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There is a Theme Of Love In Everything You Experience

Dieter Braun (Indian in the Machine)

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If ever would be the time to fulfill your soul contract, that time would be Now.

The final battle is upon us, the Light wins....therefore the final push is Now!

The final push....take your life's path into unchartered territories by virtue of your memory.

Look around you, never before has the world been so bleak....and yet you Love the world and there is no mistake, that your love is real.

Look around you, the spirits in the sky can be seen on a regular basis....their Love is for you.

Look around you, never before has the world been so reincarnated on this planet, to smell the smell with them in Love

Look into the mirror and ask a question, "would you really rather die at the bloody hands of your government and self, then be a hero or heroine to the one looking back at you?

There is a theme of love in everything you experience.


Dieter Braun

Ionic footbaths, Manitou sky and water tours, Indian in the machine music, North American Little Manitou Lake Pilgrimage 2008