanity faces its greatest threshold, its greatest challenges, its greatest danger and yet its one great opportunity to establish human cooperation and unity in the face of great and dire circumstances.

To see this and to know this for yourself, you must be able to overcome your own denial. You must be able to overcome the conditioning of your culture that prevents you from seeing. You must be able to overcome your own preferences and your own seeking for escape. Perhaps you think this is not possible, but the power of Knowledge within you will enable you to do this and enable others to do this as well.

The calling now is going forth. A New Message from God is in the world. The Messenger is in the world. He is now prepared to present the New Message. It contains the Blessing. It contains the Warning. It contains the Preparation. The New Message is not here to replace the world’s religions but to establish and reinforce their common ground, to enlighten them and to give them strength and purpose so that they may have a future—both within the world and within the Greater Community of life into which humanity is now emerging.

In the face of this great threshold, your governments will not have an answer. Your philosophers will not have an answer. Perhaps people will see part of the solution and attempt to express that, and that is necessary, but the answer must come from a Greater Power within you and a Greater Power beyond you. For what will be required is a great shift in human understanding and a change in human behavior. These things must be necessitated by a Greater Power and by a greater response within you and within people all around the world. Not everyone will have to respond, but enough people in many places will need to experience this calling and this response.

The time is short. It is not time now to become listless and indecisive. There is no luxury in remaining ignorant and foolish in the face of the Great Waves of Change. For there is a Greater Darkness in the world. It is a darkness more profound and more consequential than anything that humanity has ever faced before. It enters the world at a time of great vulnerability for the human family, as you face a world in decline and as you face the great decision before you as to whether humanity will choose the path of self-destruction—a path born of competition, conflict and war—or whether the other path, the other way, will be recognized and claimed, required and expressed—a path towards cooperation and unity in the face of great danger.

People around the world are beginning to see the evidence of this great danger, but many people are still asleep, dreaming of their own personal fulfillment, unaware and inattentive to the Great Waves of Change that are already washing over the world. It will therefore be necessary for those who can respond to respond fully—to recognize the great threat, to hear the great warning and to receive the great Blessing from the Creator of all life.

There is an answer for humanity, but it is not an answer that humanity can invent for itself. For the answer must have the power to call people into a greater service to one another. It must have the power to overcome and override the psychological, the social and the political ideologies and tendencies that continue to cast humanity in opposition to itself. It must be a power great enough to incite compassion, tolerance and forgiveness in the human family. It is not simply a set of ideas. It is the power of redemption. It is a calling from God and a response from God’s Creation—a response within people, a response within you.

Therefore, receive the Blessing. You will not be able to fully understand it intellectually, but you can feel it and know that it is genuine. You can feel the response stirring within yourself. Honor this response and allow it to emerge in your awareness. Allow it to lead you forward. It is the guidance that the Creator is providing for you. It has been sleeping within you as you have been sleeping around it. Now it must awaken, for the time for its emergence has come. Now you must look out into the world with clear and objective eyes. Now you must set aside the childish and foolish preoccupations that can only keep you weak, blind and vulnerable.

This is a time of Revelation. Such times only come very rarely—at great turning points for the human family, at great moments of opportunity where the Creator of all life can give humanity a greater wisdom and Knowledge and a new infusion of inspiration and spiritual power.

This is your time. This is the time you have come for, for you did not come all the way into this world with the assistance of the Angelic Host simply to be a consumer here—to build a nest for yourself, to enrich yourself and to struggle with others for this enrichment. Though this may be the reality of your life here at this moment, it is not your greater reality, which is to bring something more precious into the world, something the world cannot give itself, and to allow this gift to reshape your life and redirect your life in service to humanity and in service to life within this world.

Yet such a purpose must be activated by a greater calling and a greater set of circumstances. Therefore, do not shrink from the Great Waves of Change that are coming, but face them. You will be frightened and uncertain in their shadow, but their reality will also ignite a spiritual power within you, and this spiritual power will come forth because of the calling and because of the Blessing. For God is calling all who are asleep now to awaken from their dreams of misery and fulfillment, to respond to this great time and to prepare to render the gifts that they were sent into the world to give to a struggling humanity—a humanity whose future now will be largely determined within the few years to come.

This is the Blessing. You may pray to God for many things. You may ask to be preserved. You may pray for opportunity and advantage. You may pray for the well-being of your family members and loved ones. But there is no greater response that God could give and there is no greater gift that could be given than the Blessing. For the Blessing responds to a far greater question that comes from within you, from the need of your soul. It is a communication far beyond the intellect and the needs of the moment. It provides for far more than you have learned to ask for.

The Blessing is a way. It is a path. It is an awareness. It is a journey. It is a mountain to climb. This is what will rearrange your life and give it meaning. This is what will organize your thinking and give you an escape from ambivalence and chaos. This, regardless of your circumstances, will bring the Blessing into your life so that others can see it and feel it and respond to it. It is intangible. It is ineffable. Yet it has the power to bring all the greater rewards into the human family.

It is only the Blessing that can prepare and protect humanity. It is only the Blessing that will give you the pathway through the uncertain and difficult times ahead. And it is only the Blessing that can prepare you for the Greater Darkness that is in the world—the Greater Darkness that has the power to determine the future of every person and every future person in this world.

This is a time calling for human unity, human power and human wisdom to come to the fore. For you now face competition from beyond the world, as well as disastrous circumstances within the world. This is a set of circumstances that is unprecedented in all of humanity’s existence.

Think not that such a reality is in some distant future or that it is not upon you now. Unless you can see the great challenge, you will not feel the great need. If you cannot feel the great need, you will not recognize the Blessing. You will not feel the need for the Blessing. And you will not see that without the Blessing, humanity will enter a period of prolonged decline with grave and immensely difficult circumstances.

God understands humanity’s predicament even if humanity cannot recognize it itself. God knows the need of your soul even if you cannot yet feel it within yourself. God knows what is coming for humanity and is calling for humanity to become awake and aware and to prepare.

