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People Will Take Control of their Health Care

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There is a wondrous event occurring in the United States of which most people are unaware. It has been occurring over the past few years and will increase dramatically in the next ten years. People are going to be taking control of their own health care! Most people miss what is happening because they read only about those without insurance and without the ability to buy the medications prescribed.

Dear ones, the continued increase in the number of people without insurance and the problems with the drug companies are what will propel people to take control of their own health. The pharmaceutical industry, in its marketing efforts for every dollar, will greatly assist this happening in two ways. First, they will continue to raise drug prices, to the extent that many people cannot afford them. Second, by pushing drugs through every available resource, many people will be having reactions, even leading to death. This will result in lawsuits bringing about the demise of many drug companies.

People will become afraid of taking the pharmaceuticals and will explore other means of achieving health. What many see as a grave injustice--not having health insurance and not having affordable medication-will actually lead to greater numbers of people turning to complementary and alternative forms of health care. This will be occurring especially in the population of parents looking to care for their children.

What can you do for yourself? The answers have already been given to you many times. Eat a healthy diet. Put as many live foods as possible in your body. By live foods I mean those whose enzymes are living. Drink water that is as pure as possible. And…stay in your heart!

If you are a person whose body needs some animal protein, eat only animals who have been fed and killed as humanely as possible. The energy of fear, which is in a precious animal when it is killed, will affect the taste and energy of the meat. you can remove this low-vibration energy by blessing the food.

Those of you who are vegetarian will say, “There is no reason to eat animal products.” Dear ones, if you are not presently living in a body that needs animal protein to function to its fullest, then you cannot understand the need. For those of you who do need animal protein, a few ounces (three to four) every two to three days is sufficient for the working of your body.

Whether you eat foods of animal or of plant origin, have the food be as clear as possible of pesticides, antibiotics, hormones and other manufactured substances. This includes avoiding those genetically modified foods that produce their own insecticides.


Bless everything you place into your mouth. Give thanks to the animal or plant who gave its life that you may live. Ask the energy of the food and the energy of your body to come together in the way that is healthiest for your body. Instruct your body to release all substances that are not necessary for the health of your body. Devise a simple prayer or blessing that includes these elements and say it aloud before you eat or drink.

Use your own words, but for those who need an example, try the following while sending energy from your heart to your food and drink; say this aloud if possible: “Thank you for giving the gift of your life so that I may live. May the love from my heart transmute any vibration of anger or fear contained in this food or drink. I ask that the energy in every molecule of this food rise to its highest level. Dear physical body, accept the gift of these nutrients. Take in all that you need. For any substances contained within this food or drink that are not compatible with your healthy function, eliminate them quickly and easily. I give thanks and ask blessings upon all those who brought this food and drink to my use. So be it.”

Instead of pharmaceuticals, learn about herbs that will support your body. Use only organic herbs whenever possible. Almost all that is needed to heal the body is found in that which grows naturally. When you find it necessary to take pharmaceuticals, bless the drug and inform your body that it is coming. Ask your body to eliminate whatever part of the drug will have a negative impact.


Be open to various healing modalities. Do not reject all avenues of allopathic medicine. Go into the alter within your heart and communicate with your body before using any form of health care. I tell you, my dear ones, that there is little that cannot be healed within the body by simply changing what you put into your body. I am not speaking simply of food and drink; I am also speaking of what you read, watch and listen to. What thoughts and beliefs do you keep in your mind? If you do not like how your life is going, change your thoughts and beliefs. There are many precious beings who have brought in information about how to do this. If you wish to take control of your life as much as you are able to control it, incorporate beliefs and thoughts that will manifest what you want from your life.

There are many wonderful healing modalities available to you. They will not have long-lasting effects unless you place only that which is healthy into your body and mind. Your Western society, especially your U.S. society, looks for the quickest way to achieve the goal. You have accomplished much in this search. You have forgotten, however, that the greatest power for fast accomplishment is within you. There are technologies to help you achieve whatever goal you wish; however, dear ones, the most powerful technology is found in your own mind and heart.

When you stay without your heart center, you will unleash the power within your mind. When the heart and mind work in synergy, you will have what others will call miracles. You have within you the ability to change things within an instant. The difficulty is that you do not know that. Ah, but the children do.


Segment from: Stay in Your Heart, Live from Your Heart, Be in Your Heart

Amma through Cathy Chapman, 9 September 2004

Sedona Journal of Emergence, December 2004
