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The Secret Love Star / 'Become Masterful in the Wise Use of Love

Elizabeth Claire Prophet

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The Secret Love Star is a focus of constructively Qualified Energy of Various Divine Virtues. It is consciously focused by Cosmic Beings as a Reservoir of already Qualified Divine Energy from which the Ascended Masters and Cosmic Beings can draw at any moment when They are required to give assistance and actively intercede for humanity, the Earth, or other worlds. The Light and Sacred Fire of the Secret Love Star can also be invoked by individuals.

"Become Masterful in the wise use of Love."
    "Examine, if you are ready to step into the fullness of the Love of God. Is that Love where you choose to be? Well, if so, My beloved hearts, you need only turn within, to the Secret Chamber of the Heart. Allow for the love of your being to flow - to flow up to the very pinnacle of the crown. Open wide to receive the Light of the Great Central Sun. Become a Pillar of Fire where you stand. And, if only for a few moments, in each day, nourish that Light, as the very essence and substance of your life in action. Turn the attention of the heart, the mind, the emotions completely upon the attention of your God Presence. Extend the Love to the fullest extent that you are able, and be prepared for the avalanche to return of Cosmic Life, Light and Love from the Great Central Sun. Every action invokes a reaction, and each time you place your attention on loving God, the corresponding reaction is the return current of the fullness of that Love.
    "This so-called music, beloved ones, is a rebellion against Light, Love, the union of twin flames; for it drives wedges between twin flames and causes the very separation of atoms and molecules of the four lower bodies and the destruction of Matter itself. This bombardment of consciousness must be stopped by an Action of Love, by the Judgment of Love, and by the coming of Lord Shiva. And therefore, We have invoked His Coming. And therefore, so be ye the Temple of Shiva to rescue the children of God who have been burdened, enslaved, and held in bondage by this dark manifestation that was present upon Atlantis and that contributed to the sinking of that continent along with the misuses of Life and Love in science, in mechanization, and in the creation of soulless beings by the process of cloning and by the process of test-tube experiments which resulted in the most horrendous forms of life.