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The Great Spirit is Alive at Little Manitou Lake

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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Little Manitou Lake is a body of salt water located 5 km from Watrous, SK (one hour drive south east from Saskatoon). Manitou Beach is a cozy little village situated on the south shore of Little Manitou Lake.  The waters of Manitou attract people from all over the world who come to float in the lake or the spa. A glimpse of the crowd at the spa one spring afternoon and I saw a mostly elderly crowd, mixed in with some Mennonites and a few hippies.

UPCOMING EARTH CHANGES - Since I have lived in Saskatoon my whole life, I had visited Manitou throughout the years.  Most recently Manitou came back into my world as me and my dear friend, song writer and poet Bruce Stephenson talked about where to move for the coming earth changes and by earth changes you may be asking what do I mean? Well there's so much to choose from, it's as if "everything" is undergoing great changes......upcoming weather changes (caused naturally and through government warfare against the people), the upcoming shift in our financial world (from a system of "greed" to a system based on "love"), shifts in spirituality (the end of several false religions), the end of war, poverty slavery etc.  For many still in their fear, they don't see the end of these things but I sure do.


For many of us who have been following the happenings of earth, the internet is currently one of the most potent ways to share Truth.  I am one of millions have been following the upcoming earth changes have come from many internet sources perhaps most importantly, the various channelled messages found on sites such as Snoedel ( and my own website ( ) including Archangel Michael, the Galactic Federation of Light, Abraham, Hatonn, Atmos, Diane, Sananda, Ag-agria, Matthew and many others.


Here’s what I’m telling you with a straight face….listen carefully because this writing is about to get a whole lot juicier… own personal quest for Truth has led me to these very special messages from off-world beings (after all, doesn't even the vatican practically admit their existence as of Spring 2008?).  These message reveal the Truth that earth changes are coming from both our sun in our solar system (verified by independent thinkers and researchers!), the photon belt our solar system is going through (verified by NASA), and the Great Central Sun at the heart of our Universe, which we cannot see with our bare eyes, because our planet is simply too far away. Our species (including our so-called elected leaders) is generally not aware of the very dimensional changes it is going through, however this soon is quickly changing too as critical mass is soon achieved on this front and several other fronts. 

MODERN SOCIETIES ARE NOT IN CONTROL OF THEMSELVES - In my reality, I can see that the general populations are not aware of much of what takes place all around.  Government doping of the water supply (via fluoride )also depleted both, our IQs and our ability to discern Truth, thus making the masses more susceptible to control and manipulation.  Listen carefully!...the powers-that-be-for-now are aware of the dimensional shift our planet is in, and they seek to poison the masses via air, water, soil, mind, body, spirit and emotions… order to avoid the inevitable collapse of societal power structures. It’s true society is a mess on many fronts including everything from it’s abhorrent farming practices, unaffordable housing crisis, the poisoning of the food supply via large supermarket chains, the dumbing down of education etc…. however I still believe in the people’s will to live in peace love and harmony….to believe in the Light. Great changes can and will need to happen if

 our species is to survive.

To combat the emotional, spiritual, mental and physical poisoning of canada and the world I personally have been posting very pertinent information about the canadian government's evil plans for the rest of you.


2008 THE PILGRIMAGE TO CRYSTALLINE WATERS  - To understand the true spiritual potential of Little Manitou Lake, is to understand that the salt in the salt water arranges itself in the most "comfortable" form. Imagine countless billions upon billions of sub-microscopic salts lining in their most efficient pattern repeating itself throughout the water.  This my friends, has the effect of creating a giant water crystal.  Also since there are metals in the lake, this also has a magnetic effect too.  Imagine a magnetic crystal 16 km long by 1 km wide and you are on your way to visualizing one of the greatest gifts from the Universe at this time….crystals, ions, magnets….this is Little Manitou Lake and more!

Since crystals have the ability to transmit and store information, the waters of Little Manitou Lake have a strong appeal to many who are interested in the healing arts, or simply want to focus their energies via thought, intentions and actions, to create a better world strongly grounded in the Light.

Part of my personal journey to the crystalline waters of Little Manitou Lake is to learn how to harness this powerful liquid crystal using the power of focused "thought", "action" and "intention". The effect will be more greatly compounded as people join together their focus. Perhaps you are reading these words and they resonate with you, perhaps you'll be one of many who will be making a pilgrimage to these waters, with a special role to play. I firmly believe that if people followed their signs in spirit, many would be led to the power centres of our planet, so that we can harness our conscious energy to alter the entire course of humanity, to go wherever we choose…isn’t that incredible and welcomed news that can’t happen too soon?!

IONS IN THE AIR - Many of you are already aware that I am big into ionic footbaths, sell them online and have the manufactured locally in Saskatoon. Imagine my glorious surprise as I made my way to the shore one windy evening of Little Manitou Lake.  The air was utterly captivating it was so full of negative ions which are generated as the wind moves strongly across the waves.  As one of the most salty bodies on our planet, this fact alone accounts for the "magical" effects of Manitou air.  Since most people eat acidic modern diets, their body's are acidic thus "craving" negative ions.  Manitou air is special air, for this I am certain.

WE ARE SPIRITUAL BEINGS HAVING A PHYSICAL EXPERIENCE - Little Manitou Lake is where I will be having physical experiences as a spiritual being.  Already I've seen the sky spirits and the cloudships in the sky as I have seen them in Saskatoon and area, and have posted them online at  This vision of peaceful, adventurous and spiritual living is shared with those around me and season I have decided to call Manitou my home along with brothers Cory Dean Smith and Patrick L. Smith. We have created our new home at 112 Watrous St in the village of Manitou Beach.  The teepee is at the side of the house.  We have many ideas from community trance drumming, to sky and water tours, outdoor sauna, retail area and more.  Perhaps by the time this article is published and read many things will have happened to all of us along the way.


For more information check out:

New Indian in the machine Youtube video, "AMAZING human sky spirits"