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The Road to Economic Crisis--1997 to 2007

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Anything that is not serving the greater purposes of God's Will must needs go the way of downfall. The financial systems of this planet. . . are extremely lopsided, top-heavy, you might say. You know, "The kernels are ours and the husks are yours. I hope you like."

We are very mindful of the fact that the great Lord Hilarion introduced, setting us back into the mainstream of mass consciousness, the concept of a win-win situation, that everybody wins and nobody loses. That was his lovely contribution. And it is growing like a beautiful culture, but until it is totally secured, there shall be this thing of--if I can hoodwink you in business, I am better than you somehow, that I am more clever and therefore the better person. Of course, that is absolute nonsense.

But to become precise about it, what hath caused it has been the same thing that has caused the meltdown of all great systems that do not serve the dignity within man. And that is simply that the cycle is up (finished), mankind has been given his time for his folly, which appears to be endless, you know, so at last these things must come to their natural point of fruition. Rotten fruit. Falling systems. Plunges and things like that.

Mind you, some of you might ask, "Well, if we're not the ones doing this thing, why must we be the ones to suffer for it?" Good question.

Could it be that you allowed it? Could it be the grand and planetary lesson that all are learning?

Now that doesn't mean you must take a pistol and go walking into the nearest bank and hold the bank manager at bay, "Now look, you, I know you're using my money for strange purposes and I want it all back right now." No, such would be foolishness.

But in one's heart one must learn not to condone, not to just go along with, and put up with, and that's what far too many do. Believing in their helplessness, they act accordingly. "Alright, alright, I don't want to pay taxes, but I shall do so." But they are not realizing that it is one thing to perhaps pay taxes to protect one's self, you might say, and it's another to do it rather stupidly, you know, "I know these people take all the money. They don't account for any of it. I don't get much back for it, but I'll go ahead and give them some more." You know, wherein lies the intelligence there?

We understand paying, as the Master Jesus said as they were trying to trick him, they handed him a coin, "Shall we pay tribute to Caesar?" They were asking about taxes, you know.

He said, "Give to Caesar what is Caesar's, give to the Father what is the Father's." He constantly outsmarted them, of course. It just means, do what thou wilt. Go in heart and do what you must. Protect yourselves. Don't end up in prisons as tax evaders but that does not mean that you have to agree that they've got the right to tax you the exorbitant amounts that they do. Somewhere, within there lies the balance, and you must find it.

It's partially that, dear friend, that so much is taken. I say it's lopsided. And the all-too-many question not! They just let it go. So in that they do that, they are tolerating it and thus they get to keep it. But only so far and so long. And I tell you, that thank God, the tedium shall soon be over!

So when does it bottom out? Oh, I'd say in about five years. Gradually until then. And when all comes crashing down, it won't harm any of you here, for you're not part of it anyway. You've got nothing to gain or nothing to lose. And soon you'll find yourselves getting along with your fellows, bartering, having what you need and building up again on a much more sane framework and scaffolding. So be it.

Sir Arthur Conan-Doyle, spokesman for the Great Brotherhood of Light special message to the Amanuensis May 10, 2002