God’s will and human decision are not the same. Therefore, the outcome is up to people. The Creator has already given the great endowment of Knowledge. The Angels watch over the world. But the outcome is in the hands of the people. People can choose—as many other races in the Greater Community have chosen through time immemorial—to fail, to decline, to fall under the persuasion and domination of other forces. This has happened countless times both within your world and within the immense vastness of the Universe. What God wills and what people choose and want for themselves are not the same. This is the problem. This is the conundrum. This is what creates the great separation. This is what disables you from following Knowledge within yourself. This is what keeps people blind and engenders foolish and destructive behavior.

Therefore, if you can recognize the problem, you put yourself in a position to recognize the solution. The calling has come from God. The answer is within Knowledge within you and Knowledge within everyone. There is no competition or conflict between Knowledge, as it exists in everyone. How different this is from your theories and ideas, your prescriptions and your societies’ prescriptions. In the end, humanity must take courageous action and make difficult decisions.

The calling is here. Your decisions and your actions must follow the Blessing and not precede it. Allow yourself to receive the gift of the Blessing and then, step by step, you will know what to do—what series of actions you must undertake, the thresholds that you must pass through and the change that you must bring about in your own thinking and your own circumstances. Action and understanding follow the Blessing.

To give, you must first receive. To know, your eyes must first be open. To have the power and the courage to respond, you must see the need and feel the greatness of the times in which you live. You must prepare your mind and your emotions. You must prepare yourself to receive the Blessing and to experience the greater response within you, the great calling to Knowledge within you. You must allow this Knowledge to emerge slowly, without trying to control it, dominate it or manipulate it in any way.

In this way, the Blessing takes hold within you and grows forth within you, for the Blessing is not a momentary thing. It is not something you experience like a flash of lightning. It does not illuminate the landscape at night for a second only. It begins a process of emergence. It begins a process of renewal. It begins the process of redemption that can direct and fulfill the remainder of your life here. Such is the great need of humanity, and such is the great need of your soul and the soul of all who dwell here. Such is the power of the Blessing now.

May the gravity of your situation reveal itself to you most powerfully, and may you pass through the initial feelings of fear, insecurity and inadequacy in order to allow the deeper response of Knowledge to happen within your life, as it will do today, tomorrow and each day to follow. For this is the time of Revelation. You are here at the time of Revelation.



As revealed to

Marshall Vian Summers

on April 17, 2007

in Istanbul, Turkey

This is part of the New Message for the World regarding the fate of nations and peoples and the great calling that is now sounding for humanity.

The peoples and the nations of the world are entering a time of grave difficulty and change. The world’s resources are declining. Populations are growing. And as this occurs, there will be continued competition and the grave danger of conflict and war. Here ancient animosities will be aroused. Prejudices will be played upon and used by those who are ambitious within both governments and religious institutions. Human weakness will be preyed upon, and fear will be pervasive.

It is because of this great threshold that a New Message from God has been sent into the world for the protection and advancement of humanity. In order to understand the greatness of this Message and its relevance to your time, you must come to understand and recognize those great changes that are now threatening the human family—threatening to send it into decline, threatening to ruin the great accomplishments of civilization, threatening to undermine the well-being and survival of people everywhere.

Here politics and even religion itself will be used as weapons of war, as a leverage to separate people and to pit them against one another in a great conflict, not over ideology, but over the resources of the world.

Here the conflict will be masked. It will be clothed in the disguise of politics and religion, but in essence it is a competition for resources. It is a conflict over access and distribution of resources. Humanity now faces great danger as it begins to encounter a world in decline—a world whose environments have been degraded, a world whose climate has been affected, a world whose life-sustaining resources are being depleted and ruined by human ignorance and human greed. It is for this reason that a New Message from God has been sent into the world.

To recognize the New Message and to understand its source and its meaning for this time, this time of Revelation, you must come to recognize the predicament that humanity is now entering and that it is already facing in so many places. You will not be able to appreciate the New Message from God unless you can face these realities, unless you can recognize these conditions and unless you can see that without a greater Message from the Source of all life, humanity’s possibility to navigate these difficult times is very small. The possibility for humanity to avoid ongoing war, conflict and degradation is very small. The promise for humanity to begin a greater future, a future that will be unlike the past, will be very small. The odds against humanity’s success now are so significant that there must be a New Message from God. You must see the New Message within this context or you will not understand the time of Revelation in which you live. You will not understand.

To those who will be tempted to take up the sword in the name of religion or political advantage: You must recognize that your thoughts, your intent and your actions go against God’s will for humanity. They are in violation of what God intends for humanity. For God intends for humanity to become united and self-sufficient within a Universe full of intelligent life. Even at this moment, there are other powers beyond this world who are awaiting humanity’s failure, awaiting the opportunity to intervene in order to take advantage of a weak and conflicted humanity.

If you cannot see this or cannot accept this, then you do not understand humanity’s great predicament at this time. You do not understand the travail that is now upon the human family. And you will not see the great danger, the Greater Darkness that now lurks in the world, a darkness that is born of intervention from beyond and a darkness that is born of human ignorance, greed, competition, conflict and war.

To you who would take up the sword in the name of religion or political advantage: You must realize that you are violating God’s will for humanity. And though the Creator will not punish you, you will within yourself step away from the Knowledge of God within yourself. You will cast yourself into darkness and confusion. And you will lead your peoples and your nation into conflict, desolation and ruin. For you are beyond the time in which one nation can simply profit from the decline of another, for the whole world is now at stake.

If you would take up the sword in the name of religion or political advantage, you will violate God’s Plan for humanity. Though God will not punish you directly, you will separate yourself and turn away from the Knowledge of God that is within you, that God has placed within you for your own protection and redemption. And you will cast yourself into chaos and conflict, into rage and misery, and bring ruin and desolation to your people.

This is a great risk, and this will be the great temptation of humanity: for people to exercise their grievances against one another, to exercise their ancient animosities, for nations to begin to compete and enter into conflict with other nations, believing it is for the well-being of their nation or for the will of God. But you are deceived. You are in error. You are violating God’s Will and Plan for humanity. Though God will not punish you directly, you will separate yourself from God’s Wisdom and God’s Will. You will enter into confusion and darkness, into grievance and ultimately into despair.

