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Caressing Your Thrid Eye With a Golden Feather

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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Keep your heart focused on Light and your ability to create wondrous and beautiful life experiences from the pulse of Light beaming from you, out into the Universe, you've done it many times before, you'll do it again, you can do it now.  There's a powerful Light shining on you right now, and untold numbers of beings all watching you and assisting you.....can you block out all the ugliness that is all around you, and see you as an Angel who came here to love and to radiate that love, thus transmuting that ugliness into the energy that helps to make you and the planet well once again.  That Angel is you. You play the role of the Angel in the lives of many, is this simply not the truth? That longing in your's not your longing for a soul's your desire to know the rest of yourself that you've kept hidden from Self....remember that the Universe didn't design you to be "incomplete"...... Remember how so many times it's common for us forget how radiant and powerful our shining Light is....shine that Light outward and proud without resistance, and watch yourself attract your rightful star family that you will relate to at the soul level and beyond.....your soul family....everybody is here and you're it not time to meet those who resonate with you in ways you've yet to experience in friendships and family.  I have faith that you will rise in your greatest strengths and remember that you are here to experience today in the totality of your being.  You are the bridge that carries the Golden Age into the arms of the untold generations to seed our species with the Light needed to carry us swiftly to the fifth dimension and beyond...can we all not see and celebrate the special children that are being born with more of their galactic memory intact, let's listen to their words and sentiments, let's all focus once again, on the gentle energies of the feminine divine that exists in

 both genders.  Earth is rocking and rolling.....let's not play too much longer in the energies of "victim" and "perpetrator" if we desire a better way of existance. You have my support brother, build your power from within.... your inner voice is whispering your solutions to you.....your spirit guides are caressing your third eye with a golden feather.



Indian in the machine