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The War Beast

Rod Remelin

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Those criminally insane interest in this world using war as a means of control and profit, have, and forever will, continue to do so under the guise of protecting the people; at the same time gloating over the incurred death and destruction of such perverse manipulations that take place on both sides.
It is the folly of men everywhere to think that wars are fought for self defense, for as easily as they are con-vinced to slaughter those conveniently referred to as "the enemy", or to crush the opposition of right, it is simpler still to sell them on the idea that they did what needed to be done for patriotic reasons.
War, and the romanticizing of it, have become so ingrained and established within humanities expectations and perceived notion of  interacting with each other, that on an individual level, all have, and do exhibit, to some degree, the need to control and thus dominate those around them. Consequently within this induced domain of constant irritating agitation, plays out the unquenchable desire for attention, position and recognition -- all skillfully directed, and understandably channeled by the War Beast.     
Own your mind or be played. . .