Take heed, then, the nations of the world, the leaders of the world and the citizens of the world. Heed these words, for they come from the Divine Will and Presence, and they represent the Knowledge that has been placed within you to guide and to protect you. This is the same Knowledge that is here to guide and protect all of humanity.

This is why the Messenger has been sent into the world—to bring this New Message of hope, this Message of restitution and resolution, to the human family at this time of great travail. For you are entering a time of great travail. You are just beginning the time in which the great wars and the great conflicts can emerge. The embers for these wars are already glowing. The intent for these wars is already alive in the minds and hearts of many people. And the conditions for these conflicts and wars are upon you.

Here humanity has its one great chance to unite in its own defense and for its own preservation—both within the world and in the face of a Greater Community of life in the Universe, where freedom is unknown and humanity’s value is not recognized, save by but a few.

Those who would take up the sword in the name of God or for political advantage will have failed their mission and calling in life, and they will lead others to failure as well. Within this failure, there will be no peace and no resolution, for they will have denied the Knowledge of God within themselves. They will have denied the Plan of the Creator for humanity. They will have turned themselves against the greater wisdom that God has placed within them and within all hearts. They will have, through ignorance and arrogance and vanity, destroyed their great opportunity to make a real contribution to their people, to their nation and to the world.

Take heed, then, of this warning. It carries with it the gravest of consequences and the greatest of meaning. The complete meaning of this warning is beyond your comprehension, and yet what it has to say to you will be clear, simple and easy for you to understand.

Beware, the leaders of nations and the leaders of religion. Beware if you seek to hurt or conquer another nation for your own advantage or to express your grievance or your ancient animosities. Be aware that you are casting yourself into the darkness and into confusion and misery, and you will bring desolation, destitution and ruin upon your peoples as a result. And be aware, the average citizen, that you too have a responsibility to follow the wisdom and Knowledge that God has placed within you, to discover this wisdom and Knowledge and not to violate it because of anger or revenge, rage or greed. You too have a responsibility, for the outcome is not simply up to the leaders of the nations and the religions. It is ultimately up to every person.

Take heed, then, of this great warning. This warning is born of the love of God, but it is a warning nonetheless. It is warning you against the great possibility for error. It is advising you to turn to the Knowledge of God that lives within you—beyond your thinking mind and beyond the ideas, concepts and beliefs that have been historically established within humanity. For there is a moral and ethical foundation to your existence. Should you violate this, you will suffer the consequences, not because God is punishing you, but because you are punishing yourself, because you have turned away from what God has placed within you and because, out of arrogance, ignorance and vanity, you have given yourself authority to override what God has placed within you.

Be aware of the great danger for you individually, for your people, your nation and the world, for the great time of trial and tribulation is upon you. How humanity will respond, both its leaders and its citizens, will make all the difference in the outcome. The power of decision here is with you. God’s Will is clear—God is preparing humanity for its encounter with life in the Universe. This is clear and is presented in the New Message.

Yet in order for you to reap the great rewards of the New Message, in order for you to prepare yourself for a future that will be unlike the past, in order for you to avoid calamity and disaster, you must take heed. You must stop. You must restrain your anger and your passions. You must withhold your judgments of others. You must consider the wisdom of your thoughts and actions and their consequences for the future.

Be prepared, for great and difficult times are upon you. They are a product of human ignorance and human abuse of the world. They are the product of humanity’s lack of vision and its lack of preparation for the future. It will be the responsibility of all nations and leaders to provide for their people adequately in the times to come, but this will become ever more difficult and challenging. The rich will have to take care of the poor. And the poor will have to take care of one another. There will have to be greater service to humanity and greater selflessness under these difficult conditions. For humanity has pillaged the Earth to such an extent that it can barely sustain the human family. The conditions and the circumstances of your life, whether you be rich or poor, no matter what nation you live in, will now press these needs upon you.

Be aware that this great difficulty has called the New Message from God into the world and God’s Messenger has been sent into the world to give this Message, to elucidate it and to be its primary focus and vehicle of expression. Do not judge and condemn the Messenger lest you judge and condemn what God has placed within you. For though the Messenger is human and fallible, he brings with him a Message that is beyond human invention and that is without error, conflict and contradiction.

Receive this Message from God. Consider it in light of the world you see and the world you know. Think of the history of humanity and its great battles, its great conquests, and how utterly destructive this has been—that so many people should sacrifice in order that a few may enrich themselves. Consider now that this cannot proceed into the future lest the entire human family enter a state of permanent decline, lest you make yourself vulnerable to intervention and invasion from forces from beyond the world, who even now are planning to take advantage of humanity’s conflicts and dissolution.

To know yourself is to know God’s Presence in your life, to know that God has placed a deeper Knowledge within you to guide and to protect you and to override your self-destructive tendencies and your selfish pursuits. To know yourself is to know what God has placed within you—not to understand it intellectually, but to know of its reality, to experience its presence and to follow its direction.

As uncertainty, anxiety and competition increase in the world, you will need this guidance now more than ever before. For the institutions and the comforts that you have perhaps benefited from may not be there for you in the future. The assurances and the security that were provided for you, to whatever extent they were, may not be there for you in the future. So how will you know how to be secure? How will you know what to do in the face of uncertainty and change? God’s answer is within you. To remind you of this, God has brought a New Message into the world and has sent its Messenger into the world.

You do not know enough yet to question this or to dispute it, for do so is merely an expression of your ignorance, arrogance and vanity. You must consider the New Message. You must hear the Messenger to know, to see and to understand. For on your own, without the great endowment of Knowledge, you will not be able to see, to know and to understand. Your behavior will be determined by others. And you will follow fear and not wisdom in your approach.

Given the great danger and the great risks ahead, perhaps you can begin to see the light that has been brought into the world in the face of a Greater Darkness that is growing over the horizon.

Receive this warning then as a gift of love. Receive it as a consolation and a confirmation that what you most deeply feel is true, that humanity is facing great peril now—conflict from within and intervention from without. Have the courage to face this. Have the honesty to recognize it. Have the sobriety to consider it without trying to make it what you want it to be or what you think it is.

