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Open Letter To The Reptilian Humanoid Minions Of Satan

Anton Miller

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Oh ye generations of vipers, you Zionist, Khazarian, Serpent creatures who think ye are above God, who, in the drunkeness of your foolish thirst for power, thought you could smite God by smiting me, or by

attempting to smite my brother, Esu Immanuel.  You think you can continue to smite God, in your anger and thirst for revenge, yet to this very hour, by smiting the minds of His Lighted Souls, and in the

continued raping, pillaging, and plundering of Mother Earth and Her people, as you ones of the Serpentile race continue your demise in the ways of your blood lust!  How grave is your error!  You did not smite me.  I am here now.  I am one among many Warriors of the Light, that you thought you could smite, who are here now to see to it that you minions of Satan stand down, stand aside, or disappear. We give full support to the Captain of this Ship, Esu Immanuel Sananda, who will see to it that your just rewards will be completed in swiftness with a precision unknown to you. How grave is your error!  You did not smite him either.

Do you think the witnesses of Creator upon this place do not smell the blood of the innocent upon your very breath?  Do you think the witnesses of Creator God Aton upon this place do not smell thestench of evil that pours forth from your humanoid skin?  Do you think we are not astute enough to witness your very demise as it occurs before our eyes?  You vipers are falling apart on camera now.  Your other pupils are showing. The scales of your other skin are showing more and more in public.  Soon, your clones will not even last one day in the vibration of the Light being generated on and around this planet.  Soon, you will not be able to maintain your humanoid skin. What you fear the most is upon you now, the full exposure of your living records that show the actions of the abominations and desecrations your evil has conducted upon the Sacred Creation in its entirety!  In your insanity,  you believe you have the power to obtain a get out of jail free card?  I think not!  How grave is your error ye generations of the viper!  I am here to assist with your baptism, with your reckoning and the accounting of the due process to be served upon you by Cosmic Law, Inter-Galactic Law, and Creator based Earth human law.  So Be It!  It Is Done!

In Love and Light,

Anton Miller