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We've Focused on all the World Problems and Nothing Has Really Changed. Maybe It's Time To try Something Different

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Hello, and welcome to Better to Bless! My name is Kate Nowak and I am so glad you've dropped by our interactive community and working laboratory for the world-wide Blessings Experiment. From the beginning, it has been my dream to create a gathering place where participants the world over can come together to share, support and prove to themselves and others that the power to bless is as valid and as unfailing as I and others have proposed. Better to Bless is the fulfillment of that dream.

I invite you to spend some time here looking around. There is much to see and do here, so please feel free to explore. It is my hope that as you read, you will begin to consider yourself one of our worldwide family and will make the choice to come back often. As you do so, we invite you to...

  • Take an active role in the Blessings Experiment by becoming a research assistant in our brand new Blessing Lab.
  • Join Kate in the Circle of Blessings each day 12 noon Greenwich Mean Time to surround the entire world in blessing.
  • Receive a daily dose of blessings by subscribing to our daily Heartfelt Blessings and give yourself the gift of inspiration each and every day.
  • Not sure how to bless? You'll find a short primer for getting started by visiting our Blessing Basics page.
  • Sign up for one of our teleconferences and join with us in exploring the wonderful world of blessing in more depth.
  • If you have a special need or know someone else who does, you can now request a blessing, and know that hearts and minds around the world will join in sending it forth with love.
  • Discover ways you can get involved in your community and help us spread the word.
  • Watch any of our soul-soothing movies, where you'll find yourself uplifted and inspired again and again and again.
  • Share this site with all your friends and family.

You'll find it to be a

life-transforming experience!

As a Challenge participant, you will receive a daily email for the next 30 days containing a brief thought-provoking message, a quick exercise designed to stretch your "blessing muscles" and an affirmation to repeat throughout the day. Your name will also be added to the growing list of Challenge participants.
To accept the challenge, simply fill in the form below and then commit to following these four steps for a period of not less than 30 days.

  • I will suspend all judgment and will, instead, bless every person and situation I encounter, both those I physically meet and those that simply come to mind.
  • I will actively search for the blessing in every circumstance and in those times when none can be found, I will trust that the blessing will be revealed when the time is right.
  • I will daily express an attitude of gratitude, for all the blessings in my life, even those I cannot see.
  • Whenever I feel stressed, pressed or confused, I will take a Blessing Breather, quieting my mind for a moment and focusing only on my breath, breathing deeply and slowly. With each inhalation, I will mentally affirm "I am so blessed" and with each exhalation, I will mentally affirm "I am a blessing to the world," repeating the process at least three times and allowing my body to relax completely before returning to the task at hand.
I understand that in accepting this challenge, there is a distinct possibility that my life will be forever changed for the better. I am willing to take the risk.

Full Name:


By accepting the Blessing Way Challenge, you may never see things the same way again. Your life will become lighter, brighter, more peaceful and more loving. Those who fully commit to the challenge have reported that problems dissolve or resolve themselves and every seeming difficulty becomes the catalyst for a new and greater blessing.