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Channelled Material and Sources: A Challenge and A Warning


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This past week I received a bounty of e-mails forwarded to me supposedly originating from off-world or otherwise benevolent “higher dimensional” beings, “ascended masters”, deceased children and other relations, and various historical figures, etc. All carry an implicit premise that the material was from some entity of “higher” awareness and therefore to be accepted as an authoritative source. This is the modality of the global controllers – disempowerment by reliance on external authorities, the vast majority of whom are either ignorant of their own subject matter or are spinning disinformation in service of the-powers-that-be.

There is widespread agreement that 2008 and 2009 will be very difficult for very large numbers of people given the severity of changes forecast for both the human and natural worlds. There is also widespread agreement that there will be major shifts in consciousness occurring to an unknowable extent. There is also widespread agreement that being in a state of love and true joy is both desirable and essential to people’s ability to weather these changes and evolve in many surprising ways. So far, so good.

As to the rosy outlook of new life, new society, new everything, these things are not going to happen in the short time period of one or two or three years. If the rosy outlook pertains to those headed for Earth-2 in a higher vibrational state, then be clear. If so, then what of the remainder of the human population on Earth-1, the one most familiar to humanity?

Now for the “messy” part:

To all channellers and mediums: Please address the problems of the heavy dark force patterning of thoughts and energy by the dominant control matrix. Address human social behavior that is heavily conditioned to favor self-centered life, consumerism, wealth-based privilege, and of course economic exploitation. Do not just gloss over this with a magic wand. These effects are comparable to the chemical, biological, and electro-magnetic poisoning of every niche of our planetary environment. Please address the problems attendant of a toxic physical environment; address the inability of people to think clearly and critically for themselves; address the effects of a lack of clear connection to higher consciousness that is prevalent among the vast majority of humanity; address the problems of the influence and interference upon countless generations of humanity from varied agendas; and address the nature of the evolutionary shift to the new human species that will inherit this earth.

If you fail to do this, your “high level” sources and optimistic prognostications are trivial platitudes that are as much an opiate on human consciousness as are the dominant religions and mainstream media. Furthermore, state specifically the primary and fundamental agenda of your sources.

Lastly, learn to think and speak for yourself! Why must you always refer to some external authority that no one can verify?

While I am roughly in agreement with many of the projected changes described in many of these channeled speculations and forecasts, I cannot accept that these reports are the result of clean and clear communion with purportedly high levels of consciousness.

These reports are always influenced by the knowledge and language base of the medium, and of course by their own state of mind and fears and beliefs. For example, there is a large body of channelled material following the September 11 events of 2001, rarely, if ever, did the utterances of many well-known channellers expose or point to the terrible truth of the nefarious agendas behind this, rather they reinforced the absurd lies that were being fed to a gullible and shocked public. It was not until it was common knowledge among a significant minority of people who could think for themselves that their tune changed somewhat. I will also add here that such treachery also applies to a good number of well-known, so-called social-spiritual progressive visionaries, most of whom meekly echoed the main lies of the powers-that-be.

-ASK in MT