This is your responsibility. This is the calling of your time. It is a time of Revelation, and the Revelation is upon you.



As revealed to

Marshall Vian Summers

on April 25, 2007

in the Old City, Jerusalem

It is necessary now to consider what real faith is in the light of great change in the world, with the coming Great Waves that will sweep across the face of the world, with the Greater Darkness that is in the world. Your understanding of faith must change. It must take a higher ground, a more secure position, a more authentic understanding and expression.

This faith must be based upon what is unseen, not upon what is seen. It must be based upon what is known and most deeply felt. It cannot be based upon appearances. It cannot be based upon the manifestations of nations and religions, or it will suffer terribly and fail you in the time of crisis and great need. Your faith must be in something greater than what humanity has created. It must be in something greater than what the institutions of the world have created.

You see, your faith is meant to keep your mind focused on a Greater Power that resides within you and within the minds and hearts of all who dwell here. It is this power within you and around you that must be the focus and substance of your faith. For consider, if your faith is based upon the manifestations of life—the creations of humanity, what human institutions have developed—then how can this faith be sustained into the future? What will happen to your faith when nations clash, when terrible acts are committed against innocent people in the name of God and religion? What will happen to your faith when people go hungry and starvation increases as the world’s supply of fresh water and food declines due to environmental degradation and overuse? What will happen to your faith when holy sites are desecrated, when places beloved by people are destroyed through turmoil, through competition, conflict and war? What will happen to your faith within these scenarios? If you believe that God is the author of all that takes place, how will you justify these things? How will you keep God holy, merciful and beneficial if you think God is the author of human behavior and human conflict?

There must be a clarification here. There must be a greater understanding, or faith will fail you if it has not done so already. There are many people today whose faith has already been shattered. They have grown cynical and their fear has become justified. They do not believe in a greater promise for humanity. And if they are religious, they will think that humanity will suffer under the weight of God’s recrimination and punishment.

They think these things because they have lost faith in what is most essential in life. They are unaware of the great endowment of Knowledge—a greater intelligence that has been given to the human family that resides within each heart, as a potential within each person. They have seen their dreams be shattered through human conflict, corruption and degradation. And now their heart is closed and their minds are dark. They will easily succumb to the Greater Darkness in the world that will speak to their fear, to their anger and to their distrust. They are unaware of the great endowment from the Creator of all life.

It is this endowment—this deeper intelligence, this mysterious power, this invisible force—which must be the source and focus of your faith. Everything around you can change. Everything around you is subject to destruction and to desecration. Yet what God has placed within you is beyond the reach of human deception and corruption. It is beyond the reach of manipulation and seduction by any force, whether it be a human force or a force from beyond the world. This Greater Power within you is here to guide you, to protect you, and to lead you to your greatest expression in life—your greater contributions to the world and to all life here. It is within you at this moment. And it will be within you each moment regardless of what happens on the outside. If your faith is in things seen and touched, then you are placing yourself in great vulnerability and you are ensuring that your future will be filled with anger and disappointment, shock and tragedy.

You are entering very turbulent times in the world. The world is in decline and its resources are diminishing. Yet human populations continue to grow. There has been great damage to the life-sustaining resources of this world, and the environment has been compromised to a very great degree. And there are forces from beyond the world who are here to take advantage of a weak and divided humanity.

Where will your faith stand in the face of all these great travails and challenges? How will you maintain your focus on the great promise for humanity? How will you avoid losing faith in yourself, in other people, in nations, in governments and in God, as your world undergoes cataclysmic change? Your life is destined to have immense disappointment, confusion and disillusionment if your faith is in things seen, heard and touched.

It is the Greater Power of Knowledge—the mystery, the evidence of things unseen—that must be the focus of your faith, that must be the heart of your religion, that must be the source of your encouragement, your wisdom and your guidance. This is the Great Faith. This is the faith that requires reinforcement. This is the faith that will ask of you to place your confidence in a greater unseen power—a power that you may only experience intermittently or even rarely. This Greater Power has been known to the true practitioners of religion throughout the ages. However, it goes unrecognized for nearly all the people today regardless of their nation or their faith tradition.

This is why there is a New Message from God in the world—a Message to restore this faith, to emphasize its importance and to show you how it provides you freedom from vulnerability, freedom from anger and freedom from disappointment and disillusionment. For you may lose faith in all things seen and touched, but your faith in Knowledge must remain strong. If this can be the case, then you will be able to withstand the Great Waves of Change without losing your appreciation for your Divine nature and the Divine nature of all others who dwell here. You will be able to practice forgiveness, tolerance and restraint—things that you would lose otherwise without this Great Faith.

This Great Faith ensures that the Power of God is there to guide you, to protect you and to lead you to great accomplishments in life. Without such a faith, you would not see this greater possibility, you would not recognize the signs within yourself and you would not heed the direction that is provided. For you would be overtaken by the world around you—swayed by the grievances, the rage and the conflict that you see and hear around you. You would be lost—swept away by the Great Waves of Change, overtaken by human suffering, overwhelmed by a world you could not understand. And your mind would become filled with anger, fear and revenge.

Your destiny then becomes clear, for without this Great Faith you will fall into darkness, and you will lose your connection to the Divine. You will pray for things to change. You will pray for things to get better. You will pray for your life to be spared. But all your prayers will be filled with fear and misunderstanding. They will not be based upon the Great Faith that you must have if you are to endure the Great Waves of Change and to be a light in a world of darkness.

Yet Knowledge is not simply here to guide and protect you. It is here to enable you to discover and to express the greater gifts that you have brought into the world. You have come into the world at a time of great change and upheaval. And this great change and upheaval, instead of defeating you, instead of sending you into confusion and darkness, will actually call forth from you the gifts that you have come to give. For this is the world that you have come to serve. Its circumstances will give definition to your greater purpose and meaning here. Perhaps you can begin to see here that the circumstances that would defeat you otherwise are those very circumstances that will illuminate you and will call forth your great gifts to the world.

