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Shining the Light on Joy

Jesayah LaBeam

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Appreciation  =  Joy

Love  =  Joy

Humanity has an innate urge to follow the \"pursuit of happiness\".  We in the wealthy countries (those in the third world are sadly pursuing the trail that leads to a little food and shelter,  hopefully for only a short time longer) spend much time and energy looking for something to gratify this need to be Happy.  Very often its looking for something outside of ourselves such as more and more stuff like the latest gadget, newest car, biggest house etc. that boosts our ego, or believing that we cannot be happy without a mate/partner or whatever, not realizing that true happiness comes from Within Ourselves. Learning to Live in Joy no matter what is going on outside of ourselves is the key to true and lasting Happiness.

The Feeling of Joy is the Frequency that our Divine Higher-Self emanates.  Laughter is the language of Divine Soul/God-Self. Interestingly, Laughter is a healthy exercise mentally, emotionally, and physically. So Laugh Often!   Within this field of Free-will that we as Humans reside in, we have the choice to make a conscious decision as to what frequency we experience/live in. 

The Frequency of Joy as the continuous state of Beingness throughout Eternity, is the true reality of God-Creation/All that Is, and of full consciousness.  Since there are many signs indicating that we are indeed transcending into full consciouness, that we, as Sheldan Nidle says in his channelled writings of the Galactic Federation (as do many others), are moving from a Planetary Being to a Galactic Being, let\'s then learn to be continuously in Joy.  Now.  So how do you get into the Feeling of Joy and how do you sustain this wonderful feeling?

Good Thoughts = Joy

Everything in our reality is created by us, whether or not we are consciously aware of it.  It begins (like all we create) with our Thoughts and Feelings.  The first step is to look at and SEE what your habitual thought patterns are. Are they generally of a negative state where nothing is ever quite right, where complaining at least several times a day to yourself or anyone around who will listen, or are you constantly wishing things would be better?  This is a Thought pattern that keeps you in a low vibration and consequently produces Feelings of a lower frequency of varying degrees,  such as frustration, self-pity, anger, powerlessness and victimhood which of course, is the opposite to creating Feelings of Joy.

Once you See and become aware of your negative thinking you are in a position to change it, one thought and one word at a time. Simply replace each negative thought or word with the opposite self-empowering and uplifting thought or word.  As an example you may wish things would be better, but what is better?  Better has to be defined in a clear and concise thought IMAGE of exactly what better would look like to you. Create this Image of Better with as much detail as you can, Seeing and Feeling yourself  Within this Picture,  and then choose thoughts and words to describe it.  Describe it in a clear and simple way and in a way that is self-empowering. 

Each time you catch yourself falling into the old negative thought pattern, immediately replace those thoughts with the new simple and clear thoughts and words that you have chosen,  along with Seeing and Feeling yourself Inside the new Image.  Thus you Think and Say and See in your mind\'s eye your Better life.  This creates Joyful Feelings which brings you into the Vibrations of that Better life, and that of course draws it to you.  It takes effort to change thought patterns, but with consistant endeavor it can be done, with the result of unwanted Feelings turning into Feelings of anticipation for the Better, which in turn results in Joyful Feelings.  Joyful feelings manifests Joy.

Appreciation = Joy

Thank you.    Thank you.    Thank you.    These words should pass your lips many times a day, not necessarily to another person, but at least to your Angels and Higher-Self (that is Yourself).   In other words be aware throughout your day of all the little things that flow for you, that bring you delight, that uplift you.  Thinking "Thank you" automatically uplifts you and places you in a receptive state which then allows the Universe to Give to you.  Dr.Masaru Emoto in his wonderful book \"Messages From Water\" proves/shows what happens with the frequency of water when the energy instilled in that water is of Love and Gratitude or the opposite of hate and anger.  His discoveries are truly amazing.   

When you express Gratitude you open your Heart which creates the Feeling of Joy.  It helps to get into the habit of noticing and acknowledging all the lovely things in your daily life that can give you the Feeling of Appreciation. Without acquiring this habit many moments of Joy are missed, keeping you in a mundane third-dimensional-only focused state.

Some examples of lovely things to Notice and Appreciate in your daily life may be:

                                       - the fresh air that hits your face when you first step out the front door

                                       - the delicious aroma and taste of your first cup of coffee or tea                                                            

                                       - the beautiful flowers in yours or your neighbour\'s yard  --- smell the roses!                                                                          

                                       - look up and see and appreciate the beauty of the sky                                                                                                  

                                       - notice the exquisite foliage of the trees as you pass by                                                                                                  

                                       - how nice it feels to pet a sweet animal                                                                                                                                

                                       - the great feeling of Being Alive when you have a good conversation with a friend                                  

                                       - an awsome sunset/sunrise, the magic of the moon                                                                            

                                       - stop and absorb the beauty of a rainbow, such a special gift from God/Spirit                                      

Also Tuning In to your Beloved Inner Family (Higher-Self, Angels, Guides, Ascended Masters & Extraterestrial Brethren of Love & Light) on a daily basis and asking for their assistance in discovering and holding the Feeling of Joy through out your day, is a great way to create the Thought Pattern/Mind Set of Living in Joy.  

Love = Joy

Living a Loving Life is Living a Joy-filled Life.  In every moment of our life we have a choice to make, a choice to respond to our environment in a Loving way or an unloving way. Many times we don\'t think of it as a choice, we simply respond in a knee-jerk emotional reaction way which often results in blaming everyone or thing around us,  rather than taking the responsibility to choose how best to respond. 

Choosing to respond in a Loving way means with Detachment, Allowing others to Be themselves, to Be who they are without criticism or judgement. It also means at times, to overlook things that may be hurtful, things that were really not meant to be hurtful.   We all make mistakes in hurting others feelings but not meaning to, and sometimes we are the ones to be the recipient of unintentional hurtful mistakes. Letting go, forgiving and forgetting is the Loving Way.  Realizinging that we may not understand another\'s actions or words, we can still send a Spiritual Loving thought and Energy to that individual. Forgiveness and Compassion are essential to living a Loving life, a Joyful Life.                                                                                                                                                   

An unloving life is filled with thoughts of blame, unforgiveness, self-rightousness, resentment and lack of understanding that others (besides oneself) also have the right to Be themselves without the negative thoughts and energy sent their way in the form of criticism and judgment.

We have the Power to choose which way we respond to the life experiences we have created for ourselves, to choose Joy is the way of Enlightenment.

Next article will be Shining the Light on Compassion