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Graeme Whitmeyer

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Use the Red refraction of Pure Light. Call upon El Morya the Statesman to help you do this.

Imagine all those within this plane who are the orphans of the Spirit.

They are those whom remain selfish in their concept of seperation from diety.

Now, open the cosmic doorway to the domain of those who have come to assist us.

Recognize the plane of Spirit.  Listen to the music of the stars and the spheres.

Imagine there is no such fracture of consciousness. 

See the opportunity of the whole and sound way to strengthen the human Spirit.

Through the Red ray, enable the soul itself to expand its individual Life through you.

Liberate into the honor of clearly thinking you are allowing the totality of energy to enter.

Spiritual Knowledge is the Highest Knowledge.

Visualize ALL men and women upon this planet embracing their God-given right to attain enough self control to become the master of their own destiny, and the God of their own universe, through your patient and loving digestion of this information to be properly utilized as fuel for their systems.

Use the Red refraction of Pure Light. 

The Daily Visual

Use the Yellow refraction of Pure Light. Call upon Lanto the Sage to help you do this.

Imagine all those within this plane who are struggling to become that Self of goal.

They are those whom give all that is not themselves the power to bind them.

Now, run like mad, away from the old habits, the "old" man, the old associations.

Recognize the debt to Life you owe.  Stand in the core of thy new Being.

Imagine there is no circumstance that you are not the ruler of.

See the infinite mercy and kindness of the Great Law of thy perceived "karma".

Through the Yellow ray, be the word.  Be the Tree of Life.  Enter samadhi.

Liberate into the death of the ego and bathe in the Holy Light of Mother/Father.

Be-ness, stripped of all else—this is the path to reunion.

Visualize ALL those struggling as taking the next step of going forth unto God and requesting to pass every erg of energy- that has passed through the nexus of their consciousness over thousands of years- through the flame of the God Source; and so prepare to meet thy God, for Earth is a schoolroom.

Use the Yellow refraction of Pure Light.

The Daily Visual

Use the Green refraction of Pure Light. Call upon Paul the Venetian, the Artist, to help you do this.

Imagine all those within this plane who fear the discipline of the fullfillment of Love.

They are those who do not choose to see the flow of Love and Law-- the forcefield grid.

Now, realize that flowing essence and hold it so tender, so gentle even as it is the "fire".

Recognize the ultimate expression of the creative "fires".  Use the flame of Love.

Imagine there is no life which is undisciplined so that love will not depart.

See the chalice that contains the liquid fire of Love and be happy.

Through the Emerald-Green ray, continue receiving Love by giving of it through capacity to release.

Liberate into increasing that capacity through your energy, your supply, your expression.

The more you are disciplined, the stronger are the grids of consciousness.

Visualize ALL the difficulty on the part of lifestreams in their handling of the currents of "Love", many, who should be masters of the flame of the third ray now in states of disintegration—the degradation resulting from having perverted that wonderous flame, that energy placed upon the altar of cosmic honor.

Use the Green refraction of Pure Light.

The Daily Visual

Use the Light-Blue refraction of Pure Light. Call upon Serapis Bey the Architect to help you do this.

Imagine all those within this plane who would embrace the "mush" of self indulgence.

They are those who stay on the merry-go-round and fear they will fall off.

Now, JUMP OFF AND INTO the invincibility of that COSMIC FLAME OF HONOR.

Recognize the face of God in the mirror of eternal Life and finally come to the Presence.

Imagine there is no difficulty learning the lessons which will be brought to you.

See the end of this game and come home in the glory of the great sacred circle of infinity.

Through the Light-Blue ray, seek the banner of divine humility which surrounds you.

Liberate into the added clarity and perception, that we may move quickly about our task.

Learn alchemy from the masters at it.

Visualize ALL the human will, intellect, and pride as being what is not real within you, and visualize the I AM THAT I AM; Christ, the only begotten Son, as being outpictured within yourself—nay, claim the virtue as yourself, and as reality; for you will then clearly mark the truth and the falsehood of identity.

Use the Light-Blue refraction of Pure Light.

The Daily Visual

Use the Indigo refraction of Pure Light. Call upon Hilarion the Healer to help you do this.

Imagine all those within this plane who are smug in their understanding of the mysteries.

They are those who have never experienced the resolvement of the Lighted Red Road.

Now, judge not how far thy brother has progressed; look within at thy own degree.

Recognize and know perfection as the graces of that Great Spirit and seek them.

Imagine there is no future nebulous time when you will be transformed into the Christ.

See, the healing comes as you apply yourself day by day to the calling forth of the ray.

Through the Indigo ray, each of you, each hour of the day, can practice until Wholeness.

Liberate into the application of that ray as in hour of crisis or need for one another.

Healing in thy forcefield means the actual healing everywhere upon this plane.

Visualize ALL the power of Truth, as it is released from the heart of the Great Central Sun Magnet, being heeded and taken as well as the only Way, the only Love, and the complete forgiveness of self, because the acceptance of such is the Victory of the momentum of God within the individual forcefield of all mankind.

Use the Indigo refraction of Pure Light.