This is an entirely different response from the response of most people around you. This is an entirely different response from the one you would have if the Great Faith were not sustained within you. For whether humanity is rising or falling, the power of Knowledge is within you. And you can amplify this power in others by sharing the Great Faith with them and by sharing the New Message from God with them, which speaks of this Great Faith and emphasizes its vital importance both now and in the future.

This is the Power of God within you. This is your connection to God. This is what will fulfill the deeper need of your soul, which goes unsatisfied by all the pleasures and excitements of the world. For the soul needs to realize its purpose and to fulfill it here in the world. That is the great need of your soul. And this need can be satisfied, even if civilizations are clashing, even if all hope seems to be lost in the minds and hearts of people around you.

Who will guide them then except those who have this Great Faith? Who will restore them and give them strength, courage and wisdom except those who have this Great Faith? Who will be a light unto the world and who will be able to counteract the Greater Darkness in the world except those who have this Great Faith? Who will be able to see beyond the divisions of religious ideology and historical interpretation, and who will be able to mend the conflicts that exist between the world’s religions except those who have this Great Faith? Who will be the peacekeepers and the peacemakers, who will not turn to violence, who will not take sides and struggle except those who have this Great Faith?

You must have faith then in what the Creator of all life has placed within you to guide, to protect and to lead you to your greater expression and accomplishment in the world. Your confidence in anything else must be very reserved and conditional. For so much will change and you must allow this change to happen. You may speak out against its dangers and you may try to offset its more damaging consequences, but you must allow this change to occur.

What you can give to people is food, water, shelter and the Great Faith. Taking care of people, feeding people, assisting people and giving people the Great Faith—this is what will be needed. For it is only the Great Faith that will give humanity a future. It is only the Great Faith that will enable you and others to navigate the difficult waters ahead. It will be your raft in the turbulent seas. Only this Great Faith will show humanity that it has great cause to unite in its own defense and for the protection of the world. It is this that will allow humanity to have a greater future—a future greater than its past. However, this future will not be based upon political mandates or religious ideologies. It will be established and built upon a Great Faith.

Only the power of Knowledge within you can withstand the vicissitudes of life and the conflicts of the world. Knowledge is here on a mission within you and within each person to make a specific and unique contribution to a world in need. Knowledge within you is fully prepared to deal with the difficulties ahead even though you yourself are not. Only Knowledge within you can remain pure and unaffected even though people around you will be enraged, terrified and uncertain. It is the certainty born of Knowledge that will be your true counsel and your true guide and will be the evidence of a Greater Power within you and within the world.

You work for the good. You try to alleviate suffering. Yet you must do this under the guidance of Knowledge, or the world will capture you and take you away. You will fall into its divisions and its conflicts and you will take sides and you will struggle and you will fight. Even your desire to serve humanity must be guided by this Greater Power within you. Otherwise your desire to give will be built upon your own ambitions, your own ideals and your own grievances. It will not be pure and it will not be effective. Your desire for a better world, and even your ideas how to establish a better world in whatever field you are interested in or in which you have expertise, must be guided by Knowledge or your ideas and your actions will not be effective. For only God has an answer for the future. You do not have an answer.

The change that is upon humanity is far too great for your intellect to comprehend. It is far too great for your intellect to solve without this Great Faith and without this Greater Power. You as an individual and humanity as a whole are being driven to a point of desperation where you must find the power of Knowledge or risk failure and collapse. That is why there is a New Message from God in the world because it is only this Greater Power that can save humanity. It is only this Great Faith that can overlook the divisions of humanity—the divisions of cultures, the divisions of religion, the divisions of race and the divisions of economic power. It is only this Great Faith that is unaffected by the past—by the turbulent, violent and grave history of the human family.

The New Message speaks to the need of the soul, the need to find and fulfill your mission in the world. For you are not here by accident. You have not simply washed up upon the shore. You have come here for a purpose. You have come to serve a world in need and to make a unique and specific contribution. Yet only Knowledge within you really knows what this is.

People are very impatient and want to have the answer right away, so they create an answer that is appealing to them and that makes them feel good and comfortable, safe and secure. But these notions, these ideas and these propositions have no power in the face of the Great Waves of Change. They will crumble under the weight of human destiny. They are mere wishes. They have no strength, no wisdom and no security in them.

You must have a Greater Power within you to rely upon. You must have a Great Faith in this power. This faith must not be built upon things that you can see and touch or upon ideas and systems of belief. It must have a greater foundation. For the foundations of religion and the foundations of government will all be shaken and in some cases will even collapse in the face of the Great Waves of Change. You must have a foundation that is greater than the world. You must strengthen this foundation by taking the steps to Knowledge, by learning the Way of Knowledge, by receiving God’s New Message and by recognizing this Great Faith in all the great religious traditions of the world.

The Great Faith is not new; it has only been forgotten. It has only been overshadowed by ritual, history and belief. It has been forgotten. People believe in institutions, in sanctuaries, in rituals and in historical interpretations. They follow great leaders, avatars, saviors and saints. But they have forgotten the most important thing. And that is the Great Faith.

When you pray, ask for Knowledge to become strong and to guide you—to reveal to you your errors, to show you your weaknesses and to show you what you must correct, what you must strengthen and what you must set aside. Ask for its counsel and its wisdom, and also ask for the strength to follow it, the courage to follow it and the freedom that it will give you.

If you are to follow the great way, you must have this strength, this courage and this freedom. These will not come all at once, You gain them incrementally, step by step. You build your connection to Knowledge. You become aware of Knowledge and sensitive to it. You begin to heed its messages and its warnings. You feel the restraint it provides you and you allow it to propel your life in a certain direction. And you learn over time to distinguish the power of Knowledge from all other forces within your mind—from all other compulsions and impulses, ideas and persuasions. This takes time to learn and to develop. And you must learn these things and develop these things if the Great Faith is to become substantial and real to you and if its immense service to you and to humanity is to be realized.

Therefore, recognize what deserves your faith and your devotion. Realize that that which is unseen has all of the power and that which is seen is what is weak and vulnerable. Here you will see that God is great and that the world is small, that nations and religions are vulnerable and that human weakness is everywhere. Here you will see that everything that occurs to you in life will either show you the evidence of Knowledge or the need for Knowledge. With this understanding, everything that happens will substantiate your Great Faith, the Great Faith that you must now have. For this is your future and this is your promise, this is your calling and this is your mission.

