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Lightworker Alert for April 24, 2008

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From: Light Workers
To: Lightworker Update
Sent: Thursday, April 24, 2008 9:16 PM
Subject: Lightworker Alert for April 24
Hello Dear Lightworkers:
My Higher Self has informed me that the next few days we are to be on high alert as powerful forces are at work to bring forth the announcement we have been awaiting!
My Higher Self I-Ching reading for yesterday indicated blockages dissolved.  It was as though a dam had burst open! Perhaps you felt the release!
My Higher Self I-Ching reading for today reveals The Army,  Justice in Action!
We are asked to intensify our visualizations over the next few days to insure that the revelations to come will be greeted with Loving Forgiveness rather than fear based emotions.
If you need to refresh yourself on the details of our visualization, go to the Lightworker Page:
Basically, we are asked to continually visualize The Golden Light of Pure Unconditional Love flowing from our Higher Self through us to the center of the Earth , embracing Gaia and Mass Consciousness Humanity in a Golden Hug and seeing the Earth radiant in Golden Light.
Yes, I know that the Higher Self is beyond time and space as we experience it.  However, the intensity of these readings combined with world events indicates we are indeed very close to our goal.
Heaven blesses you, dear Lightworkers, for your dedication to the Light.  
We Are All One. I Love You,
Wisdom Paradise
Teacher of Truth
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
The Heavenly Light Emporium
Enlightenment and Financial Freedom for All
 We are All One. Love One Another!