The Daily Visual

Use the Rose refraction of Pure Light. Call upon Lady Nada to help you do this.

Imagine all those within this plane who go forth to serve and have moments of self-doubt.

They are those whom think no one will want them, or believe them, or appreciate them.

Now, do not despair for the plan is yet in unfoldment.

Recognize the end that is known from the beginning.  Hold the flame of watchfulness.

Imagine there is no attitude of "it's too bad for that individual—they had their chance."

See… the principles of the Law have an obvious need for continued administration.

Through the Pink ray, discover the Love that is content to bear the burden of others.

Liberate into the inner satisfaction and balance within the heart of that understanding.

True arrival is when you have no needs or wants.

Visualize ALL who have come in the flow and the rhythm of God's Love that moves across eternity in undulations of sound, calling the souls of all evolutions in the stellar worlds home to the heart of God, and go within, for the souls of mankind are tired of evolution in darkness and chaos.

Use the Rose refraction of Pure Light.

The Daily Visual

Use the Violet refraction of Pure Light. Call upon Germain the Alchemist to help you do this.

Imagine all those within this plane who have chosen to keep at learning and working.

They are those whom are building in the brilliance of all the rays of the Mighty Presence.

Now, what else can there be out of this than the crystal prism?

Recognize the true perspective of wisdom, enfired with the will to be all that God is.

Imagine there is no adornment of the "human" self, which the mortal is.

See that the course of perfecting the human is not the way of overcoming.

Through the Violet ray, drop that pride; drop it on the floor as an old garment.

Liberate into throwing of it away.  It is but an old, oily, torn undershirt worn far too long.

Wipe from the very screen of Life the loads of "mortality" itself.

Visualize ALL ambition in itself as a hideous ego monster, tricking you all the way to trust the human consciousness instead of to get God first and, in getting Him, to find a cornucopia of treasure and wisdom, abundance, light, and divine love ever flowing from the one above, so that you can give to the one below.

Use the Violet refraction of Pure Light.

The Daily Visual

Use the Pure Light.  Use it, use it, use it.  Ask Creator God of Light Within for His White and Crystal Light of Life and Love to protect you.  Call upon all beings of God who so desire to do His will for their help.  They can't do anything for you, but they are standing by, ready to do things with you at but a thought's notice.  You are but a moment away from shining forth as the True Lightworkers you are.  You are about to become a Rainbow Warrior of Light, working with honor and discipline, and a kind, humble heart. 

Visualize the Pure White and Crystal Light-- which is God's Mind Within ALL "empty space" (and if all the "stuff" in the atoms of your body were compressed, scientists would have to find you with a microscope!)—responding to the sincere request of your heart and feelings (not just words) for the forgiveness, protection, guidance, power, integrity, and courage in order for you to accomplish this meditation.  The authenticity of the invisible realm of Spirit is beyond thy current comprehension.  Believe in it.  Believe as you did when you were a child.  Before all the dark and dense physical programming…  Have no doubt as to this: when and as you imagine these things to come to pass, thereof is Spirit made manifest, even if you cannot see it—for you cannot!  But you can know it!!!  And, therefore, see this with your Mind's eye (which IS God's Mind, and the eye of wisdom, for there is only ONE IDEA in ALL OF EXISTENCE):

First, let the Golden Light of Truth of Jmmanuel Sananda shine up through your Seven main Chakras and up and out into this Plane and into all the Cosmos!!!  Then, feel the swirling Light of Sanat Kumara, with Its Silver glow of Refinement of Creator Will manifesting all around you, and through you for further guidance and power.  And with that power and awesome truth you will call upon Violinio Germain for the 100th dimension of unconditional Love of His Violet Flame and breathe it in just under your pituitary gland and out to consume the Evil left in this world and to Transmute it away instantly!!!  Put up Archangel Michael's Blue Flame around you and be the Tube of Light that YOU ARE!  Get centered and devoted to this by calling upon Lady Nada to help you initiate your Solar-Plexus Chakra and let it fill you with the Rose confidence of strength and communion.  Now, call upon Hilarion to initiate your Inner-Eye Vortex, with you, to know that His Indigo Light of Healing is spiraling outward from Within to heal you and fill your aura, to make you whole and cured forever more, then release it all eternally flowing unto this Earth and unto these blind people…  O pray, great ONE, I beg you now—PRAY THAT THEY SEE AND HEAR AS WELL!!!  Allow the Green Ray to act as an outer brim of that Indigo to reach the entities (especially you) with the Beauty of a Gentle Love.  Use the Yellow Light of Education, rushing in through the Crown Chakra and out through your eyes.  See this all as an Architectual act of manifesting all at once, the will of Creation/Creatrice, and so it would also be seen with the Light-Blue glasses of Purity…  All of this being the way and ONE LIGHTED PATH of the Red Road of Truth.  Breathe deeply, my Brothers and Sisters, and relax.  Your Will is manifested with a quickness and the happier you are the greater the results!  Remember that Violet Flame and demand Peace for this world now.  Victory is achieved.  Believe it.  Please, my beloved selves, believe IT ALL.  Game over.