Allow God’s New Message to reveal this to you without compromise and without distortion from the past. Then you will be able to see its evidence in all the great religious traditions. Here you will see the great teachers and the great messengers from the past in a different light. And you will understand their actions and their mission far more clearly, for your mission will be emerging within you slowly as you take the steps to Knowledge.

May the power and the presence of Knowledge be with you this day. May your mind become still. May you learn to listen and to discern the evidence of the Greater Power within you. May you abide with it and may you give it your Great Faith, for here your faith finds its true home and its true expression.


As revealed to

Marshall Vian Summers

on December 31, 2006

in Boulder, Colorado


In a world of ever-increasing difficulty, competition and conflict, there is a New Message in the world to give humanity a new beginning, to give humanity a new understanding of both its spiritual nature and its future within a Greater Community of intelligent life in the Universe.

This is an entirely new way for humanity. It is a way that is based upon necessity, upon wisdom and upon facing the great challenges that are coming for the human family.

For it is true that what humanity has established thus far is inadequate to prepare it for the future that it is facing, a future that will be unlike the past in so many ways.

It is time now for humanity to learn the true nature of its spirituality, the greater intelligence that the Creator of all life has placed within the human family, within each person. This greater intelligence has always been there, of course, but only very few in the history of the world have ever discovered it, have ever realized its true nature, power and purpose.

The power and presence of this Knowledge cannot now be simply a providence of the few, of the elite, of those few who have the commitment and the opportunity to discover it. It must become far more available now, for this Knowledge will be needed above all else to enable humanity to navigate the difficult times ahead.

There is a New Message from God in the world, for it is time. It is the time of Revelation. This Revelation is needed now, for humanity stands at the precipice of great danger and also great opportunity. But the opportunity cannot be recognized unless the danger is seen clearly, unless the danger itself becomes apparent.

There is a new way because humanity is emerging into a Greater Community of intelligent life in the Universe. There are others who live in your vicinity of space who seek to gain control of the world through deceptive means, to gain access to the invaluable resources here and the strategic importance of this world.

Humanity is also facing the prospect of living in a world of decline— declining resources: declining food, water and energy—a world whose environment has been disrupted, whose climate has been affected, whose life-sustaining capabilities have been damaged and limited.

These two great phenomena then—your encounter with the Greater Community and facing a world in decline—together represent a Greater Darkness in the world, a darkness greater and more consequential than anything humanity has ever faced before. This has required that God intervene with a Message—a Message that contains a warning, a blessing and a preparation.

The warning is that humanity must now cease its endless conflicts and prepare to unite to survive in a declining world, and to unite to face the realities and challenges of the Greater Community itself. No longer is this a good idea or simply an ethical emphasis. It is a vital necessity.

These two great challenges facing humanity have the power to send humanity into a permanent decline or to generate a human unity and cooperation that have never been established in the world before. Only a great necessity could alter human focus, human awareness and human behavior to this extent. Human unity will not be achieved under anything less than such dire circumstances. For the world itself is a greater community. Humanity is a greater community. And you also live within a Greater Community in the Universe, a Universe that is full of intelligent life.

Your freedom, then, to whatever extent it has been established, will come under increasing challenge by those who seek to gain access to this world and by the reality of your own circumstances here on Earth. The governments of the world apparently have not recognized this and have not prepared their people accordingly. The religious institutions have not recognized this and are not preparing their people accordingly. Instead, humanity continues in its desperate struggle with itself—for wealth, for power, for dominance, for righteousness, for hostility and for revenge.

In the face of the Greater Community and in the face of a world in decline, you cannot afford this now. This will require a radical shift in human awareness, both at an individual level and at a larger collective level as well. Only a New Message from God has the power to create such a shift. Only it can resonate with the deeper Knowledge within the individual. Only it can offer a wisdom and insight into the future that humanity on its own has not been able to acquire. Only a New Message from God can reveal the deeper nature of your spirituality—your spirituality at the level of Knowledge—and what this means, why it is within you and how you can gain access to it, no matter what religious tradition you are from, what country you are from, what culture you are from or what your economic position might be.

This New Message is not here to compete with the religions of the world, but to give them clarity and unity of purpose together. It is meant to enliven them and to unite them in a greater cooperation for the salvation of the world. Only a New Message from God has this power and efficacy. And its power and efficacy is mysterious, for it reaches beyond the intellect, beyond the mind that questions and wonders, demands, fears and doubts, into a deeper awareness within the individual.

For the New Message is here to ignite the individual and to give a new direction to all of humanity—all at the same time. It is not simply a new belief system or a prescription for behavior. For everyone is not going to believe the same things. Everyone is not going to do the same things. Everyone is not going to follow the same traditions or the same teacher. God understands this. But the calling within the New Message is something that people from any faith tradition, nation or culture can hear or respond to. And not everyone has to respond—only a small percentage of the human population. If they can respond, well, they can carry humanity forward, they can prepare humanity for the Great Waves of Change that are coming. They can prepare humanity for competition from the Greater Community.

This is not only possible. It is necessary. You may wonder, "How can such a thing be achieved given our history and our temperament?" It can be achieved because there is a New Message from God in the world. If such a Message were not in the world, if it were left up to human awareness and ingenuity alone, well, then your fate would be sealed and the outcome would be more predictable. But your fate has not been sealed and the outcome is not yet predictable. However, if humanity does not change its course of action within the next decade, then you will have fewer options and the future for you and your children will be far more grave and far more dangerous.

Humanity is facing the Great Waves of Change. It is unprecedented. Never before has the entire race been confronted with such challenges, all converging at the same time. How will you deal with them? How will you know what to do individually? How can you prepare? How can you help others to prepare? How can you generate greater unity and cooperation between individuals, between cultures, religions and nations?

