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We Experience but a Fragment of Each Other

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine

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From: "Dieter Braun" <>
Sent: Monday, June 16, 2008 8:38 PM
Subject: We experience but a fragment of each other - by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine)

We experience but a fragment of each other - by Dieter Braun (Indian in the machine) 


You can only know one fragment of another human because the rest is between God and Self. If you make a judgment based on what you think you know another person is, you have pretty much entered "fool" territory because your experiences are not all-encompassing.  Each of our auras change in every moment. I've personally changed in infinite ways by the time I finish typing this sentence. You may witness me one day, but I can assure you that I've already moved on from that moment.  Have you?  I believe that we are all Angels remembering who we are.  What exactly are your core beliefs?  Do you see humans as being fundamentally stupid?  If so, may I remind you that you are a reflection of your beliefs about Self? Unlearn your satanic-influenced values, attitudes and beliefs around the energy that you are somehow a superior being to other lesser beings. The Universe measures our spiritual growth in units of consciousness, not self-delusion. :) So many have mastered their easy lessons.  However on planet Earth, all lessons must be experienced and passed (where one comprehends the Light inherent in every moment), or they simply come up again and again. Me? I'll be at Little Manitou Lake, offering ionic foot baths to the tourists and locals, lying on the shores, banging my drums, soaking up the sun, studying the sky and witnessing it's love. 



Indian in the machine


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