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Shining More Light on Fear

Jesalyah LaBeam

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In that last article I said:

"This is utilizing the Universal Law of Attraction, which requires maintaining a vigilant attention to choosing to attract that which we desire by keeping our thoughts and (very important) our Feelings in tune with, that is in the same vibration as, that which we would like to draw into our life. Until we make the effort to do this, most often our thoughts and feelings are more in tune with (dwelling on) our problems thus keeping us in the same vibration of that which we are wanting to be free of. This empowerment applies not only to choosing our life path, but also to healing disease, improving finances, finding a loving life partner, and creating the most wonderful environment we can imagine, both personally and globally. This is co-creating with Divine Spirit/God/Goddess/All That is."

With this in mind here is the example:

When travelling, this little exercise is powerful in helping you to arrive to your destination safe and sound, and it also eliminates fearful thoughts that might pop into your head as you journey.   It is effective whether travelling by auto, plane, train or ship. Since most people travel daily in their car I will use a car journey to illustrate.  But first, it is always recommended when travelling to ask your Angels, Guides, Higher-Self, etc. to be with you and protect you.  Of course doing whatever we can to assist them, such as an exercise like this helps put more power into our own hands.   

Once you are seated, buckled in and ready to start your vehicle, stop for a moment, close your eyes and in your mind\'s eye see you arriving; driving into the driveway of your destination happy, comfortable and safe. Its okay if you have never been to this destination, still see yourself driving into a driveway, any driveway.  Do not start your car until you have clearly seen this image in your mind. Then add to this image the Feeling of actually being there.  With your eyes still closed, Feel and See yourself sitting there in your car, you have just pulled into the driveway of your destination and you feel alive and happy to be there, safe and sound. To experience this image and feeling usually takes only minutes to do.  Now you can start your car and enjoy your trip, although there is a little more to this. And that is often when travelling, little thoughts of fear such as the other car might crash into you, or you might lose control and go over a cliff, or whatever other little horror trick your mind plays on you, simply and immediately, see and feel yourself sitting safely in your car at your destination.  No matter how many times you do this (the more the better) during your trip it definitely works in keeping you in control and free of any fear entering your beingness.

What actually happens when you do this little mental exercise, is YOU placing your INTENT in the universal substance, your intent of arriving safely. Each time you do this as you travel you reinforce to the universe that you are indeed in command, that no outside influence (such as a car crashing into you) can enter your energetic field. You have closed off all openings to any outside negative influences by using your mental and emotional powers,  thus you experience exactly what you intended.  It really is a great thing to do, to eliminate fear of travelling because it keeps you in an emotional balance.  I know a young woman who as a teenager had been in a bad car accident, and as a result was very fearful of riding in a car.  I recommended she use this little exercise, she now goes anywhere and everywhere with no fear at all, because she feels and knows she is always in control.

Now the trick is to apply this same mental/emotional exercise to any other area of your life where you feel fearful and powerless.  However most of the larger more difficult fears in life such as healing the body, financial problems, or finding the right mate are tied into karmic conditions which create a strong emotional attachment to that condition. The result of this deep fearful attachment is a victim consciouness which may require many methods of healing over time in order to finally reach the desired destination of wholeness (one of which could be learning to detach).   While you are on the karma-freeing journey its good to remember to consult daily with your Inner Spiritual Family and practice using the Universal Law of Attraction, by always keeping your thoughts and feelings on what it is you want in your life.  If your mind wanders off  into the bad lands of pain and victimhood, immediately correct those thoughts and feelings by replacing them with thoughts and feelings of the Goodness that you want and deserve.  You have the power to do this.   It's simply up to you to put in the effort. 

To draw to us the experience we desire, we must first BE in the Frequency (that is the same vibration) of that desired state.  It's a law in physics.  That is why it's called the Law of Attraction. Once you are in the frequency of your desire you automatically draw or manifest that experience.   This is why it is so important to keep our thoughts and feelings free from that which we want to be finished with, and focused on that which we want to attract/desire.

Next article will be Shining the Light on Joy.