If you are truly honest with yourself, you must come to the conclusion that you do not really know. You do not have all these answers. You may say, “If only this” or “If only that,” but these are not answers. They’re wishes. Wishes will not prepare you for the future. Wishes will not alter the course of human activity and awareness. Wishes will not save humanity from a calamity largely of its own making. And wishes will not prepare you for the realities, the dangers and the opportunities inherent in your emergence into this Greater Community of intelligent life.

The way, then, is here to prepare the individual, to ignite and illuminate the individual and to give humanity a greater awareness of its destiny and of the Great Waves of Change that are coming for humanity, the Great Waves of Change that are coming. It is here to clarify how human relationships can be elevated to the level of higher purpose. It is here to teach you the Four Pillars of your life, to build the Four Pillars of your life so that you may have a strong enough foundation to be of assistance to others in the face of great change and upheaval. It is here to provide wisdom from the Greater Community that has never been offered to the world before from the Creator, for it was not needed. But now it is needed. Humanity must have this wisdom. It must have this perspective. It must have this Greater Community awareness, or else it will enter into the future blind, unprepared, unaware. You cannot afford this now. Foolishness is tragic within these circumstances.

This is not the “end times” as some people believe. It is time for a new beginning. It is time for a new understanding, a new awareness, a new commitment based upon necessity, based upon the great needs of humanity now and in the future.

Of course, there will be diversity of opinion and religious belief and cultural emphasis. Of course. God understands this. But the commitment to protect the world, the commitment to protect civilization, the commitment to safeguard this world from intervention from beyond—that can and must be established. And it is not based upon philosophy or theology or political science. It is based upon sheer necessity.

It is like the house on fire. Well, you do not need to study the problem when it is happening. You just need to prepare to put the fire out. And there is a very great fire in the world today. It is slowly burning, but it is gaining strength. And every day human ignorance, human denial, human superstition, human conflict and human competition add fuel to this fire, giving it strength, making it hotter and more difficult to extinguish.

This requires a new way, a new understanding, a new approach, a new awareness, for humanity is going to have a new future, a future unlike the past. And this future will be extremely demanding and extremely hazardous. Its great opportunity is that it offers humanity its one great chance to unite in its own defense. It gives humanity the one great chance to share its resources and to extinguish human conflict as impractical and dangerous to the entire human family. It gives humanity its first and greatest opportunity to learn about life and spirituality, and the realities of life within the Greater Community in which you live.

This is requiring a new Revelation, and the new Revelation must come from the Creator of all life, for humanity cannot see what it cannot see. It cannot know what it cannot know. It does not see what is around the corner, that is approaching with each passing day.

Part of this new way will be mysterious, for it speaks to Knowledge within you. How Knowledge is activated within the person is entirely mysterious and beyond human comprehension. But much of the way is extremely tangible. It is laid out in the preparation that the New Message is providing—to learn The Way of Knowledge, to gain Greater Community Knowledge and Wisdom, to preserve the world’s resources and to preserve humanity’s self-sufficiency within this world, for without this self-sufficiency, you will fall under the persuasion of foreign powers.

Part of the way is the awareness that you live in a Greater Community, that you are the native peoples of this world, that the human family stands alone in the Universe. You do have allies in this Universe, and they can send their wisdom to you, as they have done. But they cannot interfere. They cannot save you. They do not have the power to do this. And it is not allowed for them to do this. It is not ethical for them to do this. Humanity will have to save itself. No one is going to come and save you. And if anyone claims they are here to save you, you can be sure it is all deception. They are here to take advantage of a weak and conflicted and increasingly desperate humanity.

This, however, is not the path to human unity, human empowerment, human freedom and human sovereignty within this world. That is why there is a New Message from God—to ignite the human spirit, to broaden human awareness, and to reveal to you the future that you are facing.

People are short sighted, of course. They want immediate answers to immediate problems. But the New Message is addressing the great problems for which humanity has very little response thus far. And the answers are for the great problems. But think of this: What problems do you concern yourself with now, at this moment? What are those problems? And what difference will they make in a world in decline? What difference will they make as humanity faces competition and intervention from the Greater Community?

These problems seem to be significant to you now, but cast within this greater context, they either become irrelevant or they are things that you want to resolve quickly, to give your attention to greater things.

Even your most educated, learned individuals are not seeing what is coming over the horizon. They think the future will be like the past. They think the future will simply continue what the past has revealed, perhaps in new ways. They do not see that the entire landscape will be changing. And of course then there is the problem of human denial—that no matter how educated you may be, you still have to deal with the tendency to deny things that are beyond your grasp or that emotionally you cannot deal with or that are too challenging or that are too mysterious or that are too overwhelming.

In this, the learned fare only slightly better than the uneducated. That is why there is a New Message from God in the world. For there must be this calling. There must be this warning. There must be this blessing. There must be this preparation.

You cannot prepare yourself for the Greater Community even though those who are intervening in your world have already prepared for you. You cannot prepare yourself in time now to face a world in rapid decline. You could do this if you had the commitment and the awareness with enough people, but this is not the case now. You are far behind in your preparation. And that is why there is a New Message from God in the world.

This great way will teach you what other advanced races in the Universe have had to learn and to face in order to survive great transitions in their evolution. And, yes, humanity is in a state of evolution. The great changes that are coming are in part evolutionary, for sooner or later you would have to face the realities of the Greater Community—an immense environment, an immensely competitive environment. You cannot enter this environment like a little child.

The emphasis now is not on pleasing God or worshipping God or praying for all the little things you want. You now have to use what God has given you. You now have to call upon this deeper Knowledge that exists within each person waiting to be discovered. Belief is too weak, too vulnerable, too changeable and too susceptible to manipulation to be your foundation now. You must have a greater foundation in Knowledge, and it must be strong enough to carry you forward. It will be the raft that will carry you through the dangerous currents of change that are coming. It will be the greater wisdom within you that will overcome your human tendencies to compete and fight with one another and struggle for the remaining resources.

Not everyone has to gain this Knowledge, but enough people do to make the critical difference. The future of everything that you value hangs in the balance—all that humanity has created in its greatest moments, its greatest achievements in art, theology, philosophy, and all that it has built that is good and sustainable and beneficial would be lost in a world of decline and in facing the Greater Community, if you are not prepared.

From God’s perspective, then, this New Revelation is not merely another option, another possibility. It is not simply something to consider along with lots of other things to consider. From God’s perspective, this is it! Around the world, people have prayed for freedom, security and deliverance. And this is it! But of course it does not look like what people expect, perhaps not occurring through their culture. It is not taking place within their religious tradition. It is not meeting their expectations. It does not appear as they thought it would appear. But God’s Revelations are never limited by these things. They always take place outside of culture and religion and human expectation because they are New Messages from God. They are not human inventions. You can invent a better future in your imagination, but if you cannot see and face the Great Waves of Change, then it is merely a fantasy. It is based upon ignorance and denial and has no foundation in reality.

The New Message from God is here to warn you of the future, to bless you, to give you the strength to face the future and to prepare you for the future. This preparation has to do primarily with human awareness and commitment. All of your talents and skills, your vocations, your sciences, will have to be employed to deal with what this will really mean on a day-to-day basis. But you must have the clarity of awareness, and you must have the inner commitment. If these things are lacking, then all of your resources and assets will not be brought to bear and fundamentally will not help you.

God gives what is needed, what is missing. It is not what people think or expect or believe, necessarily. That is because it is a New Message from God and not a human invention.

Your nations and your religions will have to cooperate in the future, or they will all face failure. There will be no winner if humanity fails. There will be no nation that will be supreme if other nations fail. The world will be put in ever-increasing jeopardy, and the persuasions of those intervening in the world will become ever more attractive to the unaware and to the ignorant. It is your weakness and your conflicts, your ignorance and your superstition that these particular races from the Universe will prey upon. They could take control of the world without firing a shot, for they are skillful in manipulating the thinking and perception of others. That is their strength. That is what they are using now and will use in the future.

See what history has taught you in terms of intervention with the native peoples within your own world, over and over again. Do not think that this was destiny or had to happen. It was a result of many decisions, many bad decisions, particularly on the part of the native peoples themselves. For humanity has the power to offset this intervention and future interventions. But it must learn Greater Community Knowledge and Wisdom to do it, and only the Creator of all life can provide this.

You have no idea what is happening beyond your borders. You think you are so important in the Universe and that anyone who would come here would be extremely interested in you. But of course this is foolishness. This is self-fulfilling. This is self-admiration. The Greater Community that you will encounter is a very competitive environment and not an environment for the faint of heart. For you to gain skill and wisdom here will take more than human ambition or human imagination.

You are unprepared for the Greater Community. You are unprepared for a world in decline. That is why there is a New Message from God. That is why God is providing a way, not to replace what you have created but to give it greater promise, greater strength and greater application. God uses what already exists to create the great opportunity, but there are things that must be revealed to you that have never been revealed before. And for this you must look with clear eyes. You must recognize your predicament. And you must be willing to see and to know things that you had not considered before.

Ignorance is self-perpetuating until something comes along to change it, to break up its fantasies and illusions. Do not wait and let life do this to you, for that would be tragic. Instead, let the Revelation show you what is coming so that you have time and opportunity to prepare.

There is a new way for humanity. But it will be a new way based upon a greater wisdom, a greater Knowledge and a greater challenge. Recognize this, and you will be able to see the complete relevance of this New Revelation. If you cannot see this need for greater Knowledge and wisdom and the greater challenge that you are being confronted with, you will not understand the New Revelation. You will think that it is simply there for your personal edification. You will think it is just another perspective. You will think it is something else.

The Creator of all life wills that humanity repair a world in decline to preserve human self-sufficiency and thus secure human freedom and independence in this world. The Creator of all life wills that humanity emerge into this Greater Community of intelligent life in the Universe as a free and independent race able to sustain itself, able to establish itself, able to learn the Knowledge and wisdom it must gain in order to function within this larger environment.

But what God wills must be translated through human awareness, human relationships, human understanding and human behavior. God wills that you be happier than you are today, that you be more successful than you are today, that you be more compassionate than you are today, that you be more effective than you are today as an individual. Therefore, you see, what God wills must be translated into human experience.

This understanding will give you hope and confidence, and it will not be a false hope and confidence, for you are being shown what God wills for humanity. If you can see this and feel this within your heart, you will see that humanity has a greater promise and a greater destiny. But to find and fulfill this promise and destiny, you will have to learn many new things. You will have to begin anew, starting with your individual life and working outwards through your relationships; through your community activities; through what you see, know and advocate within your home, your family, your city, your town, your nation and the whole world. Knowledge within you knows what you need to do to play your part because this is the wisdom that God has placed within you. But you will never see the need for this Knowledge, nor will you call upon it or receive it graciously and humbly unless you understand the greater panorama of life that you are encountering and the Great Waves of Change that are coming to the human family.

If you can see these things, you will know that you are blessed and that the Creator of all life loves humanity and has now given humanity a new beginning, a greater chance, a greater opportunity, to fulfill your ancient destiny here. Let this be your understanding.

----- Original Message -----
From: G
Sent: Tuesday, July 15, 2008 1:54 PM
Subject: Hello Patrick and Anne
Hello Central- New Message from God? Question Does the message resonate with you? No wherein the message does it mention Creator God Aton's Name or the phoenix journals. Nor does it mentio the Laws of Creation. It has alot of things that I agree with like the inner knowledge and awaking of the people but it does not agree with the Last Word of God (Phoenix Journals) nor with my inner self. It talks about the intervening of off world force that will come and take over. The last I heard was that all of them had already been here and been removed by Creator God and The Forces of Light and it just the minions that we are against now playing out there roles. There is more that doesn't agree with me but I just wanted to here your opinion about it. Also the message was made last year.

Its seems like we would have heard about before now. Thanks for all that yall do. Please post if you like.

Thank You


FROM:  Patrick H. Bellringer
      TO:  GW
DATE:  July 15, 2008
Dear GW:
    I agree with your comments.  No Darkside aliens will be allowed invlvement again on Earth Shan.  One wonders from which God this message has come.
                      In Love and Light,
                      Patrick H